I don't actually.
He was from the very beginning. It has always been so. Jehovah has always been a real cruel dude.
Regardless, He's real.
Or sacrificing an innocent man?
Actually, It's sacrificing Himself.
The rational doesn't matter, only the fact . .
It matters quite a bit. Why do you think burning witches is wrong?
You really don't 'know' any better.
I do, most certainly.
Then you don't have a good grasp on the concept.
Regardless, He's real.
Assertion without Proof, Contradiction in Terms. You have no evidence for the assertion. The 'supernatural' isn't 'real' by definition.
Actually, It's sacrificing Himself.
Then it isn't a 'sacrifice' since there is no substitution and no loss. One can't lose oneself. There was no death, God cannot die. There was no atonement, God cannot separate from Himself.
It matters quite a bit. Why do you think burning witches is wrong?
I don't think burning witches is wrong because there are no witches. I think burning innocent people is wrong because they are innocent of being witches.
I do, most certainly.
here, let me introduce you. this is donh
(your turn, if you care to be consistent)