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To: CounterCounterCulture
Hey CCC! I am so glad to see you getting your special day! You really deserve it.

I enjoyed protesting with you at the Condit FReeps in Modesto and now against the peaceniks here in Fresno. I admire you greatly for taking on the rabid peaceniks in San Francisco. You are a very dedicated FReeper!

I just loved your sign!

All together now for old times' sake, "No Justice, No Peace!"

210 posted on 07/31/2002 2:43:00 PM PDT by mtngrl@vrwc
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To: mtngrl@vrwc; CounterCounterCulture; lodwick; COB1; Mr_Magoo; HiJinx; Billie; Kathy in Alaska; ...
After many years of illness, Ronald Reagan was very ill and it appeared that he might not pull through. Obviously, Nancy and the rest of the family were at his side, as well as the family minister.

Knowing that his time might be short, they asked if there was anything that he wanted.

"Yes," he replied, "I'd like very much to have Bill and Hillary Clinton at my side before I go."

They were all amazed at this request and several assumed that his memory was failing even worse than they had suspected. Regardless, they went ahead and forwarded his request to the former first family.

Within hours, the former president and first lady arrived at his bedside, courtesy of the loan of Air Force One. For a time, no one said anything.

Both Bill and Hillary were touched and flattered that Ron would ask them to be with him during his final moments.

They were also puzzled - obviously they were of different political parties and had thrown barbs in one another's direction over the years.

Why not George Bush Sr., G.W. Bush or some of Reagan's many Hollywood friends? He had never given the Clintons any indication that he particularly liked either of them.

Finally, Bill spoke up and asked, "Mr. President, why did you choose the two of us to be at your bedside at this critical moment?"

The former president mustered up some strength and said very weakly,

"Well....Jesus died between two thieves ... and that's how I want to go..."

221 posted on 07/31/2002 3:07:36 PM PDT by JustAmy
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To: mtngrl@vrwc
Hi, mtngrl! Like you, I feel very privileged to have been able to FReep with CCC. He is the stuff that FR is made of. Can you believe that list of FReeps and rallies he has attended?!

We are going to have to see what we can do to get him back over to FResno again.

Thanks for stopping by to help us celebrate our Featured FReeper. :-)

241 posted on 07/31/2002 4:14:48 PM PDT by Mama_Bear
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