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Moose: Can't Communicate Electronically with you
Fox News ^
| 10/22/00
| Fox News
Posted on 10/22/2002 4:18:38 PM PDT by Koblenz
Mr. Moose just held another news conference. Said the Police Department couldn't communicate electronically with the sniper in the manner he requested. What a mess.
The police said call back to get an 800 number or a PO Box.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; US: District of Columbia; US: Maryland; US: Virginia
KEYWORDS: holdmuhbadge; moose; moosebitmysister; sniper
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To: old school
The question really is, are your city officials (where you live) up to the task any more than those in Virginia and Maryland? "Coming soon to a theater near you!" Not necessarily, but I think that the citizens are in these parts. :^)
We shoot back. And we don't need no stinkin' scope.
posted on
10/22/2002 5:19:22 PM PDT
To: MeeknMing
WELL...we have been told there has been a discussion for EXTORTED money early this morning...and it was also speculated about last night...
I wish the Moose bashing would is really BELOW FReepers...I expect to see the shitty remarks I have seen here lately at DU...NOT at is a sad day to see FR become a kissing cousin to DU...with "one upmanship" character assination.
To: Fzob
what does the fact that he's not a Rhodes scholar have to do with anything?
Bill Clinton is a Rhodes scholar...obviously being a Rhodes scholar doesn't mean that you have good judgment.
To: clamboat
We need to reach it soon.
To: justlurking
No, it can be done in a way that is untraceable. I'm not going to state it publicly, but feel free to mail me and I'll explain. Agree. I also can think of a few ways.
To: Milwaukee_Guy
-Very- obvious IMHO Moose is reading off a card, made up for him by someone else. So?......
Would you rather he speak off the top of his head and say something like......We can't communicate with you electronically when what he really meant to say was.....we can't comply electronically in the manner you requested.
Words mean something......
To: Mixer
We (government and civilian) need to realize that this is not a law enforcement issue. This is warfare being conducted against the population of the United States of America. This needs to be dealt with as a Civil-Defense issue. Involving the people in the apprehension and destruction of these critters should be the game plan. Nothing else will work unless these guys make a mistake, and so far, that doesn't look too likely. The available cover in these areas is plentiful and ideal for this type of operation. These killings have the ear mark of either Hezbollah, Party of God or possibly a coop between these groups and Al Qaida.
posted on
10/22/2002 5:20:58 PM PDT
To: hole_n_one
"You indicated that this is about more than violence," What the heck does this mean?
To: Dengar01
Before you say that people are overly critical of this man, listen to him speak. All Moose wants is the media attention. He makes me sick. Look into his history he was fired in liberal Portland for poor conduct. I really doubt that all he wants is the media attention. I guess everyone else participating in this investigation is letting him steal the spotlight. Nobody else participating in this investigation has the power to stop him. He is out of control...he overpowers EVERYONE else...
Right...that is very believable - I think not
posted on
10/22/2002 5:22:13 PM PDT
To: apackof2
so he could communicate with the police plus a post office boxWhat's he gonna do, mail some more Anthrax?
To: pollywog
Yes, Moose IS COMPETENT!! Honestly, I am getting so sick of watching Freepers BASH Officer Moose! He is DOING HIS JOB. ANYBODY listen to RUSH TODAY? IT IS the MEDIA that has gone WACKY!! STOP BEING SO CRITICAL and PRETENDING TO KNOW IT ALL. I agree. The guys under a lot of pressure right now. He wants to catch the jerk as much as anyone.
I'd like to see how well those who are bitching would do. We have so many "experts" here, you know. I call them "arm chair heros."
To: John,Staten Island
Moose offered him a private mailbox,is Moose for real? Virgil Tibbs will never be the same when I watch it again.
posted on
10/22/2002 5:24:04 PM PDT
To: MasonGal
Is there anyone who wouldn't be over their head in this situation?
To: Common Tator
this guy is obviously sharp. I gotta wonder if he didn't notice the two hispanics with the van every morning while canvasing a gas station and figured it would be funny to give that phone number to the cops, since those guys would obviously fit the original BOLO. It sure made law enforcement look stupid.
He's watching the news, and everytime they say he does or can't do something, he does the opposite to prove them wrong.
If he wasn't smart, they'd have traced him by now. He's probably using call forwarding from all over the globe.
When they came on last night and said they didn't understand him, I told my father he was probably going to get pissed off and kill someone else. The FBI can recover erased audio from the Watergate tapes, but they'd have the sniper believe they didn't record his message, and couldn't understand it.
I'm sure he asked for a wire transfer. I'm sure he knows exactly what's possible electronically, and knows that Moose & Co. are full of crap. Why the hell would he come to a PO box that would obviously be surveilled, leading to his capture?
They'll be lucky if he doesn't get pissed and kill someone else again tonight or tomorrow for screwing around with him and continuing to treat him like he's stupid.
To: ItisaReligionofPeace
I think it means that he's got some political agenda. The sniper has to know that there is no way he can anonymously pick up money and instead he's demanding something public be done, perhaps releasing prisioners from GITMO.
posted on
10/22/2002 5:24:40 PM PDT
To: mlbford2
Exactly as you stated.
To: mlbford2
One would think, if it was about a wire transfer of a large sum of bones, that it would narrow down those who would be likely to be able to accept it.
posted on
10/22/2002 5:25:45 PM PDT
To: ItisaReligionofPeace
It's not clear, but it seems to me that there is more in the exchange between the police and whomever they are "talking" to than what has been made public.
To: antivenom
Summer 1999, the liberal democratic Montgomery County Council hired a new black police chief, Charles Moose. Moose is a long time friend of the liberal, pro-diversity U.S. Department of Justice, and Moose actively promotes "diversity training" for police officers. His resume reveals that he strongly favors good racial profiling (profile everybody) in order to defeat bad racial profiling. The Montgomery County chapter of the NAACP loved Mr. Moose. Moose was hired largely to help defuse the NAACP's accusations (not proof, but accusations only) of racial bias by the Montgomery County police. Even Clinton's U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno pitched in to help convince the Montgomery County council to hire Charles Moose. (See also: Charles Moose and the Racial Profiling Puzzle)
posted on
10/22/2002 5:26:42 PM PDT
To: republicangel
Moose is just the front man, he is not calling the shots. All decisions are being decided by a team.
posted on
10/22/2002 5:27:00 PM PDT
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