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Timeline of my involvement - Red Bluff Cop killing
Self | 11/26/02 | Neil E. Wright

Posted on 11/26/2002 12:38:40 PM PST by Neil E. Wright

What follows is a timeline of events of my involvement in the Red Bluff, CA police officer slaying.

The original story was posted on Free Republic HERE.

My first update to the story and request for assistance was posted HERE.

BTW .... my thanks to everyone who copied the RBPD composit and posted it in stores and gas stations. Please go back now and take them down.

On Friday evening, I received the following email (I have redacted the domains of the receipents as there is NO evidence to suggest any involvement by them in this crime):

Return-Path: < >
        Received: (qmail 20637 invoked from network); 23 Nov 2002 00:35:41
        Received:  from unknown (HELO
                 ([]) (envelope-sender
                 < >) by
                 (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP for ; 23
                 Nov 2002 00:35:41 -0000
      Message-ID:  < >
        Received:  from [] by via HTTP;
                 Fri, 22 Nov 2002 16:35:39 PST
            Date:  Fri, 22 Nov 2002 16:35:39 -0800 (PST)
            From:  mitch stevens < >
                 Motives behind violent political action in Red Bluff, CA.
                 sage@(redacted).org, Law@(redacted).com,
                 advertizing@(redacted).com, reachus@(redacted).com,
                 webmin@(redacted).net, hpnfdn@(redacted).org,
                 correspondence@(redacted).org, justin.podur@(redacted).ca,
                 Rmartinez@(redacted).org, publish@(redacted)).com, tcrp@(redacted).org,
   MIME-Version: 1.0
           Status: RO
     Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
  X-Mozilla-Status:  9003
 X-Mozilla-Status2:  00000000

Read the attached document to learn why we took violent political action. 

The following document was included in the email as an attachment (BTW, I'll buy a beer for the person who can spot the MOST PC buzzwords and phrases in this skreed):

We apologize to the family and friends of the Police Officer that we killed in Red Bluff, California.

The Declaration of a Renewed American Independence

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Whether yes or no, the question itself becomes meaningless when the 'chains and slavery' we use to protect our lives begin to kill and brutalize us. Throughout the course of human history, governments have established unjust laws, pressing them upon its citizens with the force of a brutal police system. These police systems, in turn, quickly come to abuse their position of authority over the people. Such has been the patient suffering of the present day American. The Intelligent Independence of all American Individuals, although necessary for strong and free-minded communities, is rapidly being encroached upon and destroyed by the foot soldiers of our Law Enforcement Agencies.

There is a 'War on Crime' being fought in our country today, and while a portion of this war is fought to protect us, in many forms, including the 'War on Drugs,' it is also used as an excuse to unbearably disrupt the lives of inoffensive Americans. By attacking individuals and activities we hold dear, this 'War on Crime' has, in effect, been declared on all of us. We therefore must hold the Police as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends. We are eager to end the destructive aspects of this War and resume friendship with those Police who simply desire to protect their fellow citizens. But both police brutality and unjust laws exist, and we are not content to simply obey them. Honor, justice, and humanity forbid us from tamely surrendering that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, which our innocent children have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of delivering future generations to that wretchedness which would inevitably await them, if they were to inherit from us a National Police State.

We, the Freedom-Loving People of America, hereby solemnly publish and declare- -That any adult consensual act, whether declared illegal by legislature or not, is, in the truth of human existence, not a crime, but a Non-Crime. -That people in America 'guilty' of Non-Crimes are, and by right ought to be, Independent Individuals working together in community, Free From Interference by any Law Enforcement Agency. -That they are absolved from allegiance to any harmful laws. -That as Independent Individuals they have the right to be free from racial profiling, to physically defend themselves from unjust arrest, to do drugs, to have any type of adult consensual sex, and to do all other acts and things that free people may by right do.

We further demand that our Police Force cease both brutalizing us and in any way abusing their authority over us. To prove the existence of this police oppression, let facts be submitted to a candid world-

The Law Enforcement Agencies of America: the FBI, DEA, BATF, INS, US Marshals Service, the Secret Service, along with state and local agencies, have defiled our liberties in the following ways-

They have killed over 2,000 people nationwide, without just cause, within the last year. They have attempted to cover up the circumstances of these murders, painting their victims poorly in the media in ways that have nothing to do with the circumstances of their deaths. They have used their desire for excitement to escalate situations that could have been resolved peacefully. They have operated raids in the place of investigations, prioritizing military tactics over social skills, in cases where force was not necessary. They have justified searches off anonymous tips, used 'secret evidence' in court, and detained people without charge. They have used scare tactics to gain compliance, hovering the threat of violence over us. They have allowed 'resisting arrest' charges to turn unlawful arrests into 'lawful' ones. They have arrested people without reading them their rights. They have interrogated suspects while denying them the right to a lawyer present.

They have attacked our spiritual and physical liberties by waging a War against Drugs that are so widely used and enjoyed that this enforcement becomes an insult to both American intelligence and freedom itself. They have extended the War on Drugs to justify all areas of police abuse of power, using it intensively as a harassment and punishment tool for racist purposes.

They have treated people of color as criminals by default, enforcing a violent systematic racism against them. They have behaved as soldiers in an occupied territory, never developing an understanding of the actual social problems and needs of the communities they police. They have enhanced violent crimes between citizens by inciting nearly every major U.S. riot since 1964 with police oppression. They have harassed immigrants of color, and U.S. citizens of color for the possibility that they might not be citizens, even going so far as to gather them all together, write numbers on their arms for organization, and herd them into cattle trucks until their identities have been proven. They have forced illegal aliens into cheap labor by using selective enforcement of immigration laws to control factory workers who demand equal rights. They have established checkpoints within our borders to determine driver's nationalities, using the Trojan horse of 'Order' to set the firm foundations of a racist police state.

They have assisted in the encroachment upon our privacy by probing our identities, activities, and belongings without cause. They have enforced an errant 'lowered expectation of privacy' in our vehicles pulling us over for whimsical reasons and intimidating us into searches. They have concocted transgressions and arrested us when we refuse their assaults on our privacy. They have placed video cameras on our street corners and highways to catalog victimless Non-Crimes, and extort money from inoffensive citizens.

They have hypocritically demanded that we not be armed during our interactions with them, for 'officer safety.' They have enforced gun registration laws, establishing a fundamental step on the way to complete gun confiscation. They have confiscated guns and knives for trivial reasons, severely damaging the American right to revolution, forcing us into channels of change that the authorities themselves control.

They have subverted our personal human interactions by requiring government permission for public gatherings. They have wrenched our public property away from us by closing parks at night, preventing loitering, and harassing skateboarders. They have waged a war on poverty- -outlawing panhandling, public sleeping, and hitchhiking. -allowing our justice system to be controlled by wealth, imprisoning small criminals, but allowing great criminals to go free.

They have harassed our children and stolen away the freedom of their youth by enforcing local curfews and underage drinking laws. They have contributed to an unhealthy social sexuality, declaring the human body 'indecent' by enforcing public 'indecency' laws. They have been the hand of censorship against 'obscenity.'

They have kept us from using fast, though safe, speeds that we know we can handle, becoming the willing tools in using us as a source of revenue. They have sped faster than we do to stop us from speeding.

They have undermined adult consent by waging a war on prostitution. They have wreaked havoc on prostitute's lives by surrounding their profession with danger and criminality.

And throughout all this, they have avoided citizen accountability by- -refusing to give their names and badge numbers. -interfering with documentation of their activities. -seizing private property to fund their departments, under the pretext of the 'War on Drugs.'

The enumeration in this declaration of certain grievances shall not be construed to deny other grievances retained by the people.

In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress of grievances both in our courts and on our streets. Our repeated petitions have been answered by repeated injury and the foot soldiers of our oppressions have been protected by mock trials. "If you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable." -John F. Kennedy

We now restate our grievances with the force of violence behind them. We fully expect the authorities to denounce our use of violence and declare us 'terrorists,' citing their definition of 'people who use violence to further their own political objective.' But we hold to light the facts- -that these same authorities use violence to further their own political objectives, both domestically with police, and internationally with war. -that the objectives of these authorities are authoritarian and driven by greed for money, whereas our objectives are community-oriented and driven by a passion for human freedoms. -that the self-sanctioned violence of these authorities always produces innocent casualties, whereas our violence has not.

Our violence has delivered neither burned babies nor shattered adolescents. These authorities will, but we will not, club the opposition for nonviolently protesting against us.

We recognize that a policing force is necessary for the safety and happiness of human life. We don't dare say that all police desire to be destructive of our Freedoms. We recognize the Peace Officer. The Peace Officer protects us from thoughtless violence and from organized corruption. The Peace Officer is dedicated to serving and protecting us. They genuinely care for our well being. They will bend the rules for us when they see the situation where a bureaucratic system will do us more harm than good. We respect the Peace Officer and beg them for patience with our action of violence. But any law enforcement system where, as in ours, the enforcers are encouraged not to use their own political judgment, is the basis for Fascism, Nazism, and any form of a Police State Government. Through police department politics, even our peace officers are pressured to support their less honorable colleagues through silence and active participation. The old excuse, "I'm just doing my job," is not good enough to avoid the responsibility of our grievances.

Law Enforcement Officers, we encourage you to think less of the ways that you are tied to your supporting career and more of the better world that your family will inherit if you help us to create it. Think of what our friendship could be worth to you.

If we all truly desire to eradicate the victimization that is caused by crime, we must only police unsolicited violence, coercion and corruption. To eliminate these things, while violence will sometimes be necessary, it is a more worthy and efficient tactic to focus on prevention. We must focus on providing quality education, good jobs, housing and health care. For this to happen all of our police officers must become Peace Officers.

The past can be forgiven. What is important is the future. The only way this country will get better is if we all work together. Help us, Law Enforcement Officers. Please. Help us take back our freedoms. We can't do it without you.

We further encourage all of our neighbors and citizens- We must all support one another's rights. The Homosexuals must support the Christian Creationists. The Gun Rights Advocates must support the Nonviolent Protesters. The Skateboarders must support the Prostitutes. And vice versa. And vice versa. We must all support each other's individual beliefs and rights or we will never again have rights as individuals.

Don't Tread on Us.


The American People

Upon receipt of this email, I did a search on FR and found the original article. Upon learning that a Police Officer had in fact been murdered in Red Bluff, CA, I called information and got the phone number for the Red Bluff PD. I called RBPD and talked to an investigator, and advised him of the email. He asked me to forward it to him, and to print out a copy to be faxed. I have him the phone number for the Mohave County Sheriff's Department substation, so he could call them and have deputies pick up the printout to fax to him.

About 20 minutes after I talked to the RBPD Command Center investigator, deputies arrived to pick up the printout.

On Saturday afternoon, while talking to Jim, we did an ARIN whois on the originating IP address of the email, and determined it's point of origin as being a CyberCafe in Seattle, WA. I called the Command Center again with this additional information.

Within hours of receipt of this information, the FBI went to the CyberCafe Saturday evening and copied off EVERY HardDisk from EVERY computer in the place for analysis.

On Sunday, I spent the day checking out the domains of the other receipients of the email. I did a WHOIS at Network Solution, and visited the domain website. Analysis of this information revealed the following:
2 of the receipents domain addresses were website design and hosting companies.
1 domain belongs to a trial lawyer.
1 domain is not a registered domain.
1 domain was a University in Canada.
1 domain was a site with links to other sites for web research on just about anything imaginable.
The other 7 sites that I looked at are left of center, socialist or flatout marxist sites.

I wrote up my observations, printed out the WHOIS information, and talked to the Command Center again Sunday Evening.

Monday evening, as I reported in post #73 of the Update I posted, I was called by the FBI at the Command Center, and a deputy picked up the WHOIS information and faxed it to Red Bluff.

(While the deputy was at my residence to pick up the information, he asked me what was going on, so I showed him the original email and explained what was happening. He damn near s**t his britches when he read the email.)

The FBI asked me to refrain from posting this timeline and email until after this morning's briefing. I agreed to do so. When I went to bed this morning, I had determined that I was gonna post it regardless of the FBI's wishes, if they said not to post.

When I woke up this morning, I find out that they have arrested the suspect in a motel in NH.

So, there is how I spent my weekend. The dirtbag who sent me the email obviously expected me to agree with him and get involved in his little "revolution". Well, I did get involved, although not in the way he was expecting ..... :)

I did call the command center this morning, and the investigation is continuing. The vehicle described as being associated with the suspect is still outstanding. I am waiting for more information from the investigators. When I called the Command Center, the officer answering the phone advised me that it would be a while before anyone could get back to me as they were all at the Memorial Service for Officer Mobilio. As soon as I get any more information, I will post it to this thread.

TOPICS: Announcements; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Front Page News
KEYWORDS: americanresistance; mitchstevens; murder; policeofficer; redbluff
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To: Neil E. Wright
Bravo Neil. Job well done. Thanks for posting this. My hat's off to you.
101 posted on 11/27/2002 2:46:52 AM PST by Sandy
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To: Neil E. Wright; Grampa Dave; archy
I don't think the feds will be able to erase websites fast enough... TWStough is all over the internet! Just do a websearch for TWStough and you find tons of hits... That plus many usenet sites point to other sites,

I know, the aol site is turned off, but most everything is replicated in multiple places. Just pick any article and search for it's keywords and you find another copy of it...

here is just a tiny sample...

Terry W. Stough
The American Resistance Movement

The Clampett Letter (A Spoof Which Sadly Is All Too True)

Notice To Senators And Alleged Representatives

Two Roads Diverged In The Wood (War Upon The IRS)

Esposito Atlanta Seminar Press Release (See The Transcripts!)

The Esposito Transcripts - Show Me Where I'm Liable! (Transcript of IRS Meetings)

Stake Driven In IRS Heart By Esposito Student! (Transcript of IRS Meeting)

Why Fight The Conspiracy? (War Upon The IRS)

"Stone Soup!" (Request For Help With Bullet Proof Defense)

Mr. Poverty (Simulated Conversation With Albert Esposito)

IRS Caught Red Handed Flyer (Questions They Won't Answer)

IRS Flyer (General Anti-IRS Flyer)

ARM - A Brief History of How The Conspiracy Came To Power

Questions You Always Wanted To Ask The IRS! (Thousands Sent To Congress)

Answers To Ten Pages of IRS Questions (They Have Never Challenged!)

How Dictatorships Brainwash Children (What The Feds Are Doing NOW!)
This seems like a HUGE network of conspirators...
lets just see how many people the feds are willing to 'link' now that we're talkin' white guys!
102 posted on 11/27/2002 3:18:44 AM PST by Future Useless Eater
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Comment #103 Removed by Moderator

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Comment #107 Removed by Moderator

To: Demidog
The person who killed that cop is a nutcase.

Or someone who wants it to look like it was done by a nutcase.

Note that though the/a supposed killer has now been apprehended, the possible witness sought by police has not yet come forward, though the artist's sketch of him has been in circulation for most of a week. Even if he has a couple of warrants or missed court dates pending against him, that could be dismissed in a heartbeat if he were to come forward.

But he hasn't. Whether he saw an additional individual take part in the murder, perhaps another, more local perceived threat who hasn't fled clear across the country, who scares him more than McCrae, or if he saw something else that he feels is a greater threat to his existance and safety than anything of which McCrea might have been capable, he doesn't seem to be looking for his 15 minutes of fame in the California spotlight.

That may change in the next week or so, or he may burrow more deeply for safety from that which he fears. I wonder why.

Well, no problem; now McCrae will receive the full weight of all charges for the incident and if that weight is to fall only on his shoulders, that will certainly be convenient for others who may have been responsible for the death of Officer Mobilio.


108 posted on 11/27/2002 8:00:00 AM PST by archy
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To: All
This thread deserves better than to be trashed by a flamewar. I contemplated going through and pulling all the insults, but I decided to instead just post a knock it off message here and give notice that further flaming on this thread will result in suspension of posting abilities.

Thanks, AM

109 posted on 11/27/2002 8:04:25 AM PST by Admin Moderator
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To: Neil E. Wright
Thanks for that post. The CJROSCOECURRY contingent are out of hand, as usuall.

You did great work here, BTW.


110 posted on 11/27/2002 8:12:57 AM PST by MileHi
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To: Neil E. Wright
Nicely done BUMP!
111 posted on 11/27/2002 8:15:01 AM PST by the crow
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To: Neil E. Wright
I love these nut jobs who rant about all the corrupt federale agencies....then go kill a local average joe cop who is completely unaffiliated with any of them. At least if it was say, Lon Horiuchi I could have at least grasped the logic even if I didn't agree with the action.

112 posted on 11/27/2002 8:25:59 AM PST by Free Vulcan
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Comment #113 Removed by Moderator

To: Free Vulcan
The disconnect between their rhetoric and their actions is only an image, not reality.

The reality is that they hate any and all authority, legitimate or otherwise. Some are merely "off their chump," to use a line from Monty Python; some are pure anarchists through and through, but want the goodies of living in society; and some WANT society to collapse into a kajillion pieces, because they think they'll be strong enough to wield the whip.

114 posted on 11/27/2002 8:50:54 AM PST by Poohbah
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Comment #115 Removed by Moderator

Comment #116 Removed by Moderator

To: Neil E. Wright; Grampa Dave; archy; Cultural Jihad

Your appreciation and respect for law inforcement is the majority. The minority disguise their hate speech with catch words to fool the intellect. The minority needs to find their own forum so they can fool each other, not to use a special time line thread that is important to us. I am pi$$ed that disrupters would use this killing to inhance their views.

117 posted on 11/27/2002 9:18:07 AM PST by jdontom
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To: Neil E. Wright
118 posted on 11/27/2002 9:26:57 AM PST by Roscoe
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To: Roscoe
Unfortunately, we're going get to support this a**hole for the next 15 years while the death penalty appeals process plays out.

I'd love to see his reaction when he discovers that his "I'm a corporation" defense doesn't work.
119 posted on 11/27/2002 9:30:11 AM PST by Poohbah
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To: Poohbah
A few facts are starting to emerge. I wonder if he had a posting history somewhere?

"He was arrested in Seattle on April 20, as Andrew Mickel, for obstructing a public official. He spent one night in King County Jail, in Washington state, before being released by the court."
120 posted on 11/27/2002 9:37:43 AM PST by Roscoe
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