I have never said that drug use is victimless. I have said that what someone puts in their own body is their business, not yours. People who make money by dealing in human misery are the worse possible scum. You made it clear that you see nothing wrong with drug dealing despite your new found morals. You said quite clearly that you stopped dealing drugs to avoid punishment. You are a low life.
Oh, don't bother to respond, you've already shot your own credibility.
I don't seek credibility with criminals and other low lifes.
Signed, "lowest scum on the face of the Earth and despicable swine",
I'll give you credit for admitting what you are.
but at least I'm not some pie-in-the-sky libertarian who doesn't live in the real world---
I live in the real world, where scum who deal think it is OK as long as they don't get caught. They advocate prison for others for the same crimes they have committed. Until you report to jail to start your term, you have nothing whatsoever to say on the subject.
You wear your drug dealing as a badge of honor, mentioning it at every opportunity.
Now you have an immoral slob taking your side, someone who has admitted that she would turn in her own blood to the feds, but now she embraces you, someone who she should be turning in, because you have a common enemy, me.
I do not condone what you did in your past, but I do congratulate you for taking responsibility for your life and giving up the distructive habit.
As for supporting you for having been a dealer, I do not. But I do support your view in this thread. And I admire your resolve to stop dealing.
I may have said that I will turn in my own children for drugs, and I will if I have to. But I hope to not have to, as I do speak with my daughter about the dangers of drugs, and my views on drug use and trafficking. She understands what is expected of her (just say NO), and that their are consequences to her actions if she doesn't do that.
I would rather turn my child in for drugs than to have them killed in a drug war. I guess TJ is more concerned about druggies (possibly) being raped by "big bubba" than about being killed in a drug deal gone bad.
Complete and utter bulls*it! I said in my last post I KNOW that doing drugs and dealing is wrong!
You wear your drug dealing as a badge of honor, mentioning it at every opportunity.
Wow. You've really piled it high, this time. I mentioned it for the FIRST time on this thread after thousands of posts I have made on this forum only to prove a point. I'm saying if you get busted, even by the people you're SUPPOSED to take care of, it's your own fault. You are Mr. Moral? Pah-leeeease. You think drugs should be legal, but dealers should turn themselves in to be arrested. But if a kid's father deals drugs or steals cars or rapes children, he better just deal with it, or "ask" his father to stop, because going to the police makes him scum. You are totally twisted.