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To: AdamSelene235
"Label me an optimist."


You are diametrically opposed to optimism. Optimists don't run around posting ridiculous gloom and doom articles at every turn. Optimists don't whine that our tax structure is too burdensome to permit us to survive economically, and optimists don't claim that the world is about to homogenize U-238 "gun" atomic weapons.

Optimists look on the bright side. Those aren't examples of looking on the bright side.

You are deluding yourself if you think that you are an optimist.

You aren't.

Furthermore, the Japanese aren't going to surpass the American economy. Nor are the Europeans or Chinese. Nor will tomorrow's new supermen, the Indians.

Of course, I fully expect you to fall hook, line, and sinker for whatever the next gloom and doom fad that comes along.

Heck, you're probably still shorting American real-estate stocks, too...

51 posted on 10/26/2002 12:45:56 PM PDT by Southack
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To: Southack
You are diametrically opposed to optimism. Optimists don't run around posting ridiculous gloom and doom articles at every turn. Optimists don't whine that our tax structure is too burdensome to permit us to survive economically, and optimists don't claim that the world is about to homogenize U-238 "gun" atomic weapons.

Well, those things are just *obvious* Southack.

Furthermore, the Japanese aren't going to surpass the American economy. Nor are the Europeans or Chinese. Nor will tomorrow's new supermen, the Indians.

The Chinese will give us a run for our money. Don't worry about the Indians, Euro-weenies or Japanese.

Heck, you're probably still shorting American real-estate stocks, too...

You bet....Shorted and putted FNM @ 82 , its in the high 60's now..One of my better moves....Sadly the duration gap has contracted a bit...but they have cooked their books to come up with some fake equity for the shareholders...Profits are up, if you ignore their unrealized derivatives that case then they are down quite a bit...defaults should start piling up shortly and just about anything could happen with interest rates.... .....where shall I ship the crow when they go down?

I'm very optimistic about their collapse...

52 posted on 10/26/2002 12:54:36 PM PDT by AdamSelene235
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To: Southack
>Optimists look on the bright side. Those aren't examples of looking on the bright side.

Optimists have been buying on dips for the past three years.

64 posted on 10/26/2002 4:34:54 PM PDT by Dialup Llama
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