To: Steve0113; geaux; Boxsford
Boxer: The baby is born when the baby is born. That is the answer to the question.
The articles and discussions on FR have truly helped me on the abortion issue. I have seen and learned more than I really had ever wanted; thank Heaven. These quotes & political discussions will immediately be saved in my files. Thank you for doing this research and posting it here. You do an important service for us all.
To: Libertina
The articles and discussions on FR have truly helped me on the abortion issue.Glad to be of service.
I have seen and learned more than I really had ever wanted.
I sometimes wish I didn't know so much about it. It tends to make one feel very old. I see why God wanted men to stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
To: Libertina
No problem. I read an article when I was about 11 years old discussing both sides of the abortion issue (in Seventeen magazine, no less). I remember thinking pro-life was the only logical issue. No matter what angle I looked at it, the pro-choice side just didn't make any sense. The older I get, and the more I learn about what goes on in many abortion clinics, the more pro-life I become. Not just because it's the correct moral response, but because the abortion workers often lie or misrepresent information to the women, the women are not fully informed; they are not making a truly informed decision. Therefore, pro-choice does not really mean "pro-choice." If these people were really pro-choice, they would be advocating giving as much information as possible to women; instead, they do everything they can to hide details of the "procedure" as much as possible.
26 posted on
08/13/2002 3:01:35 PM PDT by
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