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To: Eagle Eye
I don't appreciate you morally pontificating about what others do on Christmas. Yeesh, who the hell are you anyway, trying to speak for God.
128 posted on 12/22/2002 12:35:16 PM PST by Conservative til I die
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To: Conservative til I die
I don't appreciate you morally pontificating about what others do on Christmas.

I don't care what you do in your celebration of idolatrous vanities, but I won't let you dodge the issue with ad hominems or invalid arguments in propositional and/or categorical logic...

See # 130, where Hobbes talks about "phantastical inhabitants of the brain," we can look at pathos in the same way. Similarly, the characters in drama or fiction are phantasms.

Pathos is very much along the same lines of the despair Søren Kierkegaard describes all throughout The Sickness Unto Death, and the following excerpt is related to Hobbes’ previously mentioned description of fantasy or ‘image of the fantastical’:

>The fantastic is, of course, most closely related to the imagination [Phantasien], but the imagination is related in it’s turn to feeling, understanding, and will, so that a person’s feelings, understanding and will may be fantastic. Fantasy is, in general the medium of infinitization…

The fantastic is generally speaking what carries a person into the infinite in such a way that it only leads him away from himself and thus prevents him from coming back to himself.

I am an atheist. I see the pagan observation of Plato and his Cave Allegory at work here. I have also read the pagan works of Aristotle and their scholarly interpretations - - Ethereal Explorations. Care to challenge my knowledge, sir?

135 posted on 12/22/2002 5:43:37 PM PST by Sir Francis Dashwood
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To: Conservative til I die
I don't appreciate you morally pontificating about what others do on Christmas.

I am sure you don't. Those in love with tradition find it hard to replace it with Truth.

Yeesh, who the hell are you anyway, trying to speak for God.

I am an ambassador for Christ. I am sent into the world with a message. Most of the time I am sent with a message to those who profess a Christian faith. Frequently so-called believers do not listen, preferring their own ways. I am doing no more and no less than any Christian believer should do.

144 posted on 12/22/2002 8:53:30 PM PST by Eagle Eye
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