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1 posted on 09/25/2002 7:58:25 AM PDT by NYer
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To: Siobhan; american colleen; sinkspur; livius; Lady In Blue; Salvation; Polycarp; narses; ...
What the clans in the culture do share, Otway said, is a nomadic lifestyle, a language called ``Scelta'' with roots in Gaelic and Romani, an almost ``pathologic'' devotion to Catholicism, and an anti-bureaucratic form of self government that he describes as a ``consensus democracy.''

Have any of you encountered these people at mass?

2 posted on 09/25/2002 8:01:21 AM PDT by NYer
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To: NYer
Hancock and other academics said they believe Toogood's case has been sensationalized by the media because of her ethnicity.

Arggggh, it has nothing to do with ethnicity! It's the violence, the crime. Duh, Mr. Hancock. Liberal academic types just can't drop their race card mentalities.

7 posted on 09/25/2002 8:19:01 AM PDT by Lil'freeper
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To: NYer
"Hancock and other academics said they believe Toogood's case has been sensationalized by the media because of her ethnicity."

Boy, oh boy! Playing the race card. From my tv news sources: CNN, MSNBC and Fox, they all ignored her Irish Traveller connection, except for the past couple of days on Fox.

9 posted on 09/25/2002 8:21:31 AM PDT by Kermit
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To: NYer
I don't know if my facts are correct, but I think I saw a "Dateline NBC" or some other "newsmagazine" show do a story on "Travellers", such as seem to be described here. It also included a pagent-like event where young girls were dressed IMHO as 20's flapper girls and paraded around to be considered for future matramonial prospects. If this was a different group of "travellers", please forgive me. If not, this treating of young girls as virtual property shows how this kind of beating could be seen as okay, and all those saying she should go to a family member need to think again.
12 posted on 09/25/2002 8:27:26 AM PDT by Kazuki
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To: NYer
Hancock and other academics said they believe Toogood's case has been sensationalized by the media because of her ethnicity. ``As bad as what she did, and it's inexcusable, I still think there's an awful lot of profiling going on,'' Hancock said. ``Very much is being made of her ethnic background. If she were German American or Italian American, would that even be an issue?''

Of all the scurrilous crap for them to end the story with. If the "case has been sensationalized by the media" it's because it's on video. Any beating on video, especially of an apparent innocent (like, most clearly, a 4-year-old) is going to get a lot of airplay.

Now, because most people have never even heard of her ethnic background (and I would argue that Irish Travelers are a behavioural subset of an ethnicity), it gets some mention. But that's not "profiling." Obviously, she wasn't videotaped because of ethnic profiling or bigotry on the part of the mall, and she wasn't looked for or arrained because of her ethnicity either.

14 posted on 09/25/2002 8:29:19 AM PDT by DWPittelli
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To: NYer
Travelers, who may be Irish, English, or Scottish, have no more criminals among them than any other ethnic culture, experts said. ``If there were, they could not sustain their living,'' said Larry Otway

Oh come on. Any nomadic, insular society will have more criminals precisely because such a lifestyle makes detection much less likely. This is the same reason the anonymity of the city allows for more con-men and other criminals who face their victim, whereas stable, non-nomadic, smaller societies will have very few con-men, robbers and other visible criminals, because people know each other, where they live and how to find them.

18 posted on 09/25/2002 8:34:13 AM PDT by DWPittelli
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To: NYer

I fuc*ing hate Pikeys...

34 posted on 09/25/2002 8:54:57 AM PDT by Geronimo
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To: NYer
These people do not have enough melanin to qualify for Politicaly Correct Victim Protection sympathy in any form.
37 posted on 09/25/2002 8:58:21 AM PDT by Blue Screen of Death
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To: NYer
This is a puff piece put out by this proff., who is shilling for this group of criminals. The cr@p about being persecuted 100 years ago being their excuse for being a close society now is meant to draw pitty and excuse their criminal behaviour. I don't buy it. Put the screws to them like they do to every one of their victims - no remorse.
43 posted on 09/25/2002 9:47:34 AM PDT by anymouse
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To: NYer
``As bad as what she did, and it's inexcusable, I still think there's an awful lot of profiling going on,'' Hancock said.

Ian Hancock has way too much time on his hands, and suffering a severe case of victim envy. Meee! Meee! Profile me! Please!!!

Gypsies are the Rodney Dangerfields of ethnic groups. I mean, the gays have more exhibit space at the Holocaust museums than the Gypsies.

52 posted on 09/25/2002 10:32:45 AM PDT by Alouette
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To: NYer
I want to see ALL their IRS statements. How can they pay taxes on all that income without a home address?
53 posted on 09/25/2002 10:45:25 AM PDT by Uncle George
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To: NYer
There was a Hollywood movie in 1997 about the Travellers that wasn't half bad (but died at the box office):

A couple of callers to local radio stations mentioned that it was members of the Irish Travellers who ran a scam against Disney for the supposed rape of one of their women in a Disney park hotel by some unknown person. The woman was beaten up. I remember the case and think that before it was going to be settled it came out that the woman's brother had beat her up and that no rape ever happened and it was all a scam to get millions of Disney. I can find mentions of the case on the net, but not the whole story.
Does anyone else remember this story, or can someone do a Nexus search?
57 posted on 09/25/2002 11:17:19 AM PDT by BansheeBill
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To: NYer
This article made my blood boil. How did a case of child abuse all of a sudden become a "racial" issue?????? Un-frigging-believable.
59 posted on 09/25/2002 11:36:19 AM PDT by FeliciaCat
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To: NYer
In my experience, mass attendees were so numerous that I believe it is theoretically possible that some Irish Travellers could have been in attendance. If so, there is still the issue of whether they were good folks or bad folks. It would be hard to say. It would be difficult for me to imagine people attending Mass but living a continuous lifestyle based on mortal sin. It would not make sense, and would instill in at least the children a set of inconsistent values (eg honesty) that I would guess would overall be counterproductive to their way of life. So I think the bad-folk variety of Travellers attending Mass would be unlikely.

A while back (in Calif.) we received a phone solicitation from some people who were selling reconditioned heavy duty vacuum cleaners (Kirby?). They (about 3 adults) wanted to clean a room for free as a demo so we permitted them, and the results were good. However, they refused to give an address when I inquired, which made me very suspicious, and they seemed to have minimal knowledge of the local vacuum cleaner retail dealer as well. They were very upset when I told them I was unwilling to give a credit card or check advance payment (several hundred dollars) for the cleaner they wanted to sell us, pointing out they had gone through great effort to clean the room as a demo (they said the merchandise would be delivered to us later). We very politely showed them the door and did not hear from them again. I vaguely recall a one or two of neighbors having similar experiences at the time. I believe this was only a year or two after the TV broadcast about the people in the South who were into the roof- or driveway- resurfacing scam.

I think it's fairly simple to spot such crooks-- just ask them (as I did) for their permanent address and don't do any business with them until they give an address and one has a chance to verify the address is totally valid.

It must be a hard life to live, especially after that TV broadcast put so many people on alert. It may be that they could "take" a certain segment of society, such as the very old, very young, and recent immigrants, but I think everyone else is or should be on the alert for such practices.

68 posted on 09/25/2002 12:58:58 PM PDT by SteveH
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To: NYer
I became interested in the Irish Travelers (or Travellers, depending on who you believe) about six years ago after watching a 60 Minutes or Frontline-type television "expose" on Murphy Village in Augusta, Georgia, an enclave of about 3,000 Irish Travelers. And yes, I realized at the time that the producers of the show probably had an agenda and that not everything said or shown could be taken as Gospel.

We will hear more and more about the Irish Travelers as this goes on, because so much of the Toogood story is wrapped around that culture.

No matter what you read about the Irish Travelers, you'll find someone else who vehemently disagrees.

Most sources say that, while they have existed in Ireland for hundreds of years, they are ethnically distinct from the Irish.

Most in the US live in Texas or South Carolina. They are not truly nomadic. They live in closely-knit communities durng the winter and travel from Spring through Fall. Irish Travelers say the travel is part of their culture; many law enforcement officers say it is a necessary part of their culture only because the male Travelers are often involved in construction scams and must leave an area after making a few scores. Law enforcement officers ("LEO") says they prey on the elderly and others, either after a storm, or by showing up at your house with a story like "I just finished a roofing job and have supplies left over in the truck. If you buy now, right now, in cash, you'll get a good deal." They will even take the elderly to the bank to get the cash. LEO says the work is done, if at all, in a fraudulent manner. Spraying oil to make it look like asphalt has been applied, using watered-down paint, etc.

Travelers will tell you that a small percentage of them are scam artists and that scam artists exist in all cultures. LEO says most are scam artists. Who's right?

Travelers have a second language they speak among themselves. They say it's for ethnic purposes, and part of their culture. LEO says it helps them perpetuate frauds by being able to communicate without others understanding.

LEO says female Travelers work scams such as returning stolen merchandise for cash. Travlers say that's bunk.

LEO says they often own and drive expensive new cars, obtained with falsified credit, then go to another state where it's hard to repossess the car if no payments are made. Travelers say that's bunk.

There is clearly a great deal of intermarriage. Travelers say they stick together because of 100s of years of discrimination. In Murphy Village, with 3,000 people, there are only a dozen or so surnames. LEO also says they use false IDs and names; Travelers say that's bunk.

Many sources say that girls are "engaged" at 5-8 to some older cousin, with the marriage occuring at puberty. Although Travelers say "bunk," there is some evidence that South Carolina raised its minimum age for marriage because of the Travelers and the TV documentary about early marriages.

In Murphy Village, there are large, expensive houses, and expensive, new cars. The Travelers say they pay cash and live frugally, so they can afford that with the money they make as roofers, and pavers, and the like. LEO says the money comes from scams. Traveler children are usually pulled out of school around the 8th grade. LEO says they are then taught to scam, and that young children are used in scams.

I could go on, but there is clearly a big difference between what some say and believe about the Travelers and what their supporters say.

In this case, a young woman whose husband is a nomadic roofer owns several new expensive cars. A crime? No, but certainly along the Traveler stereotype. The car had out-of-state tags. A crime? No, but again along the stereotype.

Ms. Toogood is alleged to have been trying to scam the store. Was she? Don't know, but I doubt she announced to the store she was a Traveler when she entered, so they didn't make that up because of the stereotype if it was reported to police before she reported she was a Traveler.

There's speculation -- which could be wrong -- that she was angry in general because a scam didn't work, or because the girl messed up the scam.

Why drive 1000+ miles to have the girl examined? Sounds strange. Perhaps there is an explanation that doesn't make you go "hmmmm," or perhaps this physician is a Traveler as well.

I think the authorities are afraid that she and her daughter can disappear into the Traveler subculture, as many Travelers are alleged to have done in the past when jumping bail. I think the pressure may also be on her to plead guilty and get this over with quickly to take the spotlight off a group that is either discriminated against, a bunch of crooks, or both.

Does the government go after some groups because they are different? Certainly. In this case, however, it may be that LEO is right about the Travelers, and their culture doesn't view scamming outsiders (called "country folk") as unethical. Or the Travelers could be the most misunderstood, disciminated-against group in the US?

77 posted on 09/25/2002 4:08:03 PM PDT by Scoutmaster
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To: NYer
"Hancock and other academics said they believe Toogood's case has been sensationalized by the media because of her ethnicity. ``As bad as what she did, and it's inexcusable, I still think there's an awful lot of profiling going on,'' Hancock said. ``Very much is being made of her ethnic background. If she were German American or Italian American, would that even be an issue?''"

No, Hancock, you babbling idiot, it has nothing to do with her "ethnicity" (don't forget: she's white; you're playing the wrong card......try to keep up with current events) has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that she beat the living s**t out of a baby girl, viciously, and got CAUGHT at it. Also, Hancock, you moron, don't you understand that the only thing she's sorry about is getting caught???

We sure know..........

82 posted on 09/25/2002 5:54:12 PM PDT by RightOnline
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To: evilC
91 posted on 09/25/2002 10:48:00 PM PDT by nutmeg
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To: NYer
The Greenhorn Travellers - the Carrolls, Gormans, McDonalds, Daleys and Jennings - came into the spotlight in January 2000 when five of their young members were killed in a wreck on Interstate 30 in Fort Worth.

The accident, one of the worst in city history, shocked the public. Questions arose when authorities learned that none of the boys was older than 14 and four were carrying false driver's licenses misrepresenting their ages.

After the accident, some Traveller families withdrew their children from area schools. Victims' families met with investigators only once.

Livingston, who is researching the Madelyne Gorman case, said he has discovered that Gorman has driver's licenses in Indiana, Missouri, Texas and New Jersey. Computer searches reveal she has listed addresses in Mission and Fort Worth, Texas; Elkhart, Ind.; and Independence, Mo., among others.

"This again, shows the transiency of these people," said Livingston, who said he received a call from an informant Friday morning about the case. "My guy says they've gone underground. They're not going to find this girl." In addition to the arrest warrant in Indiana, Gorman is wanted in White Settlement and Fort Worth on unrelated charges.

In White Settlement, a warrant was issued for Gorman's arrest April 9 after she failed to pay a $202 traffic ticket. She had been cited for driving without a valid driver's license Dec. 12, 2001, according to the city's municipal court clerk.

The next month, Fort Worth police issued a warrant for Gorman's arrest after she failed to appear in court to face theft charges, said Lt. Mack West of the Tarrant County Sheriff's Department.

Gorman and another woman, Rose Ann Carroll, had been arrested March 27 at a Kohls department store in Fort Worth on charges of theft from $50 to $500, according to computer records and a Fort Worth police report.

98 posted on 09/26/2002 1:05:17 AM PDT by kcvl
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To: NYer; Polycarp
“an almost ``pathologic'' devotion to Catholicism”

What the hell is a pathological devotion to Catholicism? Is the AP trying to suggest that their claiming to be Catholic has something to do with the Irish Travelers' criminality?

Just another example of the how Bolsheviks hate Catholics.

100 posted on 09/26/2002 9:25:12 AM PDT by Barnacle
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