Posted on 09/17/2002 10:00:45 AM PDT by summer
'The Jeb Bush Nobody Knows' - Part 20: An Open Letter to the FAEA [Endorse Gov. Bush!]
Written by summer - a former Dem, now an independent and a FL certified teacher
For a list of outstanding FL students who received
Art Scholarships last year -- thanks to FL First Lady
Columba Bush -- click HERE.
To: Nan Williams,
President, Executive Committee
Board of Directors
Florida Art Education Association
[a professional organization representing FL Art Teachers; known as "FAEA"]
Re: Why the FL Art Education Association Should Publicly Endorse Bush/Brogan 2002 NOW!
Dear Nan Williams:
I noticed FL's First Lady Columba Bush is currently accepting student applications for annual art scholarships, administered by the arts program she started here in FL.
I can't help but wonder: Isn't it perhaps time for your organization to publicly speak up in this on-going FL governor's race? And, to endorse the candidate who we all know has consistently publicly supported art teachers in this state?
You are obviously aware of the importance of the arts in education - and, remarkably, so are more and more of our nation's governors, as indicated in this press release from the National Governors Association:
Washington, D.C. - Arts education is a cost-effective way to help build the workforce of tomorrow, according to an issue brief produced by the National Governors Association (NGA). The report, The Impact of Arts Education on Workforce Preparation, provides examples of how arts-based education can build skills, increase academic success and lower the incidence of juvenile crime
In addition, as you probably know, there is also a new national study, mentioned on the Kennedy Center's web site, focusing on the impact of the arts on learning :
A recent report, Champion of Change, compiles the results of seven major studies and provides important new evidence of enhanced learning and achievement when the arts are an integral part of the educational experience, both in and out of America's k-12 schools.
Among the findings:
Students with high levels of arts participation outperform "arts-poor" students on virtually every measure. Professor James Catterall of UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies found that sustained involvement in the arts correlates with success in other subjects and that connection is particularly strong between music and success in math.
The arts have measurable impact on students in "high-poverty" and urban settings. For example, the Chicago Public School District say significant student improvement in reading and mathematics in schools where Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE) developed integrated curricula.
With more attention than ever before on education in this country, isn't it about time the Florida Art Education Association publicly let FL voters know of the very positive impact the Bush/Brogan administration has had on art education in this state? And, isn't it way past time we thank and recognize the outstanding work of FL's First Lady Columba Bush in this area?
Back in December 2000, First Lady Columba Bush's innovative arts program with the state's arts organization, FL Alliance for Arts Education, was nationally recognized by the Kennedy Center, as explained HERE:
KCAAEN [The Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network]
State Alliance Recognition Program
Special Achievement in the Area of Community Connections
Arts for a Complete Education/Florida Alliance for Arts Education
The NGC [National Governance Committee] voted to recognize ACE/Florida Alliance for Arts Education for their work with Florida's first Lady including the First Lady's Recognition Program. In the summer of 1999, ACE/FAAE representatives were invited to meet with the Governor and First Lady to discuss the development of a program to utilize First Lady Columba Bush's interest in promoting arts education. As a result of this meeting, ACE/FAAE assigned a task force and created a program consistent with the ACE/FAAE mission and the desires of the Governor's office.
This program, now in its second year, promotes school arts programs through site visits with Florida's First Lady and offers scholarships in all artistic disciplines to select graduating seniors for continued study in the arts. Students and teachers are recognized in an awards ceremony at the Governor's Mansion at the State Capitol. Scholarship winners are profiled in a publication highlighting awardees and school sites toured. According to the Alliance, Mrs. Bush's presence and attention to arts education in schools throughout this program is making a difference in raising the profile of arts education in school districts.
Also, national media has noted First Lady Columba Bush's involvement with art students, as she has honored FL art students taking college level art courses in high school. These students now have their art work shown in a FL museum, as reported September 2002 in this USA Today article:
An exhibition representing the best of the Advanced Placement Studio Art classes last year will be displayed Sept. 15-24 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami
Florida first lady Columba Bush will honor the artists and teachers at the opening
Here in FL, art teachers see Gov Bush as a supporter of the arts, as evidenced in this Winter 2001 article published in your organization's newsletter "Fresh Paint." The FL art teacher who wrote this article praised First Lady Columba Bush, Katherine Harris -- and FL Gov Jeb Bush:
I knew that Jeb is also a supporter of the arts because two years prior, he visited my classroom where one of my students presented him with an 'official' gubernatorial portrait
Finally, in this time of war and conflict around the world, voters should know that internationally, First Lady Columba Bush has also made an impact on the arts education of US students and others. She has strengthened international friendships with art students abroad, as she did in a recent visit to Japan, as explained HERE.
Mrs. Columba Bush and ACE/FAAE Travel to Japan for the The International Youth Cultural Exchange
Mrs. Columba Bush's journey into the world of arts education continues, as she extends the focus of her Arts Recognition Program to include a celebration of Florida's sister-state relationship with the Wakayama Prefecture Government in Japan.
Annually Mrs. Bush's Arts Recognition Program recognized 24 high school students from all arts disciplines, with a $1,000 scholarship. Nearly 400 applications poured in to the ACE/FAAE office; narrowing the pool to 24 recipients proved difficult, given the high levels of achievement evidenced by arts students. From this year's 24 recipients, students achieving the highest ratings in Music and Dance were selected to serve as ambassadors.
As a FL certified teacher who is also an advocate of the arts in education, it is distressing for me to see tv commercial after tv commercial of a FL Dem gov candidate falsely claiming all FL teachers endorse him. What has he done for art teachers and art students? Does he have anything remotely resembling the outstanding track record of First Lady Columba Bush in the arts?
If the Florida Art Education Association says "nothing" in this FL governor's race, then perhaps "nothing" is exactly what a future administration of whatever political party will someday do for students interested in the arts.
Consequently, please consider having the Florida Art Education Association publicly endorse Bush/Brogan 2002 in this FL governor's race, so more people will learn of First Lady Columba Bush's outstanding work in the arts for teachers and students.
Your organization's endorsement will send a clear message that such outstanding efforts promoting the arts are expected to continue -- regardless of which party or candidate occupies the FL governor's mansion now or at anytime in the future.
To remain silent in this race, when there is so much good news about the arts and the Jeb Bush administration to share with FL voters, would be a missed opportunity at educating the public about the importance of the arts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
summer, a FL certified teacher
Florida's economy is driven by tourism and growth industries which Governor Bush understands. JEB BUSH IN A LANDSLIDE IN NOVEMBER - Bush/Brogan have Florida's future in mind, not banking, lawyering AND TAXATION!
McBride doesn't give a darn about the arts.
I would also be nice of them to endorse Katherine, given how much she has pushed for them while in office. Her department provides part of the funding for Columba's art program, actually. They all work together.
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