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Prayer Request for Coast Guard Rescue that is Underway in Oregon
Posted on 12/12/2002 6:43:31 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
Pray Request
This same boat, 52' Motor Lifeboat Intrepid, is right now towing a 52' sailboat back to Charleston OR.
On board are 3 of my Coast Guard Brothers and 1 Sister.
They are battling 30-40 foot waves and nearing the harbor entrance.
They have been underway since 10 AM PST and went about 15 miles out
to rescue the sailboat and the 2 people onboard.
Due to extreme bar conditions
They will have to stay outside of the bar and attempt a crossing in the morning.
The 2 47' boats will be at the bar entrance when they finally cross.
I personally know all involved (except the man and woman on the sailboat).
This is how some of my Brothers and Sisters that I work with every Thursday
are spending part of this holiday season, saving others lives.
The former CO of the base is the SAR (Search and Rescue) co-ordinator at the
13th CG District headquarters in Seattle.
Please say a prayer for the safety of all involved.
Thank You

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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Roger that.
posted on
12/12/2002 6:45:45 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
prayer bump!
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
You got it, brother!
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Prayers are going out for those in peril on the angry sea.
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
You got it. It's got to be dangerous out there with those kinds of seas and a 52 ft. sailboat in tow.
posted on
12/12/2002 6:49:13 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
It's going to be a long night for them, that's for sure.
I was on Resolute when it was in Astoria. I got to see that 52 a few times. Magnificent boat. There was another one... um... Victory wasn't it? Do you know if they are both still in service?
-- Former QM2 sends
posted on
12/12/2002 6:49:43 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Hats off to those brave folks.The Oregon Coast gets rough,and I know these rescues are no lightweight stuff.When you talk to them,send them our support.
posted on
12/12/2002 6:51:10 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
I grew up in Warrenton, OR so I knew many coast guardsmen, their families, and people that had been rescued by them. My old roommate was rescued off of a sinking shrimp boat with two broken legs and a broken arm by the USCG. In the Army, National Guard, and Air National guard I have trained to do a job for my country. Every single day the men and women of the USCG ARE DOING a dangerous job for their country and communities. My prayers are with them.
posted on
12/12/2002 6:51:16 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
prayers of comfort and safety sent.
God bless these heroes.
To: Inspectorette
Prayers are going out for those in peril on the angry sea. Angry is right. It's a particularly crummy night to be on the WA/OR coast. Gale warnings up. Heavy surf advisory.
Those old 52's have been around for a long time, but they are some of most seaworthy boats ever made. If they can't do it, it can't be done.
posted on
12/12/2002 6:53:12 PM PST
To: Ramius
More to the point: The seas out there right now are a heck of a lot bigger than the wave in that picture above.
posted on
12/12/2002 6:55:37 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
I've been across that bar in calm weather and it was rough. They have my prayers. They are the best and they'll make it look easy. The guys that work the Columbia River area are the best the Coast Guard has.
To: Ramius
52' Motor Lifeboat Intrepid
Generally regarded by their crews as the "Cadillac" of the motor lifeboats, these boats answer the call when heavy weather conditions are too severe for any other rescue boat. Built in 1960 to replace wooden-hulled ships that carried the same names since the 1930's, these steel-hulled 52-foot motor lifeboats can withstand 100-mile per hour winds and sea swells up to 35 feet. These are the only Coast Guard vessels under 65 feet that have names. Only four 52-footers are in service, all in the Pacific Northwest. They are built to withstand the most severe conditions at sea and are capable of effecting a rescue at sea even under the most difficult circumstances. They are self-bailing, self-righting, almost unsinkable, and have a long cruising radius.
Missions: Search and rescue, maritime law enforcement, marine environmental protection, and recreational boating safety.
To: bigfootbob
The guys that work the Columbia River area are the best the Coast Guard has. No kidding there... I've joked before that the most rightfully arrogant folks in the world are a.) Naval aviators b.) Navy seals and c.) Coxswains at CG Station Cape Disappointment. Not necessarily in that order. :-)
posted on
12/12/2002 6:59:59 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
I have prayed that your friends come home safe and sound. Thanks for all you do Tonkin.!
posted on
12/12/2002 7:01:04 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
I stand with everybody on this thread that God bring your CG family and the people they rescued all safely home.
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
30-40 ft waves? My prayers are sent! 3-5 foot waves made me sick as a dog...
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
Sending my prayers for the safety of your Coast Guard Brothers and Sister, Tonk, and for all involved in their rescue.
posted on
12/12/2002 7:04:13 PM PST
To: 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub
God bless the US Coast Guard and especially the lifeboat crews.
Coos Head can be nasty in a storm. Been there, seen that.
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