To: Arthur Wildfire! March
I am so sick of people arguing with me about the urgency factor. I warned people that
time lines don't apply with Saddam because his back is to the wall. Now I have a
sick feeling inside.
1993: radical Islamic terrorists bomb one of the towers of The World Trade Center,
but FAIL to topple the structure.
2001: Eight years later, radical Islamic terrorist RETURN and SUCCEED
in not only destroying a tower of The World Trade Center, they destroy both towers
and a number of surrounding structures.
While the terrorists also succeed in attacking The Pentagon...
they FAIL to attack the Capitol Building when passengers thwart the terrorist crew
aboard Flight 93.
I cite these FACTS to some of my more Democratic/Liberal colleagues and
ask them...
"How long do you think it will be before the terrorists return and finish off The Capitol Building?
And how stupid can you be to work in/around The Capitol Building and not DEMAND
that we go after Sadaam...the most likely source of a nuclear/chemical/biological
weapon that would be used to succeed where Flight 93 failed?"
I mostly get the dull stare of well-fed cattle from them.
49 posted on
10/03/2002 12:47:53 PM PDT by
Isn't it amazing? I remember seeing a news broadcast back in '93 of people boldly walking back into the World Trade Center, just as nonchallant as you like. It was downright surreal. I was a registered democrat at the time, BTW. And something really bothered me about peoples' indifference about that attack. But hey. I got distracted too. I assumed our government was on top of things as best as it could be and went on with my 6 [or more] day workweeks with long hours. '93 was a very strange year. I left the DNC shortly afterwards. FReegards.... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson