To: Selmo; Marine Inspector; Tancredo Fan
My suggestions: booby traps, machine guns, razor wire, rottweillers, 10,000 troops, and Marine Inspector in charge!
To: holyscroller
"If something is being done, they're not being told about it," Tuffly said. "That has a demoralizing effect on the agents." PRESIDENT BUSH, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND PROTECT AMERICA'S BORDERS!!!
3 posted on
10/05/2002 10:15:02 PM PDT by
To: holyscroller
My suggestions: booby traps, machine guns, razor wire, rottweillers, 10,000 troops, and Marine Inspector in charge! I can start tomorrow.
To: holyscroller
My suggestions: booby traps, machine guns, razor wire, rottweillers, 10,000 troops, and Marine Inspector in charge!LOL, how un PC of you. I agree, by they way.
11 posted on
10/05/2002 10:52:10 PM PDT by
To: holyscroller
You express my sentiments exactly, holyscroller.
Since when do Americans tolerate acts of war perpetrated by Mexican or any other nationals against American citzens?
13 posted on
10/05/2002 10:52:52 PM PDT by
To: holyscroller
Great idea my friend...please consider the following:
Air drop land mines the full extent of the border and make this known. Then maintain it on a regular basis in the areas of activity. We will not need 10,000 troops but only about 1000 true hunter/killer types in squads of five that are mobile and are ready to hunt and kill and like it.*S* They should recieve bonuses for every kill made as an incentive. They should also recieve extra bonuses for every coyote on this side that they kill. Mangaged by a very hungry for action Marine is a very good idea and he should have the authority to police and even execute anyone of his own forces that are found to take payola. What are your thoughts on this?
21 posted on
10/05/2002 11:11:51 PM PDT by
To: holyscroller
I like your attitude.
23 posted on
10/05/2002 11:13:06 PM PDT by
To: holyscroller
I'll second that motion with the addition of claymores
To: holyscroller
My suggestions: booby traps, machine guns, razor wire, rottweillers, 10,000 troops, and Marine Inspector in charge!I suggest arming some of our border guards with rocket launchers. Maybe these Mexiturds will stop shooting at us once one or more of their vehicles gets blown up.
To: holyscroller
My suggestions: booby traps, machine guns, razor wire, rottweillers, 10,000 troops, and Marine Inspector in charge!And those Predator aircraft equipped with missles....
To: holyscroller
My suggestions: booby traps........
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