Who then, is Voldermort?
Wow! You are really over the edge, at least my edge. Good luck to you.
Uh.. reality check. Harry Potter is a character in a story..
A rather well written and cleverly marketed story.
Ever read a story?
At first i was delighted with the Potter uprising, but soon i found myself disgusted with the new trend. I hated the movie, it was horrible, and i do much detest the lego's and what not. I am now ashamed to call myself a fan, the fame has destroyed the book for me. Remember, for me, Harry Potter was just a book-
Now, it's time to wake up your dead old people minds. Harry Potter is just a book, an innocent childrens book, and because the story isn't about a kid who lives on the farm and loves God, it must be evil. Go read the book, study the text. Not once does it say "satan, or devil" nor does it refer to the god your ignorant christian minds have invented.
Wait before you go off into a fit of rage, I'm not anti-cristian. But I don't think your image of god is correct. I went to catholic shool for the majority of my academic career, and i've gone through all the sacraments required for people my age, I know what I'm talking about. But enough about that, it's got nothing to do with the topic.
When I read Harry Potter for the first time, way back when, it did not corrupt my innocent mind. I did not convert from my religion, I did not suddenly begin to worship satan. Your odd imaginations are wilder than the story itself.
Half the people who have strong opinions of Harry havn't read the book. Hell, some of them havn't even seem the movie. They just assume that, since it has the word 'witch' in it's content, it's evil. And, also, what makes your religion correct? What makes it some how more valid than say wicca? And what do you even know about wicca? Please, explore these things before you so horribly label them.
Now, about the Harry Potter is a slave to the devil, that is pure bullsh!t. If you read the book, you would be aware that Harry is the "good-guy," He doesn't use his power to kill people, or steal. He doesn't summon up the dead, he deosn't worship anything. He doesn't do anything that your religion thinks of as evil. Like i said, it' an innocent childrens book.
If you've made it this far through my boring little testemony, i congratulate you. I'm surprized i made it this far myself. I've made my point now, though i don't expect your closed minds will open up, and start to think. Well, Off i go, dad's turn... INNOCENT! Harry is INNOCENT I tell you... =P