That's what I neglected to explain with "type it in a notepad file"-- so you can save it to your desktop ( or a folder, if you wish to conserve space ) for later use. I have all kinds of files with links, some graphics, boilerplate text, saved in files like that for handy use.
A minor tip? If you use google's Image Search to locate graphics, it works very well, but has a little quirk-- when you copy the web addy from them, it has a space in the address ( hard to spot, too! ) and if you don't delete or backspace it out, you'll get the nasty little box with the X instead of a picture. Drove me nuts until I finally saw the dang space!
You explained it just fine...I just don't use a notepad and don't want too...I like the board where I can remember that stuff...Oh well...I'll figure-out a system....
As for the Google pictures, I go to the source after finding them on Google...A while back, I used the google pic and they worked...Then, all of the sudden, those pics I had used were red x's...So I started clicking all the way through to the original page and all is fine...I assumed google changed the pics every once in a while...Maybe your explanation went into effect between the time I originally used them and when they went bad....
Anyway......Thanks for your help. And please, how do I do URLs? (Without the naming part...That REALLY confuses me!)