To: Snowy
You can yawn if you like. I for one believe they do indeed have suicide militants ready to strike and in fact did strike on July 4.
To: freeperfromnj
Snowy's right! If Boo and the boys was gonna do sumthin', they woulda done it. Besides, Attorney General John Ashcroft neutered the rest of those bastards before they had a chance to react!
To: freeperfromnj
No offense, but if they struck on July 4th, they hardly struck fear into the hearts of Americans. I am sure they have bigger things planned, but that thisng on the 4th was not what this guy must be talking about.
To: freeperfromnj
I agree with your assessment. Who knows how many of their sleepers are ready? And perhaps they are not aiming for another gigantic hit but are planning simultaneous smaller hits -- perhaps schools, small businesses, etc. I hope that all Jewish and Israeli linked organizations are well protected. These bloodthirsty monsters must be stopped!
15 posted on
07/09/2002 7:43:18 AM PDT by
Bigg Red
To: freeperfromnj
You can yawn if you like. I for one believe they do indeed have suicide militants ready to strike and in fact did strike on July 4. I think there are militants here as well. However, I will not be afraid because they tell me to be. I will be afraid when I feel like it, and not a minute before. Where is that newest video they were going on about? Their job is to make us afraid to go about our lives. Our job as average citizens is to ignore their empty threats. I refuse to jump when they say "boo". I do not believe their publicly talking about attacks has a direct correlation on whether the attacks happen. I will begin to worry after something happens, because worrying before the fact is useless for an average citizen such as myself. My feeling is that they should defecate, or remove themselves from the lavatory...
37 posted on
07/09/2002 9:19:13 AM PDT by
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