I was interested to read last week of Ulf Buck, a blind German psychic who claims to be able to predict the future by feeling people's naked buttocks. That's more or less what the American press and their chums in the Democratic Party are trying to do.
No sooner does the bottom drop out of WorldCom or ImClone than the press psychics insist they can detect in its dimples and crevices all sorts of gloomy portents for George W Bush's political future. Somehow these collapsing corporate posteriors are supposed to be connected to the President, and indeed his responsibility: the butt stops here.
< snip >
But the media must be allowed their fun. On Wednesday, Judicial Watch launched a suit against Dick Cheney, the Vice President, over past business practices. Judicial Watch, according to the BBC News, is an "anti-corruption group". "Anti-corruption": how noble! A couple of years ago, when Judicial Watch were suing Bill Clinton every other week, the BBC described them only as "a Right-wing lobby group" and the US media, when they mentioned them at all, did so only to dismiss them as a bunch of crazies.
Enjoy it while you can, boys. Sometime in the next two months President Bush will be invading Iraq. After that, any Democrat who wants to fight an election on "It's the accountancy, stupid" would be advised to re-think.