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| Nov. 18, 2002
| Laura Ingraham
Posted on 11/19/2002 9:30:47 AM PST by madfly
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To: WRhine
The leadership of the United States is doing it worst to create a Quebec situation within our nation. As in Canada, this will not come to any good. I'll use discression and fogore giving my opinion of this. Needless to say the rhetoric would be strident and unacceptable to people who are having a hard time coming to grips with all the realities surrounding this issue and it's impacts on our nation.
To: DoughtyOne
Thanks D-1. I understand your point.
posted on
11/19/2002 10:24:15 AM PST
To: DoughtyOne; MissAmericanPie
The leadership of the United States is doing it worst to create a Quebec situation Bienvenue a Free State Project
posted on
11/19/2002 10:28:19 AM PST
Comment #24 Removed by Moderator
Comment #25 Removed by Moderator
To: madfly
"Fearful of reprisals at the voting booth, the GOP has largely avoided taking on such these immigration-related issues." On balance, I don't think it's a partisan issue because the same could be said of the democraps. Looking at the long-term agenda, it could only be a continuance of plans to dispense with borders. This should have become evident to everyone on 9/12/01 when the first thing we should have done was seal the borders, as any nation under attack with any sense of survival should have done. Mexico, Canada and the U.S. must already be linked on the drawing board as a single political/economic entity in the minds of the 'planners.'
Sovereignty? An archaic expression once used by fledgling republics back in the 20th Century.
To: WRhine
I have decided that Bush may well give my tax dollars to illegal aliens. But the Ba$tards will wait until April 15 to get it. In Jan. I plan to tell my employer not to take out federal income tax from my check. I will put the money in the bank (draw interest) and send the govt. a check on April 15th.
At least that's what I plan to do. As far as I can tell it's legal. As long as you pay the taxes on or before the 15th of April then I don't think they can do anything.
Maybe the whole Republican base should start this. It would be one way to show our displeasure. Maybe Bush will not be able to hand out houses to minorities.
To: watcher1
Thanks for the link.
To: georgiabelle
As long as you pay the taxes on or before the 15th of April then I don't think they can do anything. I could be wrong, but I believe there are penalties if you end up owing too much. If that's not the case, then it's a great plan.
To: georgiabelle
I plan to tell my employer not to take out federal income tax from my check. I will put the money in the bank (draw interest) and send the govt. a check on April 15th. I don't believe the feds allow that.
At least that's what I plan to do. As far as I can tell it's legal. As long as you pay the taxes on or before the 15th of April then I don't think they can do anything.
First of all, self-employed people are required to pay their taxes on a quarterly basis. And second, if you are significantly under-withheld, the feds can assess a penalty.
I would get some better tax advice before departing on the course of action you are proposing here.
posted on
11/19/2002 10:46:32 AM PST
To: georgiabelle
I have decided that Bush may well give my tax dollars to illegal aliens. But the Ba$tards will wait until April 15 to get it. In Jan. I plan to tell my employer not to take out federal income tax from my check. I will put the money in the bank (draw interest) and send the govt. a check on April 15th. I agree and sympathize with you but you should check this out with a tax accountant. Depending on how much you make, you could by liable for IRS penalties if you earn a certain amount over last year's income. I was on the treadmill with the IRS for years with estimated taxes that I had to pay up-front for the current tax year because my prior year's income was not fully paid until April 15th.
posted on
11/19/2002 10:55:24 AM PST
To: MissAmericanPie
Thanks for the link Tell everyone you know.
Help spread the word
posted on
11/19/2002 11:02:11 AM PST
To: WRhine
Now Sinkspur has another to put on his dimwit list - the one that when you don't agree with Bush 100%.
posted on
11/19/2002 11:04:25 AM PST
To: MissAmericanPie
Well said ma'am. I agree 100 percent
To: madfly
To: MissAmericanPie
I will not vote for anyone that plans on replacing me with the vote of an illegal. Bush and the Republican party have had their last vote from me, my family, my friends and co-workers.If the Republicans can take a vote away from the Dems to replace yours, they still long as you (evil anti-immigration pro-life extremist that you are) don't vote or vote for a party that isn't trying to win.
In Massachusetts for Governor this time we had Shannon O'Brien (D) saying 16 year olds didn't need parental permission for an abortion. We had "conservative" Mitt Romney (R) saying that he would of course support abortion rights, but only for those 18 or older.
I voted Green. If I didn't have an option to save baby's lives, I figured I'd at least vote to save trees and walruses or whatever.
This immigration must be a ratings winner. All of the talk folk are beginning to sound like anti-illegal, secure border freepers. Keep emailing them and praising any show they do that highlights the issue.
posted on
11/19/2002 11:39:45 AM PST
To: madfly
Protect Our Borders !!
Death To all Muslim Extremist's !!
Snuff Saddam, NOW !!
Freedom Is Worth Fighting For !!
Let's Roll !!
Molon Labe !!
posted on
11/19/2002 12:15:03 PM PST
To: madfly
The worst part of all this is that Hatch is a total squish on immigration, and he is taking over as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in January, the committee which has jurisdiction over the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The Immigration Subcommittee Chairman will be the pro-illegal immigrant, pro-amnesty, anti-enforcement of immigration laws Sam Brownback of Kansas. This does not bode well for our country.
posted on
11/19/2002 12:15:23 PM PST
To: 3AngelaD
The Immigration Subcommittee Chairman will be the pro-illegal immigrant, pro-amnesty, anti-enforcement of immigration laws Sam Brownback of Kansas. Nice choice ain't it, either Brownback or Kennedy.
When will Washington ever get it?
To: 3AngelaD
Are either of these two up for re-election in 2004?
posted on
11/19/2002 12:25:17 PM PST
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