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To: Semper911
Family minivan sounds plausible.

As I've said elsewhere, so far the Maryland shootings have happened during rush hour in very dense and busy suburban locales. Knowing both areas (I grew up around the PG/Montgomery area), I cannot fathom how the shooter would be able to casually shoot someone with a rifle and to have no witnesses whatsoever, and no supicious sightings of any kind.

So it seems plausible that a familiy minivan is being used, perhaps with blacked out windows, and operated by a pair of perps.

They pull up within range of the target, open the sliding door on the van, pop a round, close the door and take off. The only special equipment they need is earplugs.

We roughly know their direction travel for the Thursday shootings. I wonder if the targets were all on the right side of the road (relative to that direction of travel), same as the sliding door on a minivan.

41 posted on 10/07/2002 3:09:35 PM PDT by angkor
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To: angkor
I've been thinking the same, a mini-van or a small truck being used by the shooter. Mini-vans and small truck caps have tinted privacy glass and the rearmost side window pivots out for vent. The shooter could shoot out of this opening without opening a windor or door and could possibly be shooting while moving.
52 posted on 10/07/2002 3:38:14 PM PDT by RS_Rider
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To: angkor
The only special equipment they need is earplugs.

That's a good point. If you see a guy driving in an adjacent vehicle, wearing earplugs or earmuff-style hearing protectors, watch out! and report it to the police, if you're up in that area.

I wonder if the targets were all on the right side of the road (relative to that direction of travel), same as the sliding door on a minivan.

Lots of mini-vans have sliding doors on both sides these days.

55 posted on 10/07/2002 3:44:28 PM PDT by FreedomPoster
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To: angkor
As I've said elsewhere, so far the Maryland shootings have happened during rush hour in very dense and busy suburban locales. Knowing both areas (I grew up around the PG/Montgomery area), I cannot fathom how the shooter would be able to casually shoot someone with a rifle and to have no witnesses whatsoever, and no supicious sightings of any kind.

Sort of. The shootings have been located near major highways that would be busy during rush hours. But the shootings themselves have been in areas where there were few witnesses. The guy mowing the lawn... parking lots (a few people maybe but not tons), the boy was dropped off early for school, few people there.

As a side note, I don't know who the spokesperson was for the school today, but she said the shooting was at 8:09 and that he was there about a half hour early, and that school started between 8:00 and 8:30. She didn't give an exact time for the start of the school day. She left that vague, good for her!

116 posted on 10/07/2002 8:46:23 PM PDT by ET(end tyranny)
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