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Sacramento Bee ^
| 9/6/2002
| Carrie Payton Dahlberg
Posted on 09/06/2002 7:35:43 AM PDT by SierraWasp
Edited on 04/12/2004 5:42:26 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
The showpiece of Sacramento's electric utility, an internationally known solar power program, is in shambles.
It has fallen short of its goals, rocketed past its budget limits, lost its long-term chief and left Sacramento Municipal Utility District directors scrambling to figure out how to salvage their commitment to renewable energy.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; US: California
KEYWORDS: calgov2002; calpowercrisis; crisis; energy; government; power; solar
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The chickens have finally come home to roost! Superimposed socialist/EnvironMentalist anti-nuke and anti-dam ANTI-economic progress just doesn't work after all!!!
Comment #2 Removed by Moderator
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach; snopercod; Robert357; Grampa Dave; Carry_Okie; farmfriend; Phil V.
A Nuclear wreckage Ping!!! The anti-nuke crowd scared the people of Sacramento with 3 Mile Island into decommissioning Rancho Seco. Now their solar system sucks canal water and they're soooooooo SHOCKED!!!
To: SierraWasp
Thats just crazy...30 to 40 MW of solar power...from what I have seen those panels must take up a ton of land, better yet, just build fast breader reactors, that way you can use nuclear waste as fuel thus killing 2 birds with 1 stone by making more electricity and depleting the tons of nuclear waste at the same's win win...but the greenies will never figure that one out
To: SierraWasp
The same thing happend in the 80's and 90's with the re-cycling rage. (Remember the liberal teachers in the public school giving forms to fill out every week, ordering this)
It failed, went bankrupt, because it was just to expensive.
The public cannot afford some of these ideas right now, I'm sure it will get better in the future with more research, BY THE PRIVATE SECTOR.
To: SierraWasp
Reminds me of the book "From a life in the semester of a garbage bag":
..."Our son has obvioiusly lost direction, and we didn't even notice! Sean, I want you to admit right now, for good
and all, that there is nothing wrong with the Department of energy project in your school! SACGEN works perfectly!"
posted on
09/06/2002 7:46:14 AM PDT
To: SierraWasp
Anything done under communist Davis will fail, communist have always failed.
posted on
09/06/2002 7:47:11 AM PDT
To: SierraWasp
Gee. I guess their name really iS M U D.
posted on
09/06/2002 7:47:57 AM PDT
To: SierraWasp
"I served the district for better than a decade with honor, and I brought honor to the district and to Sacramento. We are at the forefront of the solar revolution," he said.
Honor would be if you made it work instead of bailing out for your own company.
To: SierraWasp
PUBLIC SECTOR SOLAR CAN'T REPLACE PRIVATE NUCLEAR OR HYDRO POWER!Good, now scrap it, give the local taxpayers back some of their money, and let private business do it. Still don't think it would be profitable but at least businesses would realize that instead of the constant fleecing of the taxpayer
To: SierraWasp
The benefits of the solar program were double-counted in budgeting, making the program appear $1.9 million cheaper than it actually is. Isn't this an example of what Democrats like to call "Enron style accounting"?
To: SierraWasp
One thing that really distinguishes the Sacramento area is that they have gobs of solar energy given to them by the sun, too. If they can't make solar power work there, it's doubtful that it's a viable enterprise at all.
To: SierraWasp; Ernest_at_the_Beach; tubebender; Shermy; Liz; d14truth; ElkGroveDan; NormsRevenge; ...
First of all all electricity to every Watermelon office and the homes of all water melons should be cut off throughout the state of Kali.
Then stop the electricity to the offices of the rat politicians who enabled this fiasco of no electricity. Then cut off electricity to their homes. Make them stay in their homes not to waste electricity at traffic lights and to pump their MTBE in to their Mercedes and Lexuses.
This whole electricity trainwreck started when Moonbeam and his vile helper, the Fascist Davis, started the era of limits the minute Moonbeam was sworn in as the light in the loafers governor of Kali.
The era of limits closed down nuclear power plants, did not allow any new power plants to be built, and the watermelons wanted to rip out every dam in Kali that provided electrical power and water to our farmers and ranchers who need the water to grow the food we eat.
The reality is that the Watermelon Elite Fascists don't want us to have electricity, drinking water, flush toilets and would prefer to starve most of us.
Fascist Davis has been the Watermelons's inside agent to destroy the Kali economy since Moonbeam became our governor who was so light in the loafers that Davis had to hold Moonbeam by the knees to keep him from floating away at public meetings.
To: SierraWasp
Solar power, wind power, light rail, recycling. When will they ever learn? Of course, these boondoggles keep many, many political hacks well employed, so maybe they have learned all they need to know - where the keys to the public purse are kept.
To: TonyRo76
"Yes, shocking...SHOCKING! indeed."They've been enjoying CHEAP hydropowered electricity for years by daming up the South Fork of the American River and for awhile, from nuclear.
Then they went public, helped stop Auburn Dam and closed their nuke plant with a fear-factor driven vote and have been hyping this solar silliness as the be-all and end-all in the workers paradise of Sacramento!!!
It's all baloney!!!
To: SierraWasp
I wouldn't mind being energy independent. But don't want my tax money being handed over to others as a free gift.
posted on
09/06/2002 7:59:15 AM PDT
To: SierraWasp
WHAT!? are you telling me that these smug anti-estblishment tree huggers are really corporate swindlers, who cook the books for their own profit?... "say it aint so Joe". Where's Joe Loserman on this public scandle? I'll bet Al Gore won't be claiming the invention of the solar panel anytime soon.
To: SierraWasp
In the '70's it took more energy to produce
a PV panel than it could be expected to produce
in it's lifetime.
Anyone out there have more recent data??
To: Rockiesrider; Grampa Dave
Yes! Isn't this a classic object lesson?
Right here in the Crapitol of California, the Peoples Republic of Davis, where we're having THE DAVIS DISASTER!!!
To: SierraWasp
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