I know gay people who are still struggling with it. Gays tend to hate bi-sexuals because it shows that there is some choice. Rock Hudson for instance was a big womanizer as a youth, only to have a gay experience later in life that he really liked. There are thousands of strange fetishes that can only be learned and positively reenforced through practiced. Many gay people have been raped or had sexual encounters at a very young age. Young Men can get horny very easily and have sex with anything. This lable of gay is a powerful recruitment tool. There are genetic influences, but there are also stronger influences on behavior from the environment and personal choice. To say that gay behavior is completely genetic flies in the face of all reason.
I disagree. No genetic link has ever been shown in a repeatable study. All the studies that did hint at a genetic link (to the best of my knowledge) have been disproved.
In any event, even if there was a link it would make the disease of homosexuality the same as the disease of alcoholism. We don't ask alcoholics to celebrate their disease by going out and drinking.