Dirt cheap.
So cheap it's almost worthless. Sorta like a run-down neighborhood where 90% of the homes are unoccupied, you just don't get much interest from buyers.
Well, 90% of fiber is unused. The business plans that fleeced the fiber investors were all junk. It was a fad. People who had done little more in life than hear the word "fiber" sunk big bucks into dot-com style "looks good on paper" scams.
So we've had our fiber boom and we've had our fiber bust.
The true-believers will gamble that existing fiber assets are worth owning - to be prepared for a future land/fiber rush.
They may even be right, but I wouldn't gamble my money on them.
Buying last years technology, in the hopes that it will be worth something MORE in five years is a bad bet that runs against Moore's Law.
Technology after all only gets cheaper, so why buy now when 90% of fiber can't produce any revenue?