ALF is a terrorist organization.
Hey, remember the anarchist, ELF, said they were going to destroy civilation as we know it? Remember they even had a rally"?
When I first heard about his poor little boy, my first thought was "It's like this monster is going people-hunting!"
Not meant to be taken seriously: What if it's some PETA-type nutcase showing people what it's like to be hunted like the "poor animals"?
Repeat disclaimer: No, I DON'T believe that, just being silly about the Michael's connection the media seem so enamoured of. I think it's some sicko who feels "powerful" because he can shoot down totally unsuspecting people, completely at random so NO ONE feels safe, make the cops and the populace crazy... and get the media to carry his sick rampage on national television complete with their inane comments -- or could be terrorists.
I'm so glad the little boy is doing better, will keep praying though!