I still believe the PERP left a cell phone for the COPS to have...that WAY the perp CALLS the "cell phone number" of his choice...and the PERP is using a "disposable" cell phone too...and once he is done he throws it away...
The cell phones are a CHEAP and UNTRACEABLE source especially IF the phones the PERP is using is being THROWN away after "one use"...
The "pay phone" this morning PROVES to America the police are "quick" to get to a "land line phone"...but they won't be quick to "trace" a disposable cell phone...especially if it is ONLY USED ONCE!!!
The perp records a message on a cheap cassette recorder. He goes to the pay phone that we saw this morning, dials the number, and punches "play" on the cassette deck... then drives away and blends in with everyone else.
The unsuspecting illegals drive up to the same pay phone, and the LEOs see the white van and jump to conclusions.
That would explain why the audio was bad. In fact, Moose's use of the word "audio" is very strange... of course Moose's use of most any word is very strange.
Disposable cell phones is what Al Queda started using in Afganistan.