You do believe God is cruel and arbitrary. He was from the very beginning. It has always been so. Jehovah has always been a real cruel dude.
Suppose "justice," or eternal peace, was predicated on some personal accomplishment -- circling a mountain x number of times; killing a dangerous animal; sacrificing a child?
Or sacrificing an innocent man? What is more arbitrary than that? It isn't me who had been influenced here.
There are cultures that have practiced these things to appease the spirits. We know, and I know, that we don't have to do these things. And the only, reason we know this is because of the Lord Jesus.
I covered this in a thread elsewhere on the witch accusations that took place all through the Middle Ages. Christians did exactly that, only for different reasons. Women and children were burned at the stake in 'sacrifice' only they didn't call it that. The rational doesn't matter, only the fact. And today, every time you read a story about some fanatic who starves a child, or refuses medical treatment for a child, based upon faith, put it in the same category as that 'sacrifice.' It is no different. It is death based upon irrational beliefs.
You really don't 'know' any better.
I don't actually.
He was from the very beginning. It has always been so. Jehovah has always been a real cruel dude.
Regardless, He's real.
Or sacrificing an innocent man?
Actually, It's sacrificing Himself.
The rational doesn't matter, only the fact . .
It matters quite a bit. Why do you think burning witches is wrong?
You really don't 'know' any better.
I do, most certainly.
Mind elaborating on what you call cruel and arbitrary.
Or sacrificing an innocent man? What is more arbitrary than that? It isn't me who had been influenced here.
You mean allowing His son to be sacrificed by the masses in order to redeem the masses. Ah, yes, so cruel to redeam all of mankind through His son.. Cruel to save all of us and Him too, right?
I covered this in a thread elsewhere on the witch accusations that took place all through the Middle Ages. Christians did exactly that, only for different reasons. Women and children were burned at the stake in 'sacrifice' only they didn't call it that. The rational doesn't matter, only the fact. And today, every time you read a story about some fanatic who starves a child, or refuses medical treatment for a child, based upon faith, put it in the same category as that 'sacrifice.' It is no different. It is death based upon irrational beliefs.
Wow, Islam has radical nutcases and Christianity has a bunch of pretenders - pretenders at Christianity. Are you amazed? Tell me, what do you call it when people say they believe one thing, yet do another? More to the point, if a mobster wears a NYC police uniform and badge on a heist, is he a cop or a mobster? Let's look at what Christ said about Taking to the sword:
Matthew 26:51 And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out [his] hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear. [52] Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. [53] Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? [54] But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?
Then of course there is what Paul said: Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." These are both from the New covenant - the books of the NT which is what we operate under. So what religion were the Roman Catholics and "protestants" practicing? Don't forget, Roman Catholics had been putting people to death dating back before the inquisitions or for at least 600-700 years straight - no minor mistake. Who were they following? Christianity is following Christ. They weren't following His teaching, so who is it they were following and what is their religion? You tell me. I might add that this is just one point in which they were not following Christ. If I gave a list it would require me to write a book right here. Protestants have largely been no better. If you are going to judge Christians on message, judge actual Christians why don't you. I'm sure Ford automotive wouldn't appreciate taking flak for an error made by Whirlpool or Fiat.