Globalists are Satanists masquerading as normal people. They want to kill people in large numbers per Agenda 21. The "media" is their lying member to deceive the seducible-sheeple into running to embrace their own death.
See Avoiding-Sulla's post here ~~ *27 ~~ THE AXIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVIL
"The agenda of these Malthusian misanthropic megalomaniacs could not be more clear." ....AVBefore adopting any ideas such as "It couldn't happen [to me] [here] etc.," ask a Jew. They are the canaries in the mine on subject of "Final Solution." Any government forcing people to have a shot could put anything in that shot.
Here are a few links on the subject:"In his well known report WHO MURDERED AFRICA, Dr. William Campbell Douglass, M.D., wrote that HIV was finally produced (genetically engineered) in 1974, after having been PREDICTED and REQUESTED! He tells us that the AIDS virus by the W.H.O. (World Health Organization), was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa. African AIDS was the result of the smallpox eradication vaccine program conducted by the World Health Organization during the 1970s. It was not an accident. It was deliberate! It is more than hypothetical hyperbole to conclude that our government has conducted biowarfare on Black Africa. It is fact."From this site, for further background.22 posted on 11/16/01 2:54 PM Pacific by Le-Roy
Sustainable development explained: Joan Veon explains evolution of U.N. global control push
'Overpopulation' Turns Out to Be Overhyped
Beyond Birth Control: Dr. Stanley K. Monteith ~The Population Control Agenda
The Georgia Guidestones: New Age Reason, or Age Old Treason?
Tetrahedron: U.N._World_Food_and_Population.html
POPULATION CONTROL, THE FINAL SOLUTION (2 of 3) ~ See post #8 by Romulus re Julian Simon
Global Governance: Excessive Population
Peter Singer and Eugenics
The Re-education of America
Population Control and Eugenics: the Dark Underworld of Modernity
Are you being targeted for Euthanasia?
These are their babies, their darlings!
Jesus said, If Satan is divided against himself, then his kingdom cannot stand.
If the Left and the UN are killing off their OWN, how long can they last? If it were Christian whites, or Israelis, who were being killed, then I could see it...those are the Enemies of the US govt and UN. But why are they killing their own?
Isn't it more likely that AIDS just cropped up by accident?
I have to go into town for awhile, but as soon as I get back I will be looking at your links. This is the stuff I want to find out about; thanks!!!