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U.S. Legislator Says His Trip to Iraq Could Open a Window for Peace (IDIOTS)
| 9/13/02
| Rawya Rageh
Posted on 09/13/2002 8:36:32 AM PDT by Tumbleweed_Connection
A U.S. congressman headed to Iraq said Friday his trip could initiate a dialogue and avoid U.S. military action. Nick Rahall, a West Virginia Democrat, said he planned to propose a dialogue between the Iraqi National Assembly and U.S. legislators in a bid to cool the escalating tension between Iraq and the United States.
"These kind of discussions are fruitful in order to give peace a chance," Rahall told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from his hotel in Damascus, Syria.
Rahall, who is of Lebanese descent, was scheduled to fly to Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, late on Friday with a delegation that includes former Sen. James Abourezk and Nick Solomon, who heads the Institute for Public Accuracy - a group of Washington-based analysts.
It will be the first time in several years that a U.S. legislator visits Iraq, which has been under U.N. sanctions since it invaded Kuwait in 1990. The two countries severed relations shortly before the United States led a coalition of forces that drove Iraq out of Kuwait in the 1991 Gulf War.
Bush warned Iraq on Thursday that it must comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions and readmit weapons inspectors or face confrontation. Iraq has rejected U.N. inspectors, charged with verifying it has eliminated its weapons of mass destruction, since 1998.
Rahall said the State Department had approved the trip but warned of security risks.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs
KEYWORDS: leftistiraqpeace; votemcbride
No inspections, peace that together.
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Institute for Public Accuracy That is the same group that just sent Ritter reported in this thread
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
posted on
09/13/2002 8:52:34 AM PDT
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
The following is the wording of the printed statement that Neville Chamberlain waved as he stepped off the plane on 30 September, 1938 after the Munich Conference had ended the day before:
"We, the German Führer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe.
We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.
We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference, and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe."
Chamberlain read the above statement in front of 10 Downing St. and said:
"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time...
Go home and get a nice quiet sleep."
To: joesnuffy
It looks like Iraq has found another useful idiot. Actually, congress is full of them but few are useful.
posted on
09/13/2002 8:56:49 AM PDT
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
His job is to represent the people of his state, not to meddle in foregin affairs.
To: Bikers4Bush
Just wait till he's firmly on the ground, then start bombing..
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Gee..if they decide to hold these guys as hostages, should we try to rescue them ??
posted on
09/13/2002 8:59:45 AM PDT
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Hey, Rahall: Can you spell
"H-O-S-T-A-G-E "?
TXnMA (No Longer!!!)?
posted on
09/13/2002 9:04:48 AM PDT
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Nick Rahall or Lord Hawhaw. Soda or pop. Sheetrock or drywall. No matter what you call it, it comes to the same thing.
posted on
09/13/2002 9:13:09 AM PDT
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Why do we need Democrats anyway? They haven't presented an original idea in or out of government in the past 70 years, and most of the program they put up then was taken directly from the social program instituted in Germany in 1871 under Otto von Bismarck. Most of the rest of the time they have spent apologizing to various dictators around the world, when they were not aspiring to assume the powers of a dictatorship.
To: Bikers4Bush
He's a Leftist, his duty is to socialistic reform. What does that have to do with the constitutional rights of the people he "represents"?
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
When, or if, this jerk gets home, his sorry a$$ should be arrested for violation of the Logan Act.
posted on
09/13/2002 9:28:38 AM PDT
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