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National Vaccine Information Center ^ | Winter 2002 | Barbara Loe Fisher, Editor

Posted on 11/16/2002 6:07:00 PM PST by FormerLurker


“When it happens to you or your child, the risks are 100%”

Published by the National Vaccine Information Center

Barbara Loe Fisher, Editor      

Special Report                                                   Winter 2002                          


In this time of great sadness, fear and confusion,  
Americans have a choice to make: either we defend the individual freedoms 
our forefathers fought and died to give us,  
or we sacrifice those freedoms and let the terrorists win.  
What we choose to do will define who we are as a nation  
for many years to come.

-          Barbara Loe Fisher  

   The terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001 and the subsequent threats of biological warfare against US citizens have prompted calls by public health officials to prepare for mass vaccination campaigns for anthrax and smallpox.1,2 National vaccination programs targeting civilians, including children, are being proposed in model state legislation that would give public health officials the power to use the state militia to enforce vaccination during state-declared health emergencies.3,4 While it is critical for the US to have a sound, workable plan to respond to an act of bioterrorism, as well as enough safe and effective vaccines stockpiled for every American who wants to use them, there are legitimate concerns about a plan which forces citizens to use vaccines without their voluntary, informed consent.   

   All mass vaccination campaigns result in casualties because every vaccine, like every drug, carries an inherent risk of injury or death.5,6,7,8,9 Some individuals are genetically or biologically more vulnerable to vaccine reactions than others,10 but there are few reliable biomarkers to predict who they are5,6,7,8,9 which is why legally protecting the informed consent rights of all citizens becomes a moral imperative. The human right to be fully informed about all known and unknown risks, as well as benefits, of any medical intervention and make a voluntary decision about whether to take the risk, has been the centerpiece of bioethics ever since the Nuremberg Code was adopted after World War II 11 and the doctrine of informed consent was introduced into U.S. case law in 1957.12 

   In evaluating the potential risk of a bioterrorism attack with real, as well as unpredictable, risks of exposing large numbers of children and adults to a prophylactic mass vaccination program for smallpox, some health officials have already concluded that the risks of mass vaccination outweigh the theoretical benefits.13,14,15 However, even in the event of a proven biological weapons assault and smallpox outbreak, sacrifice of the informed consent ethic would result in state-forced vaccine-induced injury and death of a biologically vulnerable minority in service to the majority, posing serious constitutional and moral questions. 

   Although there have been suggestions that federal vaccine testing regulations should be curtailed in an effort to get a national supply of smallpox vaccine produced quickly,16,17 no mass vaccination campaign should be initiated without sound scientific evidence proving the vaccines to be used are safe and effective in protecting against an organism that may be used in a bioterrorism attack. This is particularly important if the organism, such as the smallpox virus, may have been genetically engineered to be vaccine and treatment resistant.18 Untested vaccines have the potential to give the illusion of safety and efficacy to the public when, in fact, they may cause far greater harm and be far less effective than predicted.     The old live vaccinia virus vaccine for smallpox was never tested for safety or efficacy in controlled trials prior to mandates19,20 and it may have caused more reactions, injuries and deaths than any vaccine ever used by humans on a mass basis. Those recently vaccinated become infected with vaccinia virus and can transmit the virus to others, leading to injury and death for some.13,20,21,22,23,24,25 Unless the old vaccine for smallpox or a newly formulated vaccine is fully tested for safety and efficacy before being released for public use, legally and ethically the vaccine would have to be considered experimental and the mandated use of it a state-enforced national scientific experiment.

   Public Health Different Today: Scientific evaluation of the mass use of any new vaccine must be viewed in context with the other vaccines Americans are getting today and in consideration of the general health of different segments of our population. The most significant difference between the health of the U.S. population today compared to 1971, when routine vaccination for smallpox was halted in America, is that the numbers of Americans suffering with autoimmune and neurological disorders has increased significantly.21,26,27 

   In the past three decades, the numbers of children and young adults with asthma, learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have doubled; diabetes has tripled; and autism has increased 200 to 600 percent in nearly every state.29,30, 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38 Live vaccinia virus vaccine for smallpox, for example, would be given to children already receiving 37 doses of 11 other live virus and killed bacterial vaccines, including diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DTaP), polio, measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), haemophilus influenzae B, hepatitis B, chicken pox, and pneumococcal vaccines.39 In 1971, most American children were only receiving DPT, polio, measles and rubella vaccines.40  

   In addition, today there are many more adults suffering with HIV, lupus,41 herpes42 and other diseases affecting the immune system. Without appropriate safety studies evaluating the risks of an old or a new vaccine in the real world of today, there is no reliable way to predict the potential negative impact on the health of children and adults, especially on the tens of millions of Americans already suffering with chronic autoimmune and neurological disorders.


   Biological warfare is not a new phenomenon. History is full of examples of warring factions trying to weaken each other’s troops or civilian populations by making them sick. From the ancient Greeks and Romans, who polluted the water supplies of their enemies with dead animals, to warriors in medieval times who catapulted corpses of people infected with bubonic plague into the castles of their enemies, to European conquerors who came to the New World and used smallpox contaminated blankets to kill native Indians with no natural immunity to smallpox, there is a long history of man using disease as a weapon. 43  

   Modern biological weapons using lethal microorganisms were developed in the 1930’s by Japanese scientists, including aerosolized anthrax that was designed to be used in a specially designed fragmentation bomb. US and British scientists developed biological weapons during World War II using anthrax, botulinum toxin, encephalitis virus, staph enterotoxin and other deadly organisms.  Even though the US has had biological weapons capability, the US has never used biological weapons on any nation and, since the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972, has supported a worldwide ban on development and use of biological weapons.  

   There is evidence, however, that other nations have not stopped making biological weapons and that the Soviet Union, in particular, may have weaponized smallpox virus after 1972 in large quantities and that some of the virus may have been supplied to other countries such as Iraq, North Korea and China. There are still outstanding questions about whether Soviet scientists succeeded in making the smallpox virus a more lethal weapon by genetically engineering it so that any vaccine or drug would be ineffective. 1,18  


   Smallpox is a highly contagious, serious disease caused by the variola virus, a double stranded DNA virus which belongs to the genus orthopoxvirus that includes cowpox, monkeypox, and vaccinia.  Poxviruses primarily affect the skin and cause disease in both humans (smallpox) and animals (swinepox, camelpox, sheeppox, goatpox, fowlpox).19

            History:  The first recorded cases of smallpox were in Asia in the first century A.D. but there is evidence the disease was present in China, India and Africa before that time. Smallpox was rarely seen in Europe until the Crusades, when Crusaders invaded the Holy Land during the Middle Ages and brought the disease back home with them.  The Americas did not see smallpox until the Spanish invaders brought the disease to native Indian populations, who had no experience with the virus at all, which resulted in high mortality and significant destruction of tribes. In 18th century England, smallpox caused one in 10 deaths and was the leading cause of death in children.43,46  

   After worldwide mass vaccination campaigns in the 20th century, in 1979 the World Health Organization declared wild smallpox virus eradicated from the earth. The only remaining smallpox virus at that time was reported to exist in secure labs in the Soviet Union and the United States. However, since then, there have been reports that Soviet scientists developed the capacity to produce large quantities of the virus modified to survive delivery by missile warhead and that some of these stocks were supplied to countries hostile to the US.47 In addition, there is the possibility that the smallpox virus has been genetically or otherwise biologically altered to make it an even more lethal bioterrorism weapon, which may limit the effectiveness of the vaccinia virus vaccine used to prevent smallpox in the past.18,48  

            Viability As A Bioterrorist Weapon: Variola is a relatively stable virus in the natural environment and may retain its infectivity for as long as 24 to 48 hours if it is aerosolized and not exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light. 49 There are several delivery routes that have been discussed if smallpox were to be used as a bioterrorist weapon to cause large numbers of infections in a population: release of the virus into a building, subway or airplane ventilation system or an area-wide drop of the virus by a plane or missile. Each of these theoretical scenarios requires that the terrorists: (1) have succeeded in obtaining the smallpox virus from one of the official laboratory storage facilities in the US or Russia or from a country which has secretly obtained the virus; (2) have the technical expertise and laboratory facilities to culture and maintain the viability of the virus; (3) have the ability to transport the virus in liquid or powder form without destroying its effectiveness; (4) have the technology to deliver it to large numbers of susceptible people. 45,50  

   Some have hypothesized that several “volunteer” infected carriers could silently transmit the disease,18 perhaps in large cities during the first week of the contagious period before the characteristic smallpox lesions appeared on their faces and limbs. Theoretically, this could happen although it would not be as effective as delivery of the organism to large numbers of people in a wide area. Still, even one person carrying smallpox could cause others to become infected who, in turn, could infect others. Reportedly, in 1970 a single smallpox infected man returning to Germany from Pakistan caused the direct or indirect infection of 19 others in a German hospital.51 In 1970, virtually everyone in Europe and the U.S. had been vaccinated against smallpox.  

            Variola Virus:  The variola virus which causes smallpox is an orthopoxvirus and has not been documented to infect animals or insects. Cowpox, monkey pox and vaccinia are the three other orthopoxviruses and all three of these viruses can cause disease in both animals and humans.49  

Two Kinds of Smallpox: There are two kinds of smallpox: variola minor and variola major. Variola minor causes a milder case of the disease resulting in a case-fatality ratio of less than one percent. Variola major is much more serious with a case fatality of between 20 and 30 percent. The variola virus causing both variations of smallpox are biologically and immunologically indistinguishable from each other in the laboratory and a mild case of variola major can look like a case of variola minor. Endemic variola major was eradicated from the US in 1926 and variola minor disappeared from the US in the 1940’s.19,22  

Infection and Contagion: According to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense, “Historically, the rapidity of smallpox contagion was generally slower than for such diseases as measles and chickenpox. Patients spread smallpox primarily to household members and friends; large outbreaks in schools, for example, were uncommon.”49  

   Face-to-face contact with an infected person is usually required to transmit smallpox, which is spread from one person to another through nasal secretions and saliva by coughing and sneezing.52  A person usually becomes infected by inhaling the virus, which enters the respiratory tract and multiplies there and in the spleen, bone marrow and lymph nodes. The liver, spleen and lymph nodes can become enlarged.19,49  

   Coming into direct contact with the secretions from open smallpox skin lesions can also spread the disease. Secretions from smallpox lesions can contaminate clothing, bedding, or other materials, which have been used by an infected person, so disinfection of articles used by an infected person is necessary. Hot water containing hypochlorite bleach and quaternary ammonia has been used to decontaminate clothing, bedding and cleaning surfaces possibly exposed to the virus and formaldehyde has been used to fumigate contaminated areas.52  

No Contagion for One or Two Weeks: A person with smallpox is infectious from a day before the rash appears (about 10 to 14 days after infection) until all lesions have healed and the scabs have fallen off. In the incubation period of the disease during the two weeks prior to the appearance of a fever and flu-like symptoms, there is no evidence that the smallpox virus sheds and can be transmitted to others and the person looks and feels healthy.  Only after the fever and flu-like symptoms begin and then disappear before the outbreak of a rash, will the person be highly contagious and able to infect others through the release of virus in the mouth, throat and respiratory tract. The large amounts of virus shed from the skin lesions can be infectious but are not as infectious as the virus released by the respiratory tract.49.52  

   Although persons suffering from variola major, the more severe smallpox, are visibly sick and often bedridden even before the outbreak of the rash, those who have variola minor, the milder smallpox, may not know they are sick until the rash and lesions erupt. Therefore, unsuspecting carriers of a less severe form of smallpox could spread the disease more easily during the early part of the contagious period.  

   There are estimates that one infected person may transmit the disease to between 5 and 10 other persons in populations with no natural or vaccine-induced immunity.52 Those persons can, in turn, infect 5 to 10 others and that is how an epidemic can begin.  

Incubation and Symptoms: The incubation period of smallpox from the time of infection to the time that symptoms begin to appear is about 12 to 14 days at which time the person develops a fever of 102 to 106 F., extreme fatigue, severe headache and back pain, and, occasionally, abdominal pain and vomiting. After 3 or 4 days the fever goes down and the patient may appear to recover but then a rash appears on the face and forearms and spreads to the trunk, legs, and, sometimes, appears on the palms and soles of the feet.20,22,49,52  

   On the third or fourth day after the rash appears, hard lumps (papules) form under the skin. These papules swell and turn into vesicles (sacs under the skin filled with fluid) that eventually turn into pustules (open skin lesions containing clear, then cloudy fluid filled with pus). A fever often accompanies the rash and formation of papules and vesicles. The pustules, which can resemble chicken pox lesions but are much deeper in the skin, also develop and ulcerate in the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and throat and release large amounts of virus into the mouth and throat. 20,22,49,52  

   The deep ulcerative skin lesions eventually form crusts and scabs that usually fall off within three weeks after the beginning of the illness. The patient can be left with small scars or deep pits in the skin if the sebaceous glands of the skin are destroyed.20,22,49,52  

Rare Types of Smallpox: A milder illness may occur both in those who have been vaccinated and those who have not been vaccinated, including cases that include a rash but no eruption of any lesions (variola sine eruptione). But in another rare form of smallpox, known as malignant smallpox, the disease remains in the rash stage and pustular lesions do not erupt. Malignant smallpox is almost always fatal, as is another rare form of smallpox, known as hemorrhagic smallpox. A person with hemorrhagic smallpox develops fever, bone marrow depression, a drop in platelets (thrombocytopenia) and uncontrollable bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes leading to death.22,49  

Complications and Mortality:  The smallpox lesions can become infected, leading to bacterial superinfections usually caused by staphylococcus aureus. Other complications include conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane covering the eyeball); bacterial pneumonia; viral arthritis; sepsis (blood infection); encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain) and osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone). Permanent damage can include blindness, brain damage, and severe facial and body scarring. In the past, smallpox killed between one percent and 30 percent of those infected, depending upon whether the person had variola minor or variola major, and mortality was highest in infants and the elderly.19,22,46,49  

Misdiagnosis Can Occur: Before smallpox was eradicated in 1977, doctors sometimes confused chicken pox with smallpox. During the first two to three days of the rash, it is almost impossible to distinguish between the two diseases. The main symptomatic difference between the two is that smallpox lesions are all in the same stage of development while chickenpox lesions can be in various stages of development on different parts of the body. Also, the smallpox rash primarily affects the face and limbs of the body and the chickenpox rash is primarily on the trunk of the body and almost never affects the palms of the hand or soles of the feet like smallpox. Lab tests can distinguish between a herpes group infection (chicken pox) and a poxvirus infection (smallpox).19,22,52  

   Other diseases that can mimic smallpox are eczema vaccinatum, eczema herpeticum, rickettsialpox, drug reactions, contact dermatitis, and erythema multiforme (inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes). Meningococcemia, typhus and hemorrhagic fevers can also be mistaken for the more severe fulminant, hemorrhagic smallpox.22  

   Human monkeypox, which occurs in Africa, is difficult to distinguish from smallpox. Also, sometimes disseminated vaccinia virus infection (from the vaccine) can be confused with smallpox.19  

Definitive Lab Diagnosis: Lab detection of smallpox can occur within a few hours but definitive identification requires growth of the virus in cell culture or on the chorioallantoic egg membrane and characterization of strains by use of biologic assays, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques.22,49   

Treatment for Smallpox Limited:  Vaccinia virus vaccine given up to four days after exposure to the virus reportedly can provide protection or lessen the severity of smallpox.49 Antibiotics will not cure smallpox because it is a viral, not a bacterial, infection. There are a number of anti-viral medications being investigated, such as cidofovir, but there is no drug currently on the market licensed as a specific treatment for smallpox.52  

   Like with chicken pox, preventing bacterial infection of the skin lesions is important. Sterile sheets, clothing and other sterile procedures can help reduce complicating bacterial skin infections. Antibiotics to treat secondary infections are given by injection or orally as topical antibiotics are not used. Antihistamines may reduce itching and scratching of the lesions and help prevent their spread to other parts of the body, such as the eyes.22,52  


            Early History of Smallpox Prevention: The idea of deliberately exposing a healthy person to biological matter from smallpox lesions of an infected person in order to confer immunity dates back to China several centuries B.C., when Chinese doctors dried and ground up the crusts of smallpox scabs and used tubes to blow the material into the noses of healthy persons. In Africa, Asia Minor and parts of Europe, people swallowed smallpox scabs or had doctors scratch smallpox lymph into their skin (variolation).46  

   In 17th and 18th century England and America, it was common practice to scrape smallpox pus from lesions of a person infected with smallpox and then scrape it onto the skin of healthy children and adults in the hope of causing a mild, rather than a severe, form of smallpox. This process became known as variolation. Although smallpox variolation worked for some, it left one in 300 dead and others with severe enough smallpox that they were permanently scarred or blinded from the intervention. Many others were unknowingly infected with syphilis, tuberculosis and hepatitis because the biological matter from smallpox lesions was taken from persons also suffering from those serious diseases. Variolation also contributed to the spread of smallpox throughout populations.46  

            Jenner Uses Cowpox Virus: In 1796, British physician Edward Jenner observed that milkmaids who contracted the generally mild cowpox never came down with the more severe smallpox. (Cowpox is a disease of the teats and udders of cows and when cowpox infects humans it causes low-grade fever, lymph node swelling, and superficial lesions that are much milder than smallpox and heal without scarring. Sometimes cowpox can cause encephalitis and, in persons with a history of eczema, there is a risk of serious infection).22  

   Jenner experimented on an eight year old boy. He infected him with cowpox by scraping pus from lesions of a child infected with cowpox onto the skin of the boy.  Later, Jenner twice challenged the boy’s immunity to smallpox by scraping pus from the lesions of a person with smallpox onto the boy’s skin. The boy never came down with smallpox and Jenner widely promoted his discovery and advocated cowpox inoculation as a prevention for smallpox.46  

Vaccinia Virus Emerges: Eventually, Jenner’s method for preventing smallpox was modified and standardized for mass production by the pharmaceutical industry. Apparently, as Jenner refined the cowpox inoculation process, a new virus called vaccinia evolved. To this day, it is unknown exactly how the vaccinia virus came into being but theories are that it is a weakened form of the smallpox or cowpox virus or, more likely, a hybrid of the two viruses.19,47,53,54 Jenner’s smallpox prevention method became known as “vaccination” and was endorsed by government health officials in Europe and America in the 19th and 20th centuries.  

Vaccinia Virus Vaccine Never Tested: The currently licensed vaccine for smallpox contains live vaccinia virus, a double stranded virus with a broad host range.  According to Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (1994), “Vaccinia virus never underwent controlled trials to establish safety and efficacy before licensing. Nevertheless, the vaccine was highly effective, despite considerable adverse effects.”19  

   There are now multiple strains of vaccinia virus with varying degrees of virulence for humans and animals. Scientists working on new vaccines for diseases, such as HIV, have created recombinant vaccinia viruses from several strains of vaccinia virus.19,20,53  

Wyeth Vaccine From 1970’s Used Calves: When vaccinia virus was used to make smallpox vaccine in the past, it was prepared from the vesicle fluid taken from live calves deliberately infected with vaccinia virus. After the calves were slaughtered, the pustules were scraped to recover fluid and the scrapings were freeze dried. This is how the approximately 15.4 million doses of smallpox vaccine currently stockpiled in the US was manufactured by Wyeth Laboratories in the 1970’s.21,47  

    Wyeth used calf vesicle fluid containing a seed virus derived from a New York City Board of Health strain of vaccinia virus.20 This stockpiled vaccine, known as Dryvax, contains trace amounts of polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride and neomycin sulfate, as well as glycerin (50%) and phenol (.25%).55 Phenol is an extremely poisonous compound obtained by distillation of coal tar and used as an antimicrobial. Ingestion or absorption of phenol through the skin can cause colic, weakness, collapse and local irritation and corrosion.56    

Stockpiles Have Deteriorated: Reportedly, Dryvax stockpiles have been stored in glass tubes in the form of freeze dried crystals that would be mixed with a liquid diluent just before vaccination using a bifurcated needle that allows droplets of the vaccine to be scratched onto the skin. In 1999 the CDC discovered that some of the U.S. Dryvax smallpox vaccine stockpiles had badly deteriorated: rubber stoppers on the glass storage tubes had decayed and vacuum pressure had been lost while the liquid diluent had changed color and there were only one million bifurcated needles to administer more than 15 million doses.57  

            Old Vaccine Now Being Tested in Volunteers: However, in response to the fear generated after September 11 that smallpox virus stored in the Soviet Union may have fallen into the hands of terrorists in other countries, some of these old stocks of vaccinia virus vaccine are being diluted to one in ten or one in five and given to volunteers at the University of Maryland, St. Louis University, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Baylor College of Medicine to test its effectiveness.14,15,58 The goal is to increase the numbers of doses of old vaccinia virus vaccine currently available in order to buy time for new vaccine production.  

New Vaccines To Use Different Cell Tissues: According to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense, “The traditional method for producing vaccines on the scarified flank of a calf is no longer acceptable because the product inevitably contains some microbial contaminants, however stringent the purification measures.”49 New vaccinia virus vaccines reportedly will not use vaccinia virus cultured from calf vesicle fluid but will be grown in laboratories using other cell tissues such as human fibroblasts (from fetal connective tissue cells).21  

In the June 22, 2001 MMWR, the CDC confirms that previous methods of vaccine production using calves are no longer being used and that vaccinia virus for new production of smallpox vaccine must be grown using a Food and Drug Administration approved cell culture substrate.  The CDC indicates that new cell-culture vaccinia virus vaccine will be evaluated for safety and efficacy by direct comparison with Dryvax using appropriate animal models, serologic and cell-mediated immunity methods and cutaneous indicators of successful vaccination.20  

Antibody Level for Protection Unknown: Live vaccinia virus vaccine produces neutralizing antibodies that are genus specific and cross-protective for  orthopoxviruses (monkeypox, cowpox, variola).  According to the CDC, the efficacy of vaccinia vaccine to prevent smallpox has never been measured precisely during controlled trials and the level of antibody required for protection against smallpox infection is unknown. The level of antibody required for protection against vaccinia virus infection is also unknown. However, more than 95 percent of first-time vaccinees are reported to experience neutralizing or hemagglutination inhibition antibody.20  

Duration of Immunity Estimates Vary: According to the CDC, the live vaccinia virus vaccine is protective for five to 10 years.20 The CDC recommends that lab and medical personnel at high risk of being exposed to vaccinia viruses be revaccinated every 10 years.24 However, analysis of a 1902-1903 smallpox outbreak in Liverpool, England as well as a study conducted at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and published in a 1996 article in the Journal of Virology suggests that varying degrees of immunity from vaccinia virus vaccination may persist for up to 50 years.59,60 If true, then the oldest half of the US population, which was vaccinated before 1970, may have some remaining immunity to the smallpox virus.  

Vaccinia Virus Vaccination Procedure: The method of vaccinia virus vaccination is to withdraw reconstituted vaccine from the vial with a sterile bifurcated (forked) needle, then release a droplet of vaccine onto the skin over the deltoid muscle in the upper arm; then repeatedly press (15 times) the forked needle into the superficial layer of skin covered with vaccine hard enough to draw traces of blood. A loose, porous bandage or gauze held with tape is then applied to help prevent the person from touching the vaccination site and transferring the live virus to other parts of the body or to other persons.20,52  

   Two to five days after inoculation, a red papule (lump) at the site should appear. On day five or six, the papule should swell and fill with fluid (turn into a vesicle). Between days seven and 11, the vesicle should turn into a pustule (become an open, pus-filled lesion). About two weeks after vaccination, the pustule dries and develops a crust that falls off by the end of the third week and leaves the characteristic smallpox scar on the skin.22  

   If a person is already partially immune to smallpox (either through previous experience with the disease or vaccination), there may be an accelerated process that includes a papule that appears within 3 days, vesiculates in 5 to 7 days, and heals with little scarring. If only a papule develops without vesiculation and without leaving some kind of scar, it is considered a failed vaccination and many times the person is revaccinated in an attempt to get a “Jennerian vesicle” that is considered proof of successful vaccination.22  


   The live vaccinia virus vaccine to prevent smallpox may be the most highly reactive vaccine that has ever been used in humans.  As with most vaccines, when complications occurred with the vaccinia virus vaccine, they were quite similar to the complications of the disease they were designed to prevent.   

   According to the World Health Organization “existing vaccines have proven efficacy but also have a high incidence of adverse side-effects. The risk of adverse events is sufficiently high that vaccination is not warranted if there is no or little real risk of exposure. Vaccine administration is warranted in individuals exposed to the virus or facing a real risk of exposure. A safer vaccinia-based vaccine, produced in cell culture is expected to become available shortly. There is also interest in developing monoclonal antivariola antibody for passive immunization of exposed and infected individuals, which could also be safely administered to persons infected with HIV.”52  

Potential 70,000 Severe Reactions Requiring VIG: According to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense “It has been estimated that if 1 million persons were vaccinated [with live vaccinia virus vaccine], as many as 250 persons would experience adverse reactions of a type that would require administration of VIG [vaccinia immune globulin].”49  

   Using these vaccine risk estimates would yield a serious vaccine reaction rate of 1 in 4,000 persons. This would mean that out of 280 million Americans who receive the vaccinia virus vaccine there could be approximately 70,000 persons who would experience reactions severe enough to require VIG.  

   VIG is ineffective in treating postvaccinal encephalitis.20 Estimates are that postvaccinal encephalitis following live vaccinia vaccine occurs in between 1 in 81,000 to 1 in 345,000 persons receiving their first smallpox vaccination,20,22 which would add thousands of cases of postvaccinal encephalitis in the initial mass vaccination of all Americans, for whom VIG treatment is not beneficial.  

Potential Neurological Reactions in the Young: One 1992 study by the State Research Institute of Standardization and Control of Medical Biologics in Russia reported a neurological complication rate of 1 in 3,200 persons aged five years and older who received a first live vaccinia virus vaccination.61 Approximately 120 million Americans are between the ages of 5 and 35 according to the US 2000 census. If all those Americans were first-time vaccinees, approximately 37,500 of them could suffer a neurological reaction.  

Re-Introducing Vaccinia Virus A Risk:  The vaccinia virus vaccine has not been used on a mass basis in the U.S. since the early 1970’s so the virus is not circulating in our population and no one under age 30 has had any experience with it.  Because live vaccinia virus vaccine can cause vaccinia viral infection in the vaccine recipient or in a close contact of the recently vaccinated person, those who get vaccinated will be exposing themselves and others to the vaccinia virus and potential complications.  

The CDC reports that one 10-state survey revealed that transmission of vaccinia virus infection occurred in 27 per million total vaccinations (1 in 37,000 vaccinations) and 44 percent of those contact cases occurred among children. Approximately 60 percent of contact transmissions in the survey resulted in the inadvertent inoculation of otherwise healthy persons. About 30 percent of the eczema vaccinatum cases were a result of contact transmission.20,62  

Common Vaccinia Virus Vaccine Reactions: Fever, fatigue and irritability are common, especially in children, during the vesicular and pustular stages and swollen lymph glands may persist for months after vaccinia virus vaccination.22

   Inadvertent inoculation at other body sites: According to the CDC: “Inadvertent inoculation at other sites is the most frequent complication of vaccinia vaccination and accounts for approximately half of all complications of primary vaccination and revaccination.” Autoinoculation occurs when the recently vaccinated person touches or scratches the lesion at the vaccination site and transfers the live vaccinia virus to other parts of the body, such as the face, eyelid, nose, mouth, genitalia and rectum, and more lesions form. Most lesions heal without therapy but vaccinia immunoglobulin (VIG) can be used when the eye is involved, unless there is inflammation of the cornea (because VIG can increase corneal scarring). The CDC estimates inadvertent inoculation occurs in 1 in 1,890 first time vaccinations.20  

   Fever: According to the CDC, approximately 70 percent of children experience temperatures under 100 F. for 4-14 days after the first vaccination and 15-20 percent will experience temperatures under 102 F. After revaccination, 35 percent of children experience temperatures under 100 F. and 5 percent experience temperatures under 102 F. Fever is less common in adults. 20  

   Rashes and Hives: A raised rash (erythema) or hives (urticaria) can occur approximately 10 days after a first vaccination, which usually does not involve a fever and resolves within two to four days. Sometimes erythema and urticaria can be confused with generalized vaccinia. 20  

            More Severe Reactions: Moderate and severe immune and neurological complications of live vaccinia vaccination occur more than ten times more often among first-time vaccinees than among those who are revaccinated and are more frequent among infants. 20 Well known serious complications of live vaccinia virus vaccination include progressive vaccinia, postvaccinal encephalomyelitis; eczema vaccinatum; and generalized vaccinia, and reaction rates for these serious vaccine complications vary.  

            Progressive Vaccinia (vaccinia gangrenosa, vaccinia necrosum): When the live vaccinia virus continues to grow in the body and healing of the primary vaccinal lesion caused by smallpox vaccination does not occur, there can be a slowly progressive destruction of large areas of skin (necrosis), subcutaneous tissue, viscera (internal organs) and bone. Progressive vaccinia almost always occurs in persons with a severe immune deficiency caused by cancer, radiation or chemotherapy, and AIDS or other serious immune system disorders such as lupus. Those who develop progressive vaccinia almost always die within six months.19,20,22,49  

   In the past, it was estimated that this reaction occurred in 1 in 1 million to 1.6 in 1 million vaccinations with a case fatality ratio of almost 90 percent.20,22,53 However, this severe reaction to live vaccinia virus vaccine will most likely occur more often today if mass smallpox vaccination campaigns are introduced in populations with a high incidence of undiagnosed HIV/AIDS or other immune system deficiencies.

            Postvaccinal Encephalitis/Encephalomyelitis: Inflammation of the brain can develop two to 25 days after vaccination.22 It occurs most frequently in children under age one or two years and in older children and adults receiving their first smallpox vaccination.20,53,61 Symptoms can appear suddenly and include fever, vomiting, drowsiness, restlessness, confusion, convulsions, hemiplegia (partial paralysis), aphasia (loss of speech), loss of consciousness and coma. Recovery is often incomplete, with residual brain damage and paralysis, which occurs most frequently in children under two years old.53  Death rates following post vaccinal encephalitis range from 25 percent to 50 percent of patients, usually within a week of onset.20,53 Conservative estimates of frequency range from 1 in 345,00022 to 1 in 81,000 persons receiving their first-vaccination.20 

            Eczema Vaccinatum: This reaction is seen in persons with a history of eczema or other types of chronic skin conditions like contact dermatitis. The person develops high fever, swollen lymph nodes and widespread inflammation and appearance of lesions on areas of skin previously affected by eczema that can spread to areas of healthy skin. Especially severe cases can occur when persons, who have active eczema or a history of eczema, come in contact with those recently vaccinated with live vaccinia virus.20,22 The CDC states “Eczema vaccinatum might be more severe among contacts than among vaccinated persons.”20 Eczema vaccinatum can be mild and self limited but also can be severe and fatal. Estimates of frequency ranges from 1 in 100,00019 to 1 in about 26,000 first time vaccinations.20  

            Generalized Vaccinia: This reaction involves a vesicular rash similar to but milder than smallpox that can be localized around the vaccination site or cover the body and can occur among healthy persons without underlying illness. It is most serious in those who have underlying immunosuppressive illness. The CDC estimates that 241.5 cases of generalized vaccinia per 1 million first time vaccinations occurs (about 1 in 4,100 vaccinations).20  

            Death: Death from vaccinia vaccination is most often the result of postvaccinal encephalitis or progressive vaccinia. Death has been estimated to occur in 1 in 1 million vaccinated persons.22  

Other Serious Vaccinia Vaccine Reaction Reports: There are a number of other serious vaccinia vaccine reactions reported in the medical literature, including progressive or generalized vaccinia in persons with genital herpes,63,64,65 HIV,66 and active acne;67 development of skin cancer;68 basal cell carcinoma in a smallpox vaccination scar;69 discoid lupus erythematosus in a smallpox vaccination scar;70 diabetes;71 thrombocytopenia purpura;72 cardiac complications leading to heart damage;73,74 clubfoot in babies whose mother’s were vaccinated in the first trimester;75 and chromosomal breakage and changes in children after revaccination.76,77  

            VIG Treatment and Prevention of Vaccine Complications: Treatment for and prevention of vaccinia complications is limited. Vaccine Immune Globulin (VIG), which is composed of preformed antibody to vaccinia virus taken from the blood of persons who have already been vaccinated with vaccinia virus, has been used in cases of autoinoculation of the eye, progressive vaccinia, eczema vaccinatum and generalized vaccinia. VIG is of no use in cases of postvaccinal encephalitis.20  

   VIG has also been used to try to prevent serious vaccine reactions by giving persons with contraindications (such as immune suppression) VIG before vaccination.20,49. Although VIG has been useful in treating some cases of vaccinia vaccine reactions, there is no assurance that VIG will either prevent or modify the course of every serious reaction.  

   The stockpiled supply of old VIG reportedly has deteriorated over the years and is limited.26,57 There is not enough VIG to treat the number of serious vaccine reactions that are estimated would occur if all of the 15.4 million doses of stockpiled Dryvax vaccine were used.14,20,26,49 The blood from volunteers in current Dryvax trials using diluted old vaccine may be able to be utilized to make more VIG.14,15,58  

Contraindications: According to Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, contraindications to vaccinia virus vaccine include: B or T cell immune system disorders, eczema, pregnancy, disorders of the central nervous system, neoplasms of the reticuloendothelial system, and use of immunosuppressive drugs.19  

The CDC now lists the following contraindications in the absence of an emergency (actual exposure to smallpox):20  

·         Persons who experience anaphylactic reactions to polymyxin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride and neomycin sulfate should not be vaccinated with Dryvax;

·         Persons with eczema or other skin conditions: “Vaccinia vaccine should not be administered to persons with eczema of any degree, those with a past history of eczema, those whose household contacts have active eczema, or whose household contacts have a history of eczema. Persons with other acute, chronic or exfoliative skin conditions (e.g., atopic dermatitis, burns, impetigo or varicella zoster) might also be at higher risk for eczema vaccinatum and should not be vaccinated until the condition resolves.”

·         Persons Infected with HIV;

·         Persons with immunosuppression (leukemia, lymphoma, generalized malignancy, solid organ transplantation, cellular or humoral immunity disorders, therapy with akylating agents, antimetabolites, radiation or high-dose corticosteroid therapy);

·         Infants and Children under age 18;

·         Pregnant Women: “Vaccinia virus has been reported to cause fetal infection on rare occasions, almost always after primary vaccination of the mother. Cases have been reported as recently as 1978. When fetal vaccinia does occur, it usually results in stillbirth or death of the infant soon after delivery.”  

   Other contraindication considerations : Although the CDC does not list herpes infection as a contraindication in non-emergencies, the case reports of progressive vaccinia in persons with herpes suggest that use of the vaccinia virus vaccine today may result in many more cases of progressive vaccinia than in the past. Herpes infection, like HIV, is more widespread today than it was prior to the early 1970’s, when routine vaccinia virus vaccination was discontinued.  

            CDC Eliminates Absolute Contraindications In Emergency: The CDC states that:  

“No absolute contraindications exist regarding vaccination of a person with a high-risk exposure to smallpox. Persons at greatest risk for experiencing serious vaccination complications are also at greatest risk for death from smallpox. If a relative contraindication to vaccination exists, the risk for experiencing serious vaccination complications must be weighed against the risk for experiencing a potentially fatal smallpox infection. When the level of exposure risk is undetermined, the decision to vaccinate should be made after prudent assessment by the clinician and the patient of the potential risks versus the benefits of smallpox [vaccinia virus] vaccination.”  

   Other Considerations: Whether a person dies from a disease or a vaccine, a death is a death and one cause of death is no more important than another when individual human life is valued. Because there are no genetic or other biomarkers to definitively predict ahead of time who will be harmed by vaccination, there must be strict adherence to the informed consent ethic, especially during times of emergencies when all contraindications are officially suspended. To do any less, places public health officials and anyone, who forces vaccination on a person without that person’s informed consent, in the role of judge and executioner of the genetically and biologically vulnerable.  

Preventing Contact Transmission of Vaccinia Virus: Care must be taken to prevent spread of the vaccine virus from the vaccination lesion site to other areas of the body or to another person. Use of gauze or porous bandages (to allow air to dry the site lesion) is advised with bandages changed every 1 to 2 days. No salves or ointments should be placed on the vaccination lesion.  The most important action for preventing vaccinia virus transmission is frequent hand washing with soap and water or disinfecting agents after contact with the vaccination site. Disposal of bandages that have covered the site in sealed plastic bags and decontaminating clothing or materials that have contact with the site by laundering in hot water with bleach is also important.20,52  

Recombinant Vaccinia Virus Vaccine Transmission: Scientists are using vaccinia virus as a vehicle for creating new vaccines. Genes from herpes simplex virus, hepatitis B virus, HIV and malaria reportedly have been inserted into the vaccinia genome.19 In the 1970’s and 1980’s, as researchers began experimenting with genetically engineering different strains of vaccinia viruses to contain and express foreign DNA to induce protection against infectious agents such as HIV, there were reports of laboratory-acquired infections with vaccinia or recombinant viruses.20,24  

   In 1991 the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) advised that health care workers, who were exposed to volunteers in new vaccine trials using genetically engineered vaccinia virus, be vaccinated with vaccinia virus vaccine. The CDC recommendations stated that::  

   “With the initiation of human trials of recombinant vaccines, physicians, nurses and other health-care personnel who provide clinical care to recipients of these vaccines could be exposed to both vaccinia and recombinant viruses. The exposure could occur from contact with dressings contaminated with the virus or through exposure to the vaccine. The risk of transmission of recombinant viruses to exposed health care workers is unknown…however, because of the potential for transmission of vaccinia or recombinant vaccinia viruses to such persons, the ACIP suggests that health care personnel who have direct contact with contaminated dressings or other infectious material from volunteers in clinical studies be considered for vaccination.”24   

            Health Secretary Orders 300 Million Doses of Vaccine:  One month after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, DHHS Secretary Tommy Thompson called on industry and government to produce and stockpile 300 million doses of vaccinia virus vaccine by the end of 2002. He said that all Americans should know they “have their name on a vaccine shot in our inventory.” Cost estimates range from $500 million to nearly $2 billion.1,15,78  In order to be able to accomplish this goal, some in industry are calling for cutting the number of participants in vaccine trials and bypassing standard safety and efficacy requirements to quickly create a stockpile of vaccine.16,17,25  

            Industry Asks for Immunity From Lawsuits: Drug companies competing for the multi-million dollar contract to produce enough vaccinia virus vaccine to vaccinate every American are asking Congress to pass legislation shifting all liability for vaccine injuries and deaths to the government (American taxpayer).  Already, there are bills being drafted in Congress to create a federal fund to compensate victims of bioterrorism vaccines, such as vaccinia virus vaccine.79  

New Office of Preparedness Created: DHHS Secretary Thompson has appointed D.A. Henderson, founding director of the Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies at Johns Hopkins University and architect of the worldwide smallpox eradication effort, as well as Philip Russell, a retired Army major general specializing in vaccine development, to head a new Office of Preparedness that will expand new vaccine programs and develop strategies to respond to public health emergencies. Dr. Henderson has been quoted as saying his top priority is to improve the “communications system” that will allow the medical community and government to mount a coordinated response.80  

Emergency Plan Will Militarize Public Health System:  The Working Group on Civilian Biodefense has stated The discovery of a single suspected case of smallpox must be treated as an international health emergency.”49 Although it is very important to have a well crafted bioterrorism emergency response plan in place, along with enough vaccine for everyone who wants to use it, it is difficult to envision the necessity for giving public health officials the kind of sweeping police powers now being advocated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  

   With funding and direction provided from the CDC, a lawyer at the Georgetown University Center for Law and the Public’s Health, Lawrence Gostin, has created model state legislation that will allow public health officials to mobilize and use “all or any part of the organized militia” to isolate, quarantine and force vaccination and medical treatment on American citizens in states where a Governor has called a “state of emergency” for 30 days or more. (Go to to read the law).  

   Public health officials would be given the power to “coordinate all matters pertaining to the public health emergency,” including the right to seize private property such as “communications devices, carriers, real estate, fuels, food, clothing and health care facilities” and take control of “the use, sale, dispensing, distribution and transportation of food, fuel, clothing and other commodities, alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives and combustibles” as well as take control of roads and public areas.  

   If passed by the states, the law would give unprecedented police powers to public health officials and those they designate to charge citizens with misdemeanors and imprison them if they refuse to comply with vaccination, medical treatment or isolation orders without being able to go to court first. Those who participate in enforcing the law would not be held liable for any injury, death or loss of property which resulted.  

   In the preface to this model state legislation, Gostin justified the law he wrote for the CDC by referring to the 1905 Supreme Court decision Jacobsen v Massachusetts, which upheld the right of US states to pass mandatory vaccination laws. Gostin, who is a longtime forced vaccination proponent, will be working with the National Governors Association, National Conference of State Legislatures, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, National Association of City and County Health Officers, and National Association of Attorneys General to get this legislation passed in every state. It has already been introduced in Massachusetts.  

Jacobsen v Massachusetts Revisited: How did we get to this point in America, where public health officials would presume to appropriate the kind of police power they are now saying they should be given? It all goes back to a man name Jacobsen who, in 1905, sued the state of Massachusetts for requiring him and his son to get a second vaccinia virus (smallpox) vaccination or pay a $5 fine. Jacobsen refused to get revaccinated or pay the fine, saying that he and his son had had a bad reaction to a previous vaccination for smallpox and were afraid they would be injured or die from a second one. Jacobsen maintained that forcing him to be revaccinated was “an assault upon his person” and violated his constitutional rights.  

   In its majority opinion in Jacobsen v Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11(1905), the Supreme Court rejected the evidence Jacobsen presented to show that the vaccine can cause injury and death and that doctors cannot distinguish between those who will be harmed and those who will not be harmed. The Court concluded, “The matured opinions of medical men everywhere, and the experience of mankind, as all must know, negative the suggestion that it is not possible in any case to determine whether vaccination is safe.”  

Doctors Cannot Predict Who Will Be Harmed: The fact the Supreme Court at the turn of the 20th century did not have accurate medical information upon which to base their precedent-setting decision is unfortunate. It has been proven in the succeeding 96 years, most recently in the US Court of Claims in Washington, D.C. where nearly two billion dollars has been awarded to families whose children have been killed or been injured by mandated childhood vaccines, that often doctors cannot predict ahead of time which individuals will react to vaccines and die or be left with mental retardation, medication-resistant seizure disorders, paralysis, learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, chronic arthritis, or other immune and brain dysfunction.6  

Cruel and Inhuman To The Last Degree: This is a critical point in measuring the consequences of assigning police powers to public health officials for the purpose of enforcing vaccination, particularly in cases where parents suspect their children are at increased risk for reacting to vaccines - even though government health officials, anxious to achieve a 100 percent vaccination rate, disagree. In their opinion, the 1905 Supreme Court justices acknowledged that vaccination must not be forced on a person whose physical condition would make vaccination “cruel and inhuman to the last degree. We are not to be understood as holding that the statute was intended to be applied in such a case or, if it was so intended, that the judiciary would not be competent to interfere and protect the health and life of the individual concerned.”  

   Therefore, when interpreting Jacobsen v Massachusetts in 2002, it is important to remember that, although the Court agreed that states may enact “such reasonable regulations established directly by legislative enactment as will protect the public health and the public safety,” the Supreme Court made it clear that mandatory vaccination laws must not be applied unreasonably so as to result in harm to individuals. In other words, the state does not have the right to command that an individual sacrifice his or her life in the name of the public health.  

   Utilitarianism Was in Fashion:  What, then, did the 1905 Supreme Court mean when it went on to declare that “it was the duty of the constituted authorities primarily to keep in view the welfare, comfort and safety of the many, and not permit the interests of the many to be subordinated to the wishes or convenience of the few?” The “wishes or convenience” of the few certainly does not translate into the ”lives” of the few, but still, the historical context in which this declaration was made is very important.  

   In 1905, the political doctrine known as “utilitarianism” was a popular philosophical tenet, which judged the rightness or wrongness of an action by its consequences and held that an action that is moral or ethical results in the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers of people. With its emphasis on numbers of people, utilitarianism became a convenient way to justify state legislative policy. Karl Marx used utilitarian principles to formulate his economic theories and modern cost benefit analyses are also descendents of utilitarianism.12  

Individual Autonomy Must Come First:  In 1927, jurist Oliver Wendall Holmes embraced the utilitarian rationale when he used Jacobsen v Massachusetts to justify the forced sterilization of a mentally retarded woman to, in effect, protect the public welfare. Writing for the majority in a 8-1 Supreme Court decision, Buck v Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), Holmes said “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.”  

   Not long after, Hitler would embrace the same kind of rationalization used by Holmes in that stunning 1927 legal opinion and go on to pursue his own brand of social engineering to eliminate from society those persons the Third Reich had judged to be genetically inferior, physically or mentally compromised, or socially unacceptable (homosexuals, political dissidents) because they were thought to be a threat to the public health and welfare.81 The tragic moral failure of utilitarianism was finally revealed at the Doctor’s Trial at Nuremberg after World War II, where it was discredited by the Nuremberg Tribunal as a pseudo-ethic.11 In its place stands the Nuremberg Code, which places the right of individuals to self determination and autonomy above the right of the state, science and medicine to derive benefits from them.  

   The human right to informed consent to medical interventions that can injure or kill is the centerpiece of modern bioethics. It insures that the individual has control over decisions and actions involving life and death, which are the most sacred of all decisions and actions humans are ever called upon to make.



EDITORIAL: Vaccinating America at Gunpoint

by Barbara Loe Fisher  

   Like every American, I never imagined that I would experience the kind of shock and horror that came on September 11 with the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C. While our world has changed forever, there are some things that never change.  Truth does not change. What it means to be free does not change.  

   In response to the fear and anxiety that still hangs like a bad dream over our nation, in the mad scramble to “do something” to make Americans feel safe again, government officials employed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have stepped forward to suggest that they and their state health department counterparts are the only ones who can keep us safe whenever they decide there is a “public health” emergency – if only we will give them the power to use the state militia to arrest, quarantine and forcibly vaccinate and medicate us. Not satisfied with that, they also want the power to seize our private property, including our homes, as well as our telephones, fax machines, computers, cars, fuel, food, clothing, firearms, prescription drugs and the alcoholic beverages in our refrigerator. Just in case you were thinking you could make it to the border before the public health militia comes to get you, they want the power to take over all roads in and out of your city and state, too.  

   And to make sure they can’t get sued by anyone for anything they do, they are asking for total legal immunity for destroying your property or killing you or your children when they enforce the law.  They are joined in this quest by the drug companies making “bioterrorism” vaccines, like the notoriously reactive smallpox vaccine never tested for safety in clinical trials. Not only are the drug companies demanding that Congress give them total legal immunity for all vaccine-induced injuries and deaths, they are also demanding that the bioterrorism vaccines they produce be exempt from normal federal safety and efficacy standards.  

   What is wrong with this picture?  

   Certainly, America should have enough smallpox vaccine or other “bioterrorism” vaccines for everyone who voluntarily wants to use them: but not ones that haven’t been properly tested. Certainly, America should have a sound, workable emergency plan in place in the event of a bioterrorism attack: but not one that places the life and liberty of the majority of citizens in the hands of an elite few, who will have the power to take both from citizens without their consent.  

   This CDC-funded and initiated legislation treats us like runaway slaves in need of subjugation. The law’s proposed elimination of the informed consent principle, which has governed the ethical use of medical interventions that can injure or kill ever since the Doctor’s Trial at Nuremberg after World War II, is clear indication that public health officials want the sole authority to decide who will live and who will die and under what conditions.  

   No state of emergency in a free society justifies the sacrifice of the most sacred human right: the right to voluntarily decide what you are willing to risk your life for or your child’s life for. What it means to be free doesn’t get more basic than that.  

   I have said many times during the past decade, that if the state can tag, track down and force citizens to be injected with biologicals of unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on what individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow. Now, tomorrow is here.  

   In this time of great sadness, fear and confusion, Americans have a choice to make: either we defend the individual freedoms our forefathers fought and died to give us, or we sacrifice those freedoms and let the terrorists win. What we do will define who we are as a nation for many years to come.

  Bottom Line: What You Need to Know About Smallpox Vaccine 
· It spreads vaccinia virus from one person to another, which can kill or injure people
· It causes reactions in almost everyone who gets it (fever, spread of vaccine virus to other parts of body) and causes extremely severe reactions in 1 in 4,000 persons which can lead to death or injury;
· It was never tested in clinical trials before it was used on a mass basis and mandated;
· Drug companies making old and new smallpox vaccines want normal federal vaccine safety and efficacy standards to be suspended so the vaccines can be licensed quickly;
· Drug companies do not want to be held liable for any injuries and deaths caused by old and new smallpox vaccines.  
Bottom Line: What You Need To Know About Proposed Laws in Your State 
When federal and state public health officials convince your Governor to declare a “public health” emergency, they want to be able to use the “state militia” to:  

 · take control of all roads leading into and out of your cities and state;
·  seize your house, car, telephones, computers, food, fuel, clothing, firearms and alcoholic beverages for their own use (and not be held liable if these actions result in the destruction of your personal property)
· arrest, imprison and forcibly examine, vaccinate and medicate you and your children without your consent (and not be held liable if these actions result in your death or injury). 

What YOU Can Do:  

  The most important action you can take is to give this information to as many people as you can and let your individual voice be heard.  Let people know where you stand:  

Correspondence to the Attorney General, may be sent to:

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Correspondence to Secretary Thompson, may be sent to:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
(202) 619-0257
Toll Free: 1-877-696-6775



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2.       Hudson A. October 10, 2001. Anthrax, smallpox vaccines called for. The Washington Times.

3.       Gostin Lawrence, J.D., Georgetown University, for the CDC: The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (

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73.    Moschos A., Papaioannou AC. October 1976. Cardiac complications after vaccination for smallpox. Helvetica Paediatrica Acta.

74.    Feery BJ. August 6,1977. Adverse reactions after smallpox vaccination. Medical Journal of Australia.

75.    Naderi S. August 1975. Smallpox vaccination during pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology.

76.    Knuutila S, Maki-Paakkanen J et al. 1978. An increased frequency of chromosomal changes and SCE’s in cultured blood lymphocytes of 12 subjects vaccinated against smallpox. Human Genetics.

77.    Kucerova M, Polivkova Z. 1980. Chromosomal aberrations and SCE in lymphocytes of children revaccinated against smallpox. Mutation Research.

78.    Bradsher K. November 7, 2001. Smallpox vaccine costlier than expected. The New York Times.

79.    Bradsher K. November 8, 2001. Three smaller companies say their vaccines are cheaper. The New York Times.

80.    Connolly C. November 8, 2001. . US officials reorganize strategy on bioterrorism. The Washington Post.

81.    Weindling P. 1989. Health, Race and German Politics Between National Unification and Nazism 1870-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



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About the Editor 

    Barbara Loe Fisher is co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center. She is co-author of DPT: A Shot in the Dark (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985; Warner, 1986; Avery, 1991), a book which made an important contribution to public support for development of the purified pertussis vaccine licensed by the FDA for American babies in 1996.  She is author of The Consumer’s Guide to Childhood Vaccines (NVIC, 1997) and editor of THE VACCINE REACTION and The Vaccine Hotline newsletters.  

   During the 1980’s, she helped lead a national grassroots effort to bring the issue of vaccine safety to public attention, including leading demonstrations at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and at the White House in 1986. Later that year, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.  

   She served on the National Vaccine Advisory Committee for four years, where she was chair of the subcommittee on adverse events. She was appointed to the Vaccine Safety Forum at the Institute of Medicine in 1995, where she helped to coordinate five public workshops on vaccine safety.  She has served as the consumer voting member of the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee since 1999.  She is a frequent public speaker at educational health conferences, where she defends the right to informed consent to medical interventions which can cause injury or death, including vaccination.  

   The mother of three children, in 1980 her two and a half year old son reacted within four hours of his fourth DPT and polio vaccinations with a convulsion, collapse shock and six hour state of unconsciousness.  He was left with minimal brain dysfunction, including multiple learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder.  

About the National Vaccine Information Center  

   The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), founded in 1982 by parents of vaccine injured children, is a non-profit, educational organization (501C3) dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. NVIC promotes scientific research into the biological causes of vaccine injury and death in order to identify biomarkers which place individuals at high risk for suffering vaccine reactions. NVIC advocates the institution of informed consent protections in mass vaccination laws and serves as a watchdog on vaccine research, development, regulation and promotion activities of public health agencies.  

   After launching the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in the U.S. in the early 1980’s, NVIC’s co-founders worked with Congress to create the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. This historic law set up a vaccine injury compensation program and included vaccine safety provisions, such as mandatory reporting of hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following vaccination.  

   In 1989, NVIC sponsored an International Scientific Workshop on Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines and, in 1996, one of NVIC’s major goals was realized when a purified pertussis vaccine was licensed for American babies after a decade and a half of advocacy work. In 1997, NVIC held the First International Public Conference on Vaccination and sponsored the Second International Public Conference on Vaccination on Sept. 8-10, 2000 in Washington, D.C. The Third International Public Conference on Vaccination will be held on November 7-9, 2002 in Arlington, Virginia.


   THE VACCINE REACTION is a publication of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. All rights reserved.  

Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder & President  
Kathi Williams, Co-founder and Vice President  
Geeta Choppala, Editorial Assistant  

The National Vaccine Information Center  
421-E Church Street, Vienna, VA 22180  
1-800-909SHOT (orders and donations only)  
703-938-0342 (phone) 703-938-5768 (fax)

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: homelandsecurity; smallpoxvaccine
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To: TomB
And just where are these concentrations measured? Obviously not in the water supply, and obviously not in blood plasma levels. Where?

If you go back to post 374, you'll see that ground water has been seen containing as much as 100 ppm of fluoride. So obviously, that isn't calcium fluoride, as its maximum solubility is 16 ppm.

As far as blood plasma levels, hmmm, I might want to look into that.

Well, first off, what do you think happens when there is a dental accident where a child swallows the fluoride treatment? Why do you think he or she gets ill and/or dies? Is it because there was only a 16 ppm level of fluoride in the bloodstream? Or do you think it may be just a bit higher?

When there are accidental discharges of fluoride in a resevoir, or when ground water leeches into the water system, I wonder what sort of concentration of fluoride we'd see there.

Say somebody decides to have a can of tuna with a salad for lunch. With lunch, the person drinks a nice big glass of fluoridated water, or perhaps a can of coke. After lunch, perhaps a cup of coffee made with fluoridated water, or perhaps tea which ITSELF contains fluoride. Afterwards, that person brushes their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste, swallows some of it then gargles with a fluoride mouthwash. I wonder how high of a concentration they'd have in their stomach. And I wonder what the short term level of fluoride would be in their blood stream before being ABSORBED or excreted.

In other words, there's lot's of ways to get MORE than the 1 ppm figure you continously quote.

AND, it may just be that those already elevated levels of fluoride are being accumulated in cells, themselves containing water. We'll get to that later though...

381 posted on 11/21/2002 4:29:01 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
But you WERE there to make that smartassed statement, then you disappeared. You saw my question(s), responded, then were strangely silent for 2 1/2 hours.
You mean you couldn't answer me then?

Are you on a timeclock Tom?

382 posted on 11/21/2002 4:30:22 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: FormerLurker; Minnesota Lady; TomB
Very eloquent dribble.

Very eloquent TRUE dribble. You've dug yourself into a factual hole and appear to be too proud to admit your error. It seems you think you can just power your way through by repeating your incorrect assertions. It won't work. Restating error enough times still won't make it untrue.
383 posted on 11/21/2002 4:54:30 PM PST by aruanan
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To: TomB
How would a negative ion get past the cell membrane?

Ever hear of ion channels?


You're right, negative ions can't get into a cell. So let's drop that idea. BUT, let's look at neurons. They utilize potassium in their cell function, and potassium ions ARE positive. As such, if there's any fluoride in the blood stream, those negative fluoride ions bond with the potassium and rob the neuron of it's necessary potassium ion. That is how fluoride causes neurological damage.

384 posted on 11/21/2002 4:55:28 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: aruanan
ery eloquent TRUE dribble

I haven't seen you post anything but ad hominem comments. Have anything else to say?

385 posted on 11/21/2002 4:56:36 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
AND, it may just be that those already elevated levels of fluoride are being accumulated in cells, themselves containing water. We'll get to that later though...

Obviously I was wrong about that. My mistake...

386 posted on 11/21/2002 4:58:30 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: FormerLurker
If you go back to post 374, you'll see that ground water has been seen containing as much as 100 ppm of fluoride. So obviously, that isn't calcium fluoride, as its maximum solubility is 16 ppm.

You mean to tell me that the absoulte ONLY naturally occurring fluoride compound is calcium fluoride? And under all circumstances (heat, ph, etc.) the solubility is the same?

Well, first off, what do you think happens when there is a dental accident where a child swallows the fluoride treatment? Why do you think he or she gets ill and/or dies? Is it because there was only a 16 ppm level of fluoride in the bloodstream? Or do you think it may be just a bit higher?

When has a child died from a fluoride treatment?

You're REALLY reaching now.

WAIT! I changed my mind, you're right. Fluoridated toothpastes, rinses, and treatments are WAY too dangerous to have around. I think we need to stick with the much lower fluoride concentrations in fluoridated water.

387 posted on 11/21/2002 5:25:25 PM PST by TomB
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To: TomB
You mean to tell me that the absoulte ONLY naturally occurring fluoride compound is calcium fluoride? And under all circumstances (heat, ph, etc.) the solubility is the same?

No, I'm saying that calcium fluoride is not what reached 100 ppm, as it can only reach 16 ppm solubility. The temperture given for the 16 ppm value is 16 degrees Celcius, which is about 61 degres Fahrenheit. That is about right for ground water. As far as the ph, unless the water was very acidic or caustic, I doubt there'd be a significant difference in the solubility.

When has a child died from a fluoride treatment?

$750,000 Given In Child's Death In Fluoride Case. - Boy, 3, Was in City Clinic for Routine Cleaning

WAIT! I changed my mind, you're right. Fluoridated toothpastes, rinses, and treatments are WAY too dangerous to have around. I think we need to stick with the much lower fluoride concentrations in fluoridated water.

Fluoride blamed in dialysis deaths

Deaths or poisonings linked to fluoridation or fluoride products

Fluoridation / Fluoride Toxic Chemicals In Your Water

388 posted on 11/21/2002 6:40:40 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
Let's not forget, we also have to breathe...

Air Quality Criteria and Standards for Agriculture

389 posted on 11/21/2002 6:48:29 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
And yet another relevant link..

Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children

390 posted on 11/21/2002 6:58:52 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
Incidently, fluoride ions also bind to calcium ions, disrupting neurotransmission..

Fluoride Toxicity

And those pesky fluoride ions wreak all sorts of other havoc when they rob positive ions from electrolytes...


391 posted on 11/21/2002 7:18:40 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
The temperture given for the 16 ppm value is 16 degrees Celcius, which is about 61 degres Fahrenheit.

Oops, the temperature given for the 16 ppm maximum solubility should have been 18 degrees Celcius, not 16. So 18 degrees Celcius equates to 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit. It's STILL about right for the temperature of ground water.

392 posted on 11/21/2002 7:54:22 PM PST by FormerLurker
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To: FormerLurker
$750,000 Given In Child's Death In Fluoride Case. - Boy, 3, Was in City Clinic for Routine Cleaning

So with billions of fluoride treatments every years, you had to go back to 1974 to find something. 45 cubic centimeters!! That is obviously a case of negligence,not product safety.

But why not look at the safety of water fluoridation?

In a study in the British Dental Journal, they found that, since 1970, there have been over 3700 studies worldwide on the safety and efficacy of fluoride ( Easley MW. Br Dent J. 1995;178(2):72-75.).

Er, since I've put up with all of your cutting and pasting, you'll have to do the same. Here's a small portion of those studies:

    1. British Fluoridation Society. Optimal water fluoridation: status worldwide. Liverpool; May 1998. 2. American Dental Association, Survey Center. 1998 Consumers' opinions regarding community water fluoridation. Chicago; June 1998.
    3. American Dental Association. Resolution 5H-1997. In: ADA Transactions 1997. Chicago: American Dental Association;1998:673.
    4. Dean HT. Endemic fluorosis and its relation to dental caries. Public Health Reports 1938;53(33):1443-52.
    5. Dean HT, Arnold FA, Elvove E. Domestic water and dental caries. Public Health Reports 1942;57(32):1155-79.
    6. American Dental Association. Fluoride and oral health: a story of achievements and challenges. J Am Dent Assoc 1989;118:529-40.
    7. Scott DB. The dawn of a new era. J Public Health Dent 1996;56(5 Spec No):235-8.
    8. US Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010 Objectives: Draft for public comment. (Oral Health Section) Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; September 15, 1998.
    9. US Department of Health and Human Services. For a healthy nation: returns on investment in public health. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; August 1994.
    10. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Surgeon General statement on community water fluoridation. Washington, DC; December 14, 1995.
    11. Horowitz HS. The effectiveness of community water fluoridation in the United States. J Public Health Dent 1996;56(5 Spec No):253-8.
    12. American Dental Association, Council on Access Prevention and Interprofessional Relations. Caries diagnosis and risk assessment: a review of preventive strategies and management. J Am Dent Assoc 1995;126(Suppl).
    13. US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Oral Health. Fluoridation fact sheet. No. FL-141. Atlanta; December 1993.
    14. Safe Drinking Water Committee, National Research Council. Drinking water and health. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC; 1977.
    15. Largent E. The supply of fluorine to man: 1. Introduction. In: Fluorides and human health. World Health Organization Monograph Series No. 59. Geneva;1970:17-8.
    16. Levy SM, Kiritsy MC, Warren JJ. Sources of fluoride intake in children. J Public Health Dent 1995;55(1):39-52.
    17. Newbrun E. Fluorides and dental caries, 3rd ed. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, publisher; 1986.
    18. Lambrou D, Larsen MJ, Fejerskov O, Tachos B. The effect of fluoride in saliva on remineralization of dental enamel in humans. Caries Res 1981;15:341-5.
    19. Mellberg JR, Ripa LW. Fluoride in preventive dentistry: theory and clinical applications. Chicago: Quintessence;1983:41-80.
    20. DePaola PF, Kashket S. Prevention of dental caries. In: Fluorides, effects on vegetation, animals and humans. Schupe JL, Peterson HB, Leone NC, eds. Salt Lake City: Paragon Press;1983:199-211.
    21. Backer-Dirks O, Kunzel W, Carlos JP. Caries-preventive water fluoridation. In: Progress in caries prevention. Ericsson Y, ed. Caries Res 1978;12(Suppl 1):7-14.
    22. Silverstone LM. Remineralization and enamel caries: new concepts. Dental Update 1993; May:261-73.
    23. Featherstone JD. The mechanism of dental decay. Nutrition Today 1987;May-Jun:10-6.
    24. Fejerskov O, Thylstrup A, Larsen MJ. Rational use of fluorides in caries prevention. Acta Odontol Scan 1981;39:241-9.
    25. Silverstone LM, Wefel JS, Zimmerman BF, Clarkson BH, Featherstone MJ. Remineralization of natural and artificial lesions in human dental enamel in vitro. Caries Res 1981;15:138-57.
    26. Hargreaves JA. The level and timing of systemic exposure to fluoride with respect to caries resistance. J Dent Res 1992;71(5):1244-8.
    27. US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control, Dental Disease Pre-vention Activity. Water fluoridation: a manual for engineers and technicians. Atlanta; September 1986.
    28. Horowitz HS. American Journal of Public Health 1997;87(7):1235-6. Letter to the editor.
    29. Brown HK, Poplove M. The Brantford-Samia-Stratford fluoridation caries study: final survey, 1963. Med Serv J Can 1965;21(7):450-6.
    30. Murray JJ. Efficacy of preventive agents for dental caries. Caries Res 1993;27(Suppl 1):2-8.
    31. Newbrun E. Effectiveness of water fluoridation. J Public Health Dent 1989;49(5):279-89.
    32. Ripa LW. A half-century of community water fluoridation in the United States: review and commentary. J Public Health Dent 1993;53(1):17-44.
    33. Evans DJ, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Tabari ED, Butler T. The effect of fluoridation and social class on caries experience in 5-year-old Newcastle children in 1994 compared with results over the previous 18 years. Comm Dent Health 1996;13:5-10.
    34. Spencer AJ, Slade GD, Davies M. Water fluoridation in Australia. Comm Dent Health 1996;13(Suppl 2):27-37.
    35. Pollick H, Kipnis P. The effect of fluoride con-centration of water supplies on caries experience in California children attending preschools and grades K-3 (Abstract no. 2197). Abstract presented at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.
    36. Selwitz RH, Nowjack-Raymer RE, Kingman A, Driscoll WS. Dental caries and dental fluorosis among schoolchildren who were lifelong residents of communities having either low or optimal levels of fluoride in drinking water. J Public Health Dent 1998;58(1):28-35.
    37. Arnold FA Jr., Likins RC, Russell AL, Scott DB. Fifteenth year of the Grand Rapids fluoridation study. J Am Dent Assoc 1962;65:780-5.
    38. Ast DB, Fitzgerald B. Effectiveness of water fluoridation. J Am Dent Assoc 1962;65:581-7.
    39. Blayney JR, Hill IN. Fluorine and dental caries: findings by age group. J Am Dent Assoc 1967 (Spec Iss);74(2):246-52.
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    42. Jones CM, Taylor GO, Whittle JG, Evans D, Trotter DP. Water fluoridation, tooth decay in 5 year olds, and social deprivation measured by the Jarman score: analysis of data from British dental surveys. BMJ 1997;315:514-7.
    43. Selected findings and recommendations from the California oral health needs assessment of children, 1993-94. The oral health of California's children: a neglected epidemic. San Rafael, CA: The Dental Health Foundation 1997.
    44. Lemke CW, Doherty JM, Arra MC. Controlled fluoridation: the dental effects of discontinuation in Antigo, Wisconsin. J Am Dent Assoc 1970;80:782-6.
    45. Stephen KW, McCall DR, Tullis JI. Caries prevalence in northern Scotland before, and 5 years after, water defluoridation. Br Dent J 1987;163:324-6.
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    55. National Institute of Dental Research. Statement on effectiveness of water fluoridation. Bethesda; December 1989.
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    207. Block LE. Antifluoridationists persist: the constitutional basis for fluoridation. J Public Health Dent 1986;46(4):188-98.
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    221. Frazier PJ. Priorities to preserve fluoride uses: rationales and strategies. J Public Health Dent 1985;45(3):149-65.
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    225. FDI World. South Africa to fluoridate. FDI World 1997;6(6):7.
    226. National Health and Medical Research Council. The effectiveness of water fluoridation. Canberra, Australia: Australian Government Publishing Service;1991.
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    228. Jones S. Water fluoridation in Europe. Paper presented to the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, 1996 Spring Scientific Meeting. Dundee, Scotland.
    229. Marthaler TM. Water fluoridation results in Basel since 1962: health and political implications. J Public Health Dent 1996;56(5 Spec No):265-70.
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    232. Ringelberg ML, Allen SJ, Brown LJ. Cost of fluoridation: 44 Florida communities. J Public Health Dent 1992;52(2):75-80.
    233. Centers for Disease Control. Public health focus: fluoridation of community water systems. MMWR: Update 1992;41(21):372-5.
    234. Burt BA, ed. Proceedings for the workshop: cost effectiveness of caries prevention in dental public health: results of the workshop. J Public Health Dent 1989;56(5 Spec No):331-40.
    236. American Water Works Association. Fluoridation of public water supplies. Adopted by the Board of Directors January 1976, reaffirmed January 1982. Available at ( Accessed October 1, 1998.
    237. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Office of Science and Technology. Fluoride: regulatory fact sheet.
Note: Not all numbers are present, some not relevant were edited out.
393 posted on 11/22/2002 3:14:03 AM PST by TomB
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To: TomB
So with billions of fluoride treatments every years, you had to go back to 1974 to find something. 45 cubic centimeters!! That is obviously a case of negligence,not product safety.

For one, I question your figure of "billions of fluoride treatments every years(sic)". I doubt it is anything close to that. In any event, that is not the issue. Your portrayal of the death of a little 3-year old boy, who's parents had to watch him die a horrible death, as a "45 cubic centimeter" problem, is a callous attempt to trivialize this very real danger. I doubt this little boy's parents saw this as a "45 cubic centimeter" problem.

Fluoride is a POISON. The American Dental Association has gone to great lengths to convince the American public and the rest of the world that fluoride is as safe as sugar, in fact, even more so than sugar.

It is quite obvious that fluoride ISN'T safe at ALL. The idea of putting a highly toxic, knowingly lethal dose of a substance in ANYONE'S mouth is beyond comprehension. It would be unethical even if it were part of a life saving procedure, let alone a DENTAL procedure. And for the ADA to use their junk science to convince people to bring their little boy's and girl's to the dentist to have this procedure done is outright madness.

A "probably toxic dose" (PTD), where immediate medical intervention is warranted, is given as 5mg fluoride for every kilogram of body weight. It is also stated in the reference that the fatal dose of fluoride is from 32 to 64 mg fluoride/kg. For the lethal dose, we'll take an average of 48 mg F/kg.

Consider the case of a 30 pound child, the average weight for a 3 year old boy.

Weight in kilograms
Child: 50 lbs. = 13.6 kg

PTD (Probably Toxic Dose)
Child: 5mg * 13.6 = 68 mg

"Known" lethal dose
Child: 48 * 13.6 = 653 mg

Fluoride treatments are labled as containing up to 22,600 ppm:

Enhancing Remineralization

However, if you take a look at the Colgate Duraphat mentioned in the above link, you'll see that it has 50 mg of sodium fluoride, although they state a fluoride availablity of 22.6 mg, thus the 22,600 ppm figure. We know that sodium fluoride can reach 42,200 ppm in water, which is what saliva and stomach juices chiefly consists of. So IF the patient swallows the product, MOST if not ALL of the fluoride will be available, especially if when it hits the blood stream. The amount of blood in the human body is roughly 8% of body weight, so for a 30 lb. (13. 6 kg) child that would equate to roughly 1.09 kg of blood. And as plasma contitutes 60% of blood, there'd be .65 kg of plasma. One liter of water weighs one kilogram, and plama is chiefly water, let's say there's about 0.5 liters of water in the blood of a 3 year old boy. If sodium fluoride can reach 42,200 ppm in one liter of water, then that means it could reach approximately 21,100 ppm, or 21.1 grams. So we can say that 50 mg of fluoride is available if swallowed.

It is obvious that 50mg is enough to kill a 3 year old boy, so I'd say the KNOWN lethal dose is closer to 3.7 mg of fluoride per kilogram of body weight.

Toothpaste listed in the document linked below is described as to be "sent home with the child" is listed as having 4000 ppm of fluoride, and there is even some there listed as having 5000 ppm of fluoride.

Fluoride Utilization Guide

Studies show that adults can absorb up to 0.5 mg per "TV ribbon" brushing. Small children, even if pea-size amount is used, will still absorb the same, more if the child is younger and has less swallowing control skills. Half a tube of toothpaste can kill a child. Current content of sodium fluoride in toothpaste in Canada and the US is up to 0.4% = 4000 ppm (parts per million). Bubblegum-flavored dentifrice obviously is especially inviting for children. Since April 1997 all toothpaste in the US must carry a warning label, advising parents what to do if their child swallows more than the pea-size brushing amount. Wholesale containers carry the poison symbol of skull and crossbones.

The ADA says that fluoride is perfectly safe. I disagree with that, and find that it is reckless to portray fluoride that way. To me, this is nothing other than a massive game of russian roulette. You mention negligence, well, there IS obviously some negligence here, reckless, gross negligence I'd say.

I see that you cut and pasted all the "references" from the ADA website.

I can see why they don't provide any links to these studies, as many of them actually provided detrimental information.

Let's look at the reference given as;

187. Mullenix PJ, Denbesten PK, Schunior A, Kernan WJ. Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats. Neurotoxicol Teratol 1995;17(2):169-77.

THAT study actually shows how sodium fluoride is neurotoxic...

Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats

And there are many other studies that refer to it..

Fluoride's Neurological Effects:



In Harms Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development

And of course, there are other studies that the ADA DIDN'T list..


It is apparent that you've tried to dazzle the readers with your long list of references, just as the ADA hopes to dazzle those who visit their website. Most people would never take the time to even give it a second thought, and simply ASSUME that those papers cited actually PROMOTE the ADA's position. What a clever ruse....

Sure, there might be a few studies performed BY the ADA that promotes their position, and there might be a few studies performed by those with a vested interest in the matter that might side with them. But the OVERWHELMING volume of evidence clearly shows that fluoride IS a poison, and has NO redeeming value WHATSOEVER.

394 posted on 11/22/2002 9:19:19 AM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
More cut and paste:

National and International Organizations that Recognize the Public Health Benefits of Community Water Fluoridation for Preventing Dental Decay

Academy of Dentistry International
Academy of General Dentistry
Academy of Sports Dentistry
Alzheimer’s Association
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
American Academy of Periodontology
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association for Dental Research
American Association of Community Dental Programs
American Association of Dental Schools
American Association of Endodontists
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
American Association of Orthodontists
American Association of Public Health Dentistry
American Cancer Society
American College of Dentists
American College of Physicians — American Society of Internal Medicine
American College of Prosthodontists
American Council on Science and Health
American Dental Assistants Association
American Dental Association
American Dental Hygienists’ Association
American Dietetic Association
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial
American Hospital Association
American Medical Association
American Nurses Association
American Osteopathic Association
American Pharmaceutical Association
American Public Health Association
American School Health Association
American Society of Clinical Nutrition
American Society of Dentistry for Children
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
American Student Dental Association
American Veterinary Medical Association
American Water Works Association
Association for Academic Health Centers
Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs
Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
British Dental Association
British Fluoridation Society
British Medical Association
Canadian Dental Association
Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
Canadian Medical Association
Canadian Nurses Association
Canadian Paediatric Society
Canadian Public Health Association
Chocolate Manufacturers Association
Consumer Federation of American
Delta Dental Plans Association
European Organization for Caries Research
FDI World Dental Federation
Federation of Special Care Organizations in Dentistry
-- Academy of Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities
-- American Association of Hospital Dentists
-- American Society for Geriatric Dentistry
Health Insurance Association of America
Hispanic Dental Association
International Association for Dental Research
International Association for Orthodontics
International College of Dentists
Institute of Medicine
National Academy of Sciences
National Alliance for Oral Health
National Association of County and City Health Officials
National Association of Dental Assistants
National Confectioners Association
National Council Against Health Fraud
National Dental Assistants Association
National Dental Association
National Dental Hygienists’ Association
National Down Syndrome Congress
National Down Syndrome Society
National Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped
National Kidney Foundation
National PTA
National Research Council
Society of American Indian Dentists
The Dental Health Foundation (of California)
US Department of Defense
US Department of Veterans Affairs
US Public Health Service
Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC)
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Indian Health Service (IHS)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
World Federation of Orthodontists
World Health Organization

Probably a few scientists in there.

395 posted on 11/22/2002 9:20:54 AM PST by TomB
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To: FormerLurker
Fluoride is a POISON. The American Dental Association has gone to great lengths to convince the American public and the rest of the world that fluoride is as safe as sugar, in fact, even more so than sugar.

The is analagous to someone giving a child an entire bottle of aspirin and then saying we should ban aspirin because it killed him.

As I said earlier, everything is toxic at high enough doses, even water, do you want to ban water?

It is quite obvious that fluoride ISN'T safe at ALL.

In the rest of your diatribe you completely forgot to mention that there are 3700 studies done since 1970 that show fluoride is safe.

THAT study actually shows how sodium fluoride is neurotoxic...

Well, yes and no, I should have deleted that one, however, that still leaves you with around 280 in that one list alone you've ignored. Also, as we've learned over the years (can you say "ALAR", toxicity in rats does not necessarily apply to humans). Anyway, there are some problems with that study.

    There have been claims that exposure to fluoride presents a neurotoxic (harmful or damaging to nerve tissue) risk or lowered intelligence. Such claims are based on a 1995 study in which rats were fed fluoride at levels up to 125 times greater than that found in optimally fluoridated water.187 The study attempted to demonstrate that rats fed extremely high levels of fluoride (75 ppm to 125 ppm in drinking water) showed behavior-specific changes related to cognitive deficits.

    In addition, the experiment also studied the offspring of rats who were injected two to three times a day with fluoride during their pregnancies in an effort to show that prenatal exposure resulted in hyperactivity in male offspring.

    However, two scientists who reviewed the 1995 study188 have suggested that the observations made can be readily explained by mechanisms that do not involve neurotoxicity. The scientists found inadequacies in experimental design that may have led to invalid conclusions. For example, the results of the experiment were not confirmed by the use of control groups which are an essential feature of test validation and experimental design. In summary the scientists stated, "We do not believe the study by Mullenix et al. can be interpreted in any way as indicating the potential for NaF (sodium fluoride) to be a neurotoxicant." Another reviewer104 noted, " seems more likely that the unusually high brain fluoride concentrations reported in Mullenix et al. were the result of some analytical error."

So, like I said, that leaves 280 or so studies you've yet to discount.

And that still leaves 3500 studies yet to go.

396 posted on 11/22/2002 9:39:34 AM PST by TomB
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To: TomB
The is analagous to someone giving a child an entire bottle of aspirin and then saying we should ban aspirin because it killed him.

Aspirin is a medicine Tom. It is administered ONLY when needed, and then ONLY in measured doses. They don't pump it into the water supply, they don't spray it on vegetables, and they don't put it in toothpaste.

As I said earlier, everything is toxic at high enough doses, even water, do you want to ban water?

Fluoride has cululative toxic effects as well as short term toxicity. It is a poison, with no nutritional value whatsover. It destroys and/or inhibits vital cellular functions. Water is needed for life. There's a bit of a difference between the two..

You can jump around this issue all you want, you can't change the facts. Why is it SO important to you that we continually expose ourselves and our children to this horrendous poison?

397 posted on 11/22/2002 9:52:16 AM PST by FormerLurker
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To: FormerLurker
398 posted on 11/22/2002 10:00:57 AM PST by FormerLurker
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399 posted on 11/22/2002 10:01:02 AM PST by FormerLurker
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To: TomB
You never post any links to back up your assertions Tom. I wonder why that is.

You can obfuscuate this all you wish, the facts remain clear. Fluoride is a poison, and any ethical scientist will tell you that.

All that you have proved is that those who promote fluoride care more about their pocketbooks than the health and wellbeing of the human beings that live on this Earth.

It is just one example of how there are apparently some who hold highly respected positions that DO NOT care about human health whatsoever, and actively discourage or discredit ANY evidence contrary to their propaganda.

400 posted on 11/22/2002 10:12:17 AM PST by FormerLurker
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