A) Death certificate entitling one to vote in perpetuity for Democratic candidates.
B) Green Card entitling one to a quick $10 for each vote cast at each election district during election day.
C) Any valid expired tourist visa and acompanying communist party membership card from a fellow traveler party.
D) Welfare card entitling the bearer to extra food stamps for each vote cast for a Democrat.
E) Mexican consular identity card entitling the bearer to free beer for voting for the appropiate Democratic candidate.
F) NAACP membership card entitling bearer to a signed autographed picture of Jesse Jackson in exchange for voting Democrat.
Other programs are in the works to increase Democratic margins at the polls. Please send suggestions ASAP to the Democratic National Comittee. Accepted suggestions will entilte you to an autographed stained blue dress from Bill Clinton for women and a bottle of cyanide laced Kool Aid for men.