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The peace movement during the Viet Nam years was just a government orchestrated series of events to drag out the war until they could socialize more on the domestic front while people's attention was diverted. It also gave them time to dumb more kids down in the school system which was being systematically restructured to assure that Americans would be unable to think for themselves by the year 2000.
371 posted on 09/24/2002 6:27:46 PM PDT by saradippity
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To: saradippity
I don't think the government per se orchestrated it. It was Fifth Columnists, egged on by the Communists, who fomented the peace movement.

Certain elements in the government, universities, and media were involved. Others in those same groups were not participants.

It is simplistic to say that "the government" orchestrated it all. At the time, the FBI was actively searching for subversives, and many in Congress supported the military. However, they were not equipped to combat the media, the universities, and people like George McGovern, all working together.

In addition, many people like me were under the impression that whatever we saw on the nightly news with Walter Cronkite was The Truth. How foolish we were!

Now many in this country know better. When the screed against military action begins (as we have seen on this thread) many of us, sadder but wiser, speak out.

And we will continue to speak out. We will not be intimidated by aspersions against our intelligence. We will not be cowed by those who pretend we are "un-cool." We will not be led down the path of destruction by silly Hollywood celebrities who are themselves being manipulated.

We are in a new world. Viet Nam is a sad story in our nation's history, but one which taught us many lessons.

376 posted on 09/24/2002 6:39:00 PM PDT by Miss Marple
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To: saradippity
The peace movement during the Viet Nam years was just a government orchestrated series of events to drag out the war until they could socialize more on the domestic front while people's attention was diverted. It also gave them time to dumb more kids down in the school system which was being systematically restructured to assure that Americans would be unable to think for themselves by the year 2000.

You forgot the saracasm tag...

377 posted on 09/24/2002 6:39:30 PM PDT by CIB-173RDABN
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