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A surprise best seller shocks the Left, again
Oak Lawn (IL) Reporter ^ | 7/11/02 | Michael M. Bates

Posted on 07/09/2002 7:38:31 AM PDT by mikeb704

This week’s New York Times bestseller is Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right. The author is Ann Coulter.

Miss Coulter is well known to regular viewers of the cable news networks. Long blond hair. Long legs. Short skirts. Big attitude and a quick wit that slashes Leftists down to size faster than you can say I feel your pain. Clearly, she qualifies as a pinup girl of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

Using computer searches and other research, Miss Coulter has delivered a 205-page tome that stunningly (for those who haven’t been paying attention) establishes how Leftist politicians, newspapers, television shows and news magazines have turned truth on its head. Those poor mislead souls may point to the supposed perils of conservatism, but they’re the real purveyors of hate. The almost 800 footnotes persuasively document her case.

Despite its number one ranking on their own list, the folks at the New York Times are undoubtedly astounded at the success of Miss Coulter’s book. Indeed, Slander points out how often liberals are flabbergasted at the success of books targeted to conservatives. Examples are provided, and here are just a few.

The Washington Post found Senatorial Privilege: The Chappaquiddick Cover-Up a "surprise national bestseller." United Press International (UPI) took note of ". . . such surprise bestsellers" as Illiberal Education and The Real Anita Hill. Politically Correct Bedtime Stories: Modern Tales for Our Life & Times was deemed "a surprise best seller" by USA Today.

Robert Bork’s Slouching Toward Gomorrah was a "surprise best seller" according to the Chicago Tribune. National Public Radio branded retired FBI agent Gary Aldrich’s Unlimited Access, a book detailing the sleaziness of the Clinton White House, a "surprise best-seller."

It’s understandable that conservative books being bought – and read and discussed – come as an unwelcome shocker to the deep thinkers who’ve propagandized Americans for decades. They are so detached from reality that they simply can’t fathom that some people still prefer to think for themselves. Why, they must wonder, aren’t customers scarfing up all of those riveting Jimmy Carter volumes instead?

I found a particular passage of Slander especially relevant: "Leaving nothing to chance, liberals also hide conservative books. The hiding books trick – long well-known to conservatives – eventually became comical enough to be written up in the New York Times."

Last Sunday I visited a bookstore located in a mall and looked for Ann Coulter’s book. Not finding it, I asked for assistance from a clerk who located it fairly quickly. The reason I hadn’t seen the book was because, in contrast to most of the other books displayed, it was shelved with only the side of the book opposite of the spine showing.

The clerk gave me a copy and commented there was only one left. "Guess we should have ordered more," he said cheerily. Not that I think there’s a conspiracy afoot or anything like that.

Some conservatives may take issue with a few of Miss Coulter’s conclusions. She doesn’t think, for example, that Bill O’Reilly of Fox News is a conservative. She cites his opposition to the death penalty, his support of gun control, his warming up to the notion of global warning, and his belief Elian Gonzalez should have been sent back to the prison that is Cuba as evidence.

She also doesn’t accept Pat Robertson as a genuine conservative. Here she points out his endorsement of Dole over Buchanan in the ’96 primaries, his calling for an end to Clinton’s impeachment, his endorsement for Most Favored Nation status for China, and his apparent acceptance of China’s forced abortion policies.

Perky Katie Couric, who is unfavorably mentioned in Slander, introduced Ann Coulter using the phrase "right-wing telebimbo." Not that Perky Katie thinks that, but someone else does. With enemies like Mz Couric, you just have to love Ann Coulter. Her book is terrific and will confirm – if you need additional confirmation – that your suspicions of media bias are grounded in fact.

TOPICS: Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: anncoulter; leftists; mediabias; slander
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1 posted on 07/09/2002 7:38:31 AM PDT by mikeb704
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To: mikeb704
Oops. Forgot the mandatory picture. Sorry.

2 posted on 07/09/2002 7:41:54 AM PDT by mikeb704
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To: mikeb704
The book is very entertaining and quite valuable, especially as a source of substantiation for the practices of the Left in showering the Right with disdain and contempt. I just wish Miss Coulter weren't so quick to call anyone who disagrees with her "stupid." In memorable particular, she applies this epithet to Gary Johnson, Republican Governor of New Mexico, apparently because of Johnson's anti-Drug War opinions. This is uncalled for; in adopting a Leftist tactic for use against someone who disagrees with her, Miss Coulter weakens her own argument. There's room for legitimate disagreement on many political subjects, the Drug War among them.

Freedom, Wealth, and Peace,
Francis W. Porretto
Visit The Palace Of Reason:

3 posted on 07/09/2002 7:47:29 AM PDT by fporretto
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To: mikeb704
From another thread ... a relevant story.
A being who does not know automatically what is true or false, cannot know automatically what is right or wrong, what is good for him or evil. -- Ayn Rand

Thoughts upon finding a pebble.

Just after my shower this morning, my bare foot detected something small and tiny on the bathroom carpet. It was only a small pebble, but it was also an eye-opening revelation about the magnitude and scope of sense perception capabilities inherent in the human body -- one of my multi-million sensors, one neuron on the bottom of my foot, told me ... "Something was there."

And so it goes with the human mind, with the beyond-the-marvelous capabilities contained therein.

Capable of rational thought, using reason, using the mind, man can acquire knowledge, live well, marry and support a family, and man can create -- art, literature, music, inventions, architecture, etc.

But humans can avoid thought, and live blissfully -- for a while; smoking pot, for instance. And humans can avoid reality and live the "just do it" life -- for a while; until, for instance, the inheritance runs out.

But avoiding thought and reality means avoiding truth, truth being the recognition of reality using reason (I felt it, I looked at it, it was a pebble) and knowing truth, especially those automatic truths (IT'S A TRUCK!), is important to one's life.

But there's more to it than that. Avoiding thought and reality can happen in insidious ways and your very mind can be rendered inoperable -- even destroyed -- in the process. Who might want to do that?

The human mind can be molded, wounded, rendered inoperable even destroyed by teachers, preachers, or seekers of power. The young and the weak are especially vulnerable. And when the mind is effectively destroyed (irrationality is a symptom) there goes the potential to use the mind as God designed it to be used -- to think and reason.

"Why would anyone do that?" you ask.

Well, there's money in in, for one reason; but the better answer comes from Ayn Rand saying ... "If men are to be ruled, the enemy is reason."
P.S. The "pebble" turned out to be a sesame seed.

4 posted on 07/09/2002 7:54:07 AM PDT by thinktwice
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To: mikeb704
In another development that horrified, shocked and stunned the NYT, WP, and USA Today, Karl Marx's Das Kapital slipped to number 16,228 on today.
5 posted on 07/09/2002 7:56:59 AM PDT by LibWhacker
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To: fporretto
One comment that I liked in the book went something like this: "When one homosexual was murdered by a couple of thugs, the media treated it as evidence of a massive wave of conservatism sweeping the country, but when conservative books sell hundreds of thousands of copies and top the New York Times best-seller list, it is taken as signifying nothing." She also pointed out that even though John McCain graduated fifth from the bottom in his class at the U.S. Naval Academy, the press has NEVER questioned his intelligence. I have been disappointed in Coulter's recent tv appearances, but in my opinion this book somewhat rehabilitates her image. Yes, she is a smart-ass at times, but this book does a good job of making its case.
6 posted on 07/09/2002 8:02:10 AM PDT by Steve_Seattle
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To: mikeb704
Annie is correct about O'Reilly
7 posted on 07/09/2002 8:02:51 AM PDT by sauropod
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To: LibWhacker
In another development that horrified, shocked and stunned the NYT, WP, and USA Today, Karl Marx's Das Kapital slipped to number 16,228 on today.

Perhaps a grant from the NEA would help boost sales.

8 posted on 07/09/2002 8:03:50 AM PDT by mikeb704
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To: LibWhacker
I honestly believe liberals do not believe Conservatives can read. And they probably think all those forrest fires in Colorado were started by sparks from pinky rings on knuckle-dragging Republicans.
9 posted on 07/09/2002 8:05:18 AM PDT by pikachu
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To: sauropod
I remember him saying one night - perhaps it was to Robert Reich - that he didn't mind the government spending lots of money, as long as it was spent efficiently.
10 posted on 07/09/2002 8:05:51 AM PDT by mikeb704
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To: mikeb704
You go girl!
11 posted on 07/09/2002 8:07:45 AM PDT by philosofy123
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To: mikeb704
Why are books by conservatives bestsellers?

a) People are eager for the truth.
b) The country is much more conservative than most people think.
c) Conservatives read, liberals watch TV
d) All of the above.

12 posted on 07/09/2002 8:08:57 AM PDT by Straight Vermonter
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To: mikeb704
"Leaving nothing to chance, liberals also hide conservative books.

Yup, despite being #1 on NYT Best Seller list, Walden Books had it stashed amid a pile of drivel, with only a smidgen of a corner visible.
Great book, better than I thought it would be. I'm carrying it everywhere - and reading it slowly.

13 posted on 07/09/2002 8:09:07 AM PDT by Psalm 73
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To: pikachu
Oh, we can read. We just can't spel.
14 posted on 07/09/2002 8:10:04 AM PDT by Wm Bach
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To: mikeb704
"Why, they must wonder, aren’t customers scarfing up all of those riveting Jimmy Carter volumes instead?"


15 posted on 07/09/2002 8:10:58 AM PDT by Constitution Day
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To: Psalm 73
Now there's a coincidence. Waldenbooks is also where I bought my copy. Hmmmm.
16 posted on 07/09/2002 8:11:38 AM PDT by mikeb704
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To: mikeb704
I wonder if she'll be asked about the Harken questions at the press conference yesterday.

If that wasn't obvious Liberal bias, I don't know what is. The Liberal Press Corp is grabbing and clawing at ANYTHING that will show the American people, "Look, Bush is as bad as Clinton, they're all the same".

It won't work.

17 posted on 07/09/2002 8:13:52 AM PDT by bigjoesaddle
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To: mikeb704
I am not a big fan of Coulter, nor do I think she should be the arbiter of who is conservative and who is not. The thing that jumps out at me about Coulter is the mean streak a mile wide running down the middle of her back.

When she dumped all over Rich Lowry and Jonah Goldberg a while back, it opened a window to her character. Not a pretty picture. She's smart, but narcissistic and far too hostile for my taste.

18 posted on 07/09/2002 8:17:22 AM PDT by beckett
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To: sauropod
You are correct about Annie.
19 posted on 07/09/2002 8:18:42 AM PDT by Cyber Liberty
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To: mikeb704
I sat and read the first chapter last night at a Barnes and Nobles, it was all I could do to stop myself from howling in delight at Ann's words. It was a home-run derby of political truth, delivered with great wit, and aimed at the people who would do such things as calling Katherine Harris, Linda Tripp and others "ugly", for lack of any sort of intelligent commentary...the same people who Ann reminds us are all in favor of hate-crime legislation, but supported a rapist in the White House, and counted with such notable beauty queens as Bella Abzug, and Janet Reno in their ranks.

I bought the book, I recommend it highly.

20 posted on 07/09/2002 8:20:38 AM PDT by Luis Gonzalez
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