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The Latest Information from Moscow
| Oct, 24 2002
Posted on 10/24/2002 6:10:59 AM PDT by Jasonconley
PRAVDA.Ru reports the latest pieces of news about the unexampled act of terrorism in the center of Moscow
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events; Russia
KEYWORDS: moscow; russia
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To: wonders
Some chick on FOXNEWS talking about Russia!!!!! Amazing!!!
posted on
10/24/2002 7:47:07 AM PDT
To: Naspino
Oh no, FOX reporting "at least three explosions" from theatre. Said the explosions were "stronger" than "genades."
posted on
10/24/2002 7:49:16 AM PDT
To: The Energizer
Heard on the radio that two of the hostages are American. Entirely possible. Lots of tourists in Moscow,and lots of 1st rate operas and plays. I may have even been to that theatre myself. It's hard to tell from the pictures being shown.
To: wonders
Weren't there reports yesterday that mines were being placed by the terrorists? Or am I mis-remembering?
To: iceskater
From (I think it speaks for all of us):
Please know that while the main stream press here for
some reason unknown to me is ignoring what is happening at the theater in Moscow, many Americans are aware and pray for the safety of all of the people held by these terrorist savages. Many were lost on 9/11, many more in Bali and other places around the world. I only hope that those in charge in regards to this horrific act will not harm those they hold and add this to the ever growing list alleged terrorist victories.
Unfortunately, a terrorist lives by rules that only glorify and relish the chance to kill innocents, that which normal people abhor. May our countries, once rooted in deep distrust in each other, work together to eradicate the terrorist scum. More importantly, may Russia somehow secure the safety of those innocents now held. Again, my prayers and many prayers by Americans for the safety of all now held.
Glenn Denzler
West Islip, New York
To: wonders
I heard the same thing on the radio....3 large explosions. Prayers. =(
To: iceskater
You're right...Reports yesterday said the terrorists had explosives strapped both to their bodies and to parts of the theater (columns ??) -- also grenades (they either threw or dropped one yesterday)
posted on
10/24/2002 8:16:43 AM PDT
To: Diddle E. Squat
They were always terrorists.
posted on
10/24/2002 8:32:33 AM PDT
To: twyn1
Thanks. At least my brain cells seem to be working this morning. Between the sniper stuff and this, plus work, it's hard to keep it all straight.
I fear situation this will not end well.
To: Jasonconley
2 large explosions just reported.
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