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Bill Clinton Shall Be Dethroned When Leftist RATS Reject His Faux Populism!!


Quite Sincerely...MUD

1 posted on 11/20/2002 2:45:53 AM PST by Mudboy Slim
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To: Landru; ChaseR; Snow Bunny
2 posted on 11/20/2002 2:47:06 AM PST by Mudboy Slim
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To: AuntB
"An Open Letter to the Vast LeftWingMedyuhWhore'd!!"

To the Vast LeftWingMedyuhWhore'd--

When you protect Bill Clinton from being exposed to the TREASON he has committed with his illegal and unethical dalliances with the Tyrannical Leaders of Communist China, you poltroonish Media folks become complicit in the 50 years of Murder and Oppression that have been emblematic of the imposition of artificial collectivist governmental arrangements such as Communism, Socialism, and Liberalism. Just as the Clinton-authorized Waco Massacre resulted in the fiery SLAUGHTER of 80 individuals whose only "crime" was that of bowing before a Diety greater than the Almighty State, so the Communist Chinese continue to treat the Righteous as enemies of the Party. And the Fourth Estate remains silent...

Why is this? Why do you not deem it worthy of outrage--or even attention--when John Huang, Charlie Yah Lin Trie, Johnny Chung, and Maria Hsia (Chinese Nationals each and every one) are given access to the Inner Sanctum of Presidential Power in exchange for Millions of Dollars of blood-stained campaign contributions from the Chi-Com Tyrants. Then, when the extent of the crimes of these Chi-Com Whores becomes public knowledge, the Big Four Networks--ABCNBCCBSCNN--downplay it, ignore it, obfuscate it, anything but get bothered by it!!!! Are you not the least bit ashamed by your willful ignorance?!

Ted Turner's station ran a movie version of "Animal Farm" last night. I, like many in my generation, had read George Orwell's classic while in Junior High School, then again in High School. Personally, no movie version could have possibly replicated the original impact of this disturbing expose of the Evil that is Socialism, but it did bring back some strong emotions. I bet Mr. Turner saw this movie, possibly even authorized it for display on his network. And I'm sure Ted's a pretty smart dude. So, why does Mr. Turner so blindly support such "Napolean-like" Tyrants such Jiang Zemin and our own William Jefferson Clinton?! No, I don't think it's all because of the good lovin' I'm sure he gets from Hanoi Jane, great lover of Pol Pot! No, I don't even think it's really all about Turner's legendary greed, although I'm sure Ted's love of money plays a significant part. IMHO, the root of Ted Turner's deliberate ignorance as to the raw EVIL so typical in those with whom he chooses to associate is a disgusting Lust Fer Power, a trait all-too-common within many of you in the Lib'ral Effete Elite Media!!!

The New York Times' A.M. Rosenthal ain't no rabid Right-Wing Conservative ideologue, but he proves in the following article that he's not afraid to SPEAK TRUTH TO TYRANNY!!! Why are you afraid to do the same?!

© NY Times Co.

""St. Joseph's Murder"

The beginning of the amateur video shows the first day of worship in the handsome new church -- the congregation taking communion from the Catholic priests. The film is dated Feb. 14, 1999. Then it flows without a break into a section filmed April 27, 1999. The film lurches as the person with the camera, sometimes hiding in a building across the street, struggles to show what remains of the church. A metal dinosaur appears. Its huge black iron head tears out windows, smashes great holes into walls. What's that continuing thump-thump in the background? No explanation until laborers are seen with sledgehammers pounding floors into splinters. The head continuously crashes itself into what had been St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, in Fuzhou, province of Fujian, People's Republic of China. Built over five years with the muscle and love of the worshipers, and dollars and coins of their relatives in America, the church in one day has become rubble.

I got and saw the film on Wednesday, while hundreds of top American and European business executives were attending a Shanghai "economic forum," sponsored by Fortune and its owner, Time Warner, with the blessing and manipulation of the Politburo, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mao's victory, and the decades of despotism by massacre that followed.

Everything pertinent to trade was on the agenda, except the rights of Chinese. The C.E.O.'s and company presidents, and Fortune and Time Warner, eithern judged these rights to have no value in any balance sheet, were foot-kissing the Politburo, or both. My disgust turned to shame for America when I read Seth Faison's story in The New York Times about how the head of Time Warner, which also owns CNN, gave the Chinese President a bust of Lincoln and praised him for his parlor trick of reciting the Gettysburg Address! The chief of the American International Group, an insurance giant, said it was not human rights China needed, but food. Chinese do have enough food, but I invite the insurance man to a dinner that will include a dish sometimes served to Chinese political prisoners -- rice in a toilet bucket.
I would give each executive a cassette of the murder of St. Joseph's. But I promised not to show it around, because Chinese police could identify congregants who walked sorrowfully in the rubble.

Anyway, the foreign executives know what is going on, how Chinese Catholics and Protestants are arrested and beaten if they do not say the right prayers in Government-registered churches under Government-approved bishops. St. Joseph's would not register with the Communist Religious Affairs Bureau. Even without the cassette, the executives know, they know. They just do not give a damn.

I am asked why I write often about religious persecution of Christians, since I am a Jew, and not even religiously educated. One simple reason is sufficient: sufferings of the religious are as painful as of the secular. But there is another -- neither religious nor secular freedoms will flourish where one is denied. Only if religious and secular Americans grasp that will a human rights movement exist in America that can protect them all. Many people buoyed me when I wrote, particularly John Cardinal O'Connor. He sustains all who struggle for freedom, sometimes without the enthusiasm of his peers. Among Catholic, Protestant and Jewish clergy in America, some speak up against religious persecution abroad -- and some look away.

When I was an apprentice reporter covering sermons for $3 a Sunday, I did not appreciate assignment to St. Patrick's, now Cardinal O'Connor's seat. Two collection plates were presented, one before you could get down the aisle. But I will never again duck two collections, not at St. Patrick's.

St. Joseph's was destroyed because its congregation and priests refused to submit themselves to Communist domination. And so were 16 other churches in and near Fujian. No film has surfaced except of St. Joseph's. Some views are shown at One day there will be cameras, lots, when St. Joseph's and the others reopen in freedom. Cardinal O'Connor will be there; guaranteed. So will other Americans who understand that Chinese really want more than rice and chains."

Thank you, Mr. Rosenthal, I couldn't have put it any better myself...MUD


1 Posted on 10/05/1999 00:09:57 PDT by Mudboy Slim

6 posted on 11/20/2002 3:03:51 AM PST by Mudboy Slim
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To: afraidfortherepublic; dwbh; ironman; Ironword; Eschoir; A+Bert; newgeezer; meandog; t-shirt
"RATS're Dolts!!"
(To be sung to R.E.M.'s "Catapult")

Ooooohhh...FReep DemLib'ral boys!!
Ooooohhh...FReep DemLib'ral girls!!

The Left's in shock...America's turned them off!!
Cowards with no soul...ugly cows!! Question...
"Do they diss anything?! Does Left regret a thing?!
Why's Slick still their King?! Don't the Truth mean a thing?!"
RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) RATS're Dolts!!
RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) RATS're Dolts!!

Ooooohhh...Whup DemLib'ral boys!!
Ooooohhh...Love DemLib'ral girls!!

Let's FRee Iraq, let's fry that damned Saddam!!
Cowards fear our roll...shut their mouths!!
Osama bil Clinton, yer mother regrets her kids!!
Fear the Power of the Right!! A question:
"Why'd Slick RAPE LadyB? Why did Bill bite her lip?
Voters, 'tis YOU I blame!! This year, please Vote fer Change!!!"
RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) RATS're Dolts!!
RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) RATS're Dolts!!

Folks...FReedom hearkens...
Bush...Shall Seek Justice!!
RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) RATS're Dolts!!
RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) RATS're Dolts!!

Ooooohhh...FReep DemEffete Boys!!
Ooooohhh...FReep DemAirhead Girls!!
The Left's in Shock...Networks have been turned off...
Cowerin' in White Towers, losin' Power!!
Right Shall Makes Its Stand!! Forefathers, they went thru this...
Fear the Power of Our question:
"House, it shall RE-IMPEACH!! Senate shall then CONVICT!!
Next, We'll INDICT Left's Creep(s)!! Jury Shall then CONVICT!!"

RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) Prison 'HO!!
RATS're Dolts!! (RATS are Dolts...) Slick's a 'HO!!

Mudboy Slim

Time to take off the kid gloves and point out how ridiculous the DemonRAT's Party has become...just a bunch of whinin' LeftyLosers beggin' fer scraps from the Table of the All-Powerful Federal Leviathan!! Quotes, links, cartoons, and personal stories are welcomed if they serve to educate the Sheeple as to what they're voting for when they vote for any candidate who would vote for either D'asshole or li'l Dickie Gephardt!!

This could get fun...MUD

1 posted on 08/19/2002 11:12 AM EDT by Mudboy Slim

7 posted on 11/20/2002 6:20:37 AM PST by Mudboy Slim
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To: MurryMom
Well, good morning there, MizMurryMom, you are looking simply beeYOOteefull today...MUD
8 posted on 11/20/2002 6:22:13 AM PST by Mudboy Slim
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To: Mudboy Slim

Oh is time.

11 posted on 11/20/2002 7:17:46 AM PST by Republic
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To: bayourod; onyx; TBoone; A CA Guy; bannie; Michael Rivero; AAPATRIOT; MurryMom; dead
"Should Bill Clinton Be Immune From Prosecution Fer His Crimes?!!"

From another thread, a discussion about whether or not America should hold Bill Clinton accountable for the multiple felonies he and his Administration have committed...

bayourod in bold

"...focus only on the question of whether Bill Clinton should be brought to trial. This was the great question when Nixon resigned and Ford pardoned him because he didn't think the nation should be put through the ordeal of a trial of Mr. Nixon."

First off, Nixon was never accused of committing a criminal offense vis a vis Watergate. Ford pardoned him, but there was never an actual law broken...I would argue that Clinton has committed multiple felonies that, if prosecuted, would have him in jail until the day he passed on to his Final Judgement.

"Some of the considerations should be:
1. How serious was the offense? Was it a technical violation such as comingling union contributions in hard money accounts; or was it a universally recognized crime such as murder of a potential witness?"

While I seriously believe Clinton has most likely conspired to have folks murdered, I've yet to see the concrete evidence; still, just because he's an ex-POTUS, should he be allowed to get away with rampant Abuse of Power, blatant Obstruction of Justice and Perjury, and making a mockery of our existing Campaign Finance Laws? I say no.

"2. What was the impact of the crime on the nation? Was the impact negligible like pardoning someone for going AWOL during World War II; or does the crime threaten the very existence of the country, such as selling China the secrets enabling them to destroy every major city in the nation?"

As the highest-ranking member of the Executive Branch, IMHO Clinton's crimes have done major damage to the legitimacy of our government, and thereby the "very existence of the country." How can a blatant abuser of our laws be allowed to go absolutely unpunished in a Land that claims that "NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW"?! Explain that to the teenager imprisoned for smoking a weed in his basement.

"3. How strong is the evidence? Is it circumstantial, relying on the testimony of dubious witnesses; or is there incontrovertable physical evidence such as video recordings and records written in Bill's hand?"

The arrogance Clinton has displayed in committing multiple felonies has resulted in a carelessness that will bear fruit in any SERIOUS investigation of his crimes. There are many, many people within his sphere of influence who know where the skeletons are buried, and they have likewise committed crimes in his service. As these underlings are brought to Justice and plead out, they will provide valuable testimony linking Clinton to any number of crimes that you and I may never even been aware of. And Clinton has been extremely sloppy in leaving documented proof of his guilt to be readily discovered by hungry investigators.

"4. Was the offense committed as an official act, such as selling seats on trade missions, or was it entirely separate from official duties, such as rape?"

SHEEESH, my FRiend, I cannot believe you actually believe this is a consideration. We are a Nation of Laws, and if those laws are legitimate enough to prosecute you or me for, why not some hayseed from Arkansas?

"5. Would prosecution cause bitter division among Americans because the offense is one that people hold strongly held opposite opinions on, such as lying about having sex because that's what gentlemen are taught to do; or one that everyone is in agreement on, such as using FBI files to blackmail elected officials?"

Once again, if folks are going to argue that the Laws are invalid, how come we don't see an uprising calling for said laws to be revoked, so that you and I cannot be held accountable for them, just like the ex-Most Powerful Man in the FReeWorld?!

"6. How would prosecution effect future policy. Would it create a public outcry for campaign finance reform that would result in destruction of our First Amendment rights and turn the government over to liberal Democrats? Would it appear to Democrat voters as petty vindictiveness on the part of Republicans that would result in such a backlash that Democrat Senators would be forced to reject confirmation of pro-life judges?"

Here, my FRiend, you are arguing political strategy. Fair enough, as that seems to be most FReepers' argument against holding the ex-First Felon accountable for his many crimes against this Nation. My response is that this is a very important time in our Country's history, as we are deciding whether or not We the Sheeple will sit idly by and allow Rampant Corruption to go on at the highest echelons of the Federal Guv'ment, and do absolutely NOTHING!!

SHEEESH...Clinton's not a frickin' KING!! He's no different than you or I!! Are LeftWing DemonRATS going to actually argue that a corrupt ex-POTUS should be allowed to get away with committing multiple felonies? If so, are the Sheeple going to go along meekly and support those same hopelessly-corrupt individuals in the next election? If so, we've already lost this Country, and we should readily expect to go the way of the once-great Roman Empire.

"Now to answer your question. I believe we elected a President who is of extremely high moral character who loves this country and is trying as hard as he can to do what he sincerely believes is best for our nation. I believe that he chose an honest, conscientious, competent Attorney General. I have complete confidence in their judgment and will support whatever decisions that they make."

Here, my FRiend, we are in complete agreement...however, I believe Dubyuh and Ashcroft need to hear from folks who "sincerely believe [what] is best for our nation" is that the Guilty--no matter how Powerful or allegedly popular--are brought to Justice!! Are we a Nation of Laws? Or are certain folks in this Country ABOVE the Laws that govern and restrict the rest of us?

Seriously, my fellow FReepers, am I just a Right-Wing Whacko for expecting the Laws of this Nation to apply to ALL Americans...even those who once held office at the highest echelons of our Federal Guv'ment?!


1 Posted on 07/14/2001 23:39:12 PDT by Mudboy Slim (Justice Fer All!!)

21 posted on 11/20/2002 1:18:46 PM PST by Mudboy Slim
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To: bayourod; onyx; TBoone; A CA Guy; bannie; Michael Rivero; AAPATRIOT; MurryMom; dead
"Should Bill Clinton Be Immune From Prosecution Fer His Crimes?!!"

From another thread, a discussion about whether or not America should hold Bill Clinton accountable for the multiple felonies he and his Administration have committed...

bayourod in bold

"...focus only on the question of whether Bill Clinton should be brought to trial. This was the great question when Nixon resigned and Ford pardoned him because he didn't think the nation should be put through the ordeal of a trial of Mr. Nixon."

First off, Nixon was never accused of committing a criminal offense vis a vis Watergate. Ford pardoned him, but there was never an actual law broken...I would argue that Clinton has committed multiple felonies that, if prosecuted, would have him in jail until the day he passed on to his Final Judgement.

"Some of the considerations should be:
1. How serious was the offense? Was it a technical violation such as comingling union contributions in hard money accounts; or was it a universally recognized crime such as murder of a potential witness?"

While I seriously believe Clinton has most likely conspired to have folks murdered, I've yet to see the concrete evidence; still, just because he's an ex-POTUS, should he be allowed to get away with rampant Abuse of Power, blatant Obstruction of Justice and Perjury, and making a mockery of our existing Campaign Finance Laws? I say no.

"2. What was the impact of the crime on the nation? Was the impact negligible like pardoning someone for going AWOL during World War II; or does the crime threaten the very existence of the country, such as selling China the secrets enabling them to destroy every major city in the nation?"

As the highest-ranking member of the Executive Branch, IMHO Clinton's crimes have done major damage to the legitimacy of our government, and thereby the "very existence of the country." How can a blatant abuser of our laws be allowed to go absolutely unpunished in a Land that claims that "NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW"?! Explain that to the teenager imprisoned for smoking a weed in his basement.

"3. How strong is the evidence? Is it circumstantial, relying on the testimony of dubious witnesses; or is there incontrovertable physical evidence such as video recordings and records written in Bill's hand?"

The arrogance Clinton has displayed in committing multiple felonies has resulted in a carelessness that will bear fruit in any SERIOUS investigation of his crimes. There are many, many people within his sphere of influence who know where the skeletons are buried, and they have likewise committed crimes in his service. As these underlings are brought to Justice and plead out, they will provide valuable testimony linking Clinton to any number of crimes that you and I may never even been aware of. And Clinton has been extremely sloppy in leaving documented proof of his guilt to be readily discovered by hungry investigators.

"4. Was the offense committed as an official act, such as selling seats on trade missions, or was it entirely separate from official duties, such as rape?"

SHEEESH, my FRiend, I cannot believe you actually believe this is a consideration. We are a Nation of Laws, and if those laws are legitimate enough to prosecute you or me for, why not some hayseed from Arkansas?

"5. Would prosecution cause bitter division among Americans because the offense is one that people hold strongly held opposite opinions on, such as lying about having sex because that's what gentlemen are taught to do; or one that everyone is in agreement on, such as using FBI files to blackmail elected officials?"

Once again, if folks are going to argue that the Laws are invalid, how come we don't see an uprising calling for said laws to be revoked, so that you and I cannot be held accountable for them, just like the ex-Most Powerful Man in the FReeWorld?!

"6. How would prosecution effect future policy. Would it create a public outcry for campaign finance reform that would result in destruction of our First Amendment rights and turn the government over to liberal Democrats? Would it appear to Democrat voters as petty vindictiveness on the part of Republicans that would result in such a backlash that Democrat Senators would be forced to reject confirmation of pro-life judges?"

Here, my FRiend, you are arguing political strategy. Fair enough, as that seems to be most FReepers' argument against holding the ex-First Felon accountable for his many crimes against this Nation. My response is that this is a very important time in our Country's history, as we are deciding whether or not We the Sheeple will sit idly by and allow Rampant Corruption to go on at the highest echelons of the Federal Guv'ment, and do absolutely NOTHING!!

SHEEESH...Clinton's not a frickin' KING!! He's no different than you or I!! Are LeftWing DemonRATS going to actually argue that a corrupt ex-POTUS should be allowed to get away with committing multiple felonies? If so, are the Sheeple going to go along meekly and support those same hopelessly-corrupt individuals in the next election? If so, we've already lost this Country, and we should readily expect to go the way of the once-great Roman Empire.

"Now to answer your question. I believe we elected a President who is of extremely high moral character who loves this country and is trying as hard as he can to do what he sincerely believes is best for our nation. I believe that he chose an honest, conscientious, competent Attorney General. I have complete confidence in their judgment and will support whatever decisions that they make."

Here, my FRiend, we are in complete agreement...however, I believe Dubyuh and Ashcroft need to hear from folks who "sincerely believe [what] is best for our nation" is that the Guilty--no matter how Powerful or allegedly popular--are brought to Justice!! Are we a Nation of Laws? Or are certain folks in this Country ABOVE the Laws that govern and restrict the rest of us?

Seriously, my fellow FReepers, am I just a Right-Wing Whacko for expecting the Laws of this Nation to apply to ALL Americans...even those who once held office at the highest echelons of our Federal Guv'ment?!


1 Posted on 07/14/2001 23:39:12 PDT by Mudboy Slim (Justice Fer All!!)

22 posted on 11/20/2002 1:19:05 PM PST by Mudboy Slim
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To: Mudboy Slim
You don't care much for Bill Clinton, do you?
24 posted on 11/20/2002 3:06:26 PM PST by spiffy
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To: Mudboy Slim
Always enjoy your posts- Mudboy! Thanks for keeping me on your list while I lurk!
40 posted on 02/09/2003 10:07:01 PM PST by TBoone
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