This guy is a creep. After spending all of that time with this little girl who believes he is her father he is going to throw that all away. What the mother did was very wrong but it possibly even worse what the man is doing. We don't know all the facts here but the little girl is the victim and shouldn't be cast aside like so much trash.
All of this chest beating by the "men" here who feel they are getting the shaft sickens me. They were in these relationships and knew full well what happens when men and women have sexual relations. The fact that they often do this outside of marriage should alert most any man that this possibility exists. Sometimes the women don't even know for sure who the father is because they have many partners or are unsure of when the conception took place. The men are not living in another world. They know what is going on or if not they deserve the results because they are idiots. "Free Love" is not free at all. It exacts a price. This guy is a jerk.
You are typical of the feminization of men in our current society. You are willing to set aside fraud, theft and deceit by just calling it "wrong", and willing to call the guy a jerk for seeking redress? What kind of man are you?
It is not "chest beating" to expect that the children you raise and support are your own. Or have you been so brainwashed by the feminist agenda, that your progeny no longer matters to you?
Your post is an example of what happens to a society that stops thinking in favor of feeling. Maybe you are the type who calls rape victims idiots too? They know what is going on out there, but they dared go outside?
I can see that kind of nonsense coming from a woman on this issue, but for a man, your post is really disgusting. Grow a pair, will you?