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In pictures: Mrs Albright's visit (to North Korea)
| Monday, 23 October, 2000
Posted on 10/20/2002 10:43:44 AM PDT by McGruff
Monday, 23 October, 2000, 18:33 GMT 19:33 UK North Korea is taking the first steps towards a new era
after five decades of hostility, with a visit by US
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
A smiling Kim Jong-il said he was "really happy" to meet a US official for the first time
But the two looked tense during the official photocall
Mrs Albright delighted children by joining in their dance at a welcome ceremony
The US guest was taken along largely deserted streets on a tour of the capital
Sailors performed a dance routine with flags for the North Korean leader and Mrs Albright at a stadium in Pyongyang
Thousands of dancers celebrated the US secretary of state's visit
Across the border in South Korea broadcasters broke into their schedules to show live pictures of Mrs Albright's historic visit
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government
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posted on
10/20/2002 10:43:44 AM PDT
Wait there's more
Tuesday, 24 October, 2000, 15:29 GMT 16:29 UK N Korea's dramatic turnaround
Albright clinking glasses with the "Dear Leader"
By diplomatic correspondent Barnaby Mason
The reported willingness of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, to restrain his country's long-range missile programme would be another step in meeting the worries of the United States and other western states.
The American Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, said after her unprecedented talks with Mr Kim in Pyongyang that she took his remarks as showing a serious desire to resolve a range of issues relating to missiles.
On the face of it, there has been a dramatic turnaround.
posted on
10/20/2002 10:49:32 AM PDT
DPRK-U.S.A. Relations Enter New Era
U.S. Secretary of State Officially Visits Pyongyang

As the first official trip to Pyongyang of a high-ranking U.S. official, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright set foot on Pyongyang on the early morning of October 23.
This suffices to indicate that long-standing hostilities between the DPRK and the U.S. started to be melted into a friendly relation
posted on
10/20/2002 10:52:59 AM PDT
To: McGruff
God, how the world laughed at the USA during the Clinton years. Time after time, Clinton would perform outrageous diplomatic blunders, clearly againt US interests, while our enemies smirked and feigned cordial accord. Remember the African Apology Tour, the endless stumping for the Nobel Peace Prize and appeasements of alQueda? We were the laughing stock in the nineties.
So when I hear from friends on the left that the USA is now the worrisome target of universal hand wringing and finger wagging for GWB's "cowboy" tactics, I can only stifle a giggle. I prefer a cowboy to an immature clown.
To: McGruff
Yikes. Could those sailors look any more gay?
posted on
10/20/2002 10:56:56 AM PDT
To: McGruff
Is this the national symbol of North Korea -- The hammer, sickle, and incoming ICBM ??
posted on
10/20/2002 10:59:14 AM PDT
To: McGruff
Their last declaration, concerning their "Secret Nuke Program", makes it obvious why they were so happy.
And from TIME for kids online
 Madeleine Albright and North Korea's leader, Kim Jong II, share a toast during dinner.
For U.S. leaders, North Korea had long been a forbidden land. No high-ranking U.S. official had ever set foot there. Last week Secretary of State Madeleine Albright paid a historic two-day visit to the country. She met with its leader, Kim Jong Il, and attended a huge rally.
The U.S. has seen North Korea as an enemy for 50 years. In 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea. U.S. soldiers helped South Korea fight the invasion. Today North Korea is a poor country. But it has the worlds fourth largest army. The U.S. wants North Korea to stop making missiles that can go long distances. Kim told Albright he would work to change the missile program.
Kim owns a satellite-TV dish and watches American shows. He is a big fan of basketball star Michael Jordan. Last week Albright gave Kim a basketball signed by Jordan.
Will relations between the two countries improve? The ball is now in Kims court
posted on
10/20/2002 11:00:06 AM PDT
To: McGruff; All
posted on
10/20/2002 11:04:32 AM PDT
To: McGruff
And don't forget:
Former President Jimmy Carter makes a statement during a Plains, Georgia press conference after he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, October 11, 2002. Carter, a Democrat who was president from 1977 to 1981, was awarded the $1 million prize from a record field of 156 candidates for decades of work to resolve conflicts from the Middle East to North Korea (news - web sites), and from Haiti to Eritrea. Photo by Tami Chappell/Reuters - Oct 12 9:20 AM ET |
posted on
10/20/2002 11:13:47 AM PDT
To: All
I'm looking for that poster from the North Korean factory. Anybody got it?
posted on
10/20/2002 11:23:00 AM PDT
To: McGruff

Devil spawn sisters?
posted on
10/20/2002 11:35:07 AM PDT
To: McGruff
Isn't there a bathroom that needs her cleaning skills?
posted on
10/20/2002 11:41:05 AM PDT
To: Mark
The holding tank on my RV has gotten a little..uh rank . Do you suppose these 2 "ladies" would be available ???????????????
To: McGruff
As Rush would say, what a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance.
To: McGruff
Kim told Albright he would work to change the missile program. And, she believed him?
posted on
10/20/2002 12:28:45 PM PDT
To: Diogenesis
I wonder if Albright even considers that she was and is a fool? Arrogant *itch!
posted on
10/20/2002 12:30:49 PM PDT
To: Paul Atreides
"A smiling Kim Jong-il said he was "really happy" to meet a US official for the first time. Is she really a US official, or is she just our official glittering jewel of colossal ignorance?
To: Sungirl
Thanks for your double-demon witch photo posting without the required barf alert warning, Sungirl. You owe me a new keyboard. This one is ruined.
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