To: gop4me
OBL didn't have ICBMs either. And look what he did.
49 posted on
09/24/2002 12:35:23 PM PDT by
To: rintense
This thread brought to you by the tiny, irrelevant group of people who have infallibly divined what the Constitution says, and are plenty willing to sacrifice tens of thousand of their fellow citizens and the economy to terrorist acts, all so they can remain truthful to their infallible vision of what the Constitution says.
Oh, and that way, they get to live out their juvenile fantasies of living as survivalists in a "Postman" world.
To: rintense
I know OBL didn't have them. But, you said that Saddam might get them and he would then use them. I'm saying he has no chance whatsoever of obtaining ICBM's. Lets face it, he is not a threat to us. If he truely is, then you know our government would be showing us the proof. Do you think they would take all the abuse they have taken from the Dems if they actually had proof? If they had the "smoking guy" you had better believe we would be seeing it.
75 posted on
09/24/2002 12:51:18 PM PDT by
To: rintense
Agreed. Saddam is not so stupid as to hand a WMD to a terrorist group and have his fingerprints on it. But if it were to happen, what then? We'd have these "anti-first-strikers" telling us we can't nuke Iraq because too many innocent citzens will die and we would need to a level of proof 'beyond any reasonable doubt.' I fought the last Gulf War as a USMC tank platoon commander. I say that it is better I go again, now, than let my sons have to do it when every nutball in the mideast has WMDs.
407 posted on
09/24/2002 7:28:47 PM PDT by
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