To: OldFriend
In the past NJ Republicans have declined to expose the left-wing record of Senator Lautenberg. I am afraid that exposure of this record now would be meaningless. The people would forget the exposure before the time comes to go to the polls. They are just voting the straight Democrat ticket in NJ, as members of "the democracy" do now in so many states. I haven't heard a peep out of Trent Lott on this. Also, I have not heard if Trent will reorganize the Senate in the outside chance that Talent wins in MO. Will Trent push to have Talent take his seat on Nov. 6?
To: Theodore R.
Outside chance? Is there current polling information that shows Talent behind that is outside of the margin of error? Or are you resigned to the fact that massive voter fraud will tilt an otherwise close win for Talent into Carnahan's favor?
529 posted on
10/07/2002 4:28:18 PM PDT by
To: Theodore R.
Also, I have not heard if Trent will reorganize the Senate in the outside chance that Talent wins in MO. Will Trent push to have Talent take his seat on Nov. 6? First, Talent would have to be seated. Cave-A-Lott has changed the RINO leadership election to early November just for this eventuality so he can remain as minority leader and can block any "early" entry of Talent.
To: Theodore R.
Lott has promised that lots of repubs will be coming to NJ to support Forrester and the pres has said he may come again too............please try not to put negative things on the main board about our just gives aid and comfort to the enemy.......and they are the enemy of America. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson