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To: stands2reason
I was single, doofus, and my family didn't know.

You are a drug dealer and I'm a doofus? LOL Your family didn't know that you were the scum of the earth so it's OK? LOL

I was also not dumb enough to get caught.

Oh no, your'e not dumb, but you can't earn a living without dealing drugs. LOL

Nor did I deal to or around children.

What a great guy!!!! (like kids didn't get your goods)

The reason I quit is that the risks outweighed the rewards,

Not because it was wrong, but because you didn't like the risk reward ratio. LOL

meaning the longer I continued to deal, the more likely it would be that I would be caught, so I quit.

Great guy! He didn't quit for any reason other than he didn't want to be caught? Same reason you don't steal cars or rape little girls?

Tell me, Tom, do you buy your dope in the middle of a shopping center, or do you do it in a more out-of-the-way place?

I have never used an illegal substance in my life, and the fact the lowest scum on the face of the earth doesn't believe it doesn't matter one tiny bit.

Now I suppose you are in favor of the WOD and incarcerating those who did precisely as you have done. Amazing what turns up on this conservative forum. Climb back under your rock you despicable swine.

208 posted on 07/09/2002 7:41:40 PM PDT by Protagoras
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To: ThomasJefferson

209 posted on 07/09/2002 7:45:39 PM PDT by PatriotReporter
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To: ThomasJefferson
Are you capable of posting something without it containing the word "despicable", or calling people by some other demeaning name?

You must be a very angry person to feel the need to bring everyone else down to your level.

I will not answer to any other flame post you put out to me. I hope you have a pleasant night, maybe you will wake up tomorrow in a better mood.

210 posted on 07/09/2002 8:55:00 PM PDT by trussell
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To: ThomasJefferson
First off, I am a female, I did deal when I was younger, I do know it was wrong, and I do know that kids didn't get any of what I was selling. I'm not pro-WOD, but if you get caught, well, you gotta pay the price. Cynical whining is useless.

I did not go in to moralizing about how dealing or doing drugs is wrong, and I know it is, believe it or not I'm not the same person I was at 19 that I am now---for example, I voted for Dukakis. The morality argument doesn't go very far with most libertarians.

Same reason you don't steal cars or rape little girls?

What a sec... you have to make up your mind---are drug crimes "victimless" or aren't they, Dane? You're so full of s*it---you can't even stick with your own argument, instead you sound like the worst kind of statist. Oh, don't bother to respond, you've already shot your own credibility.
Signed, "lowest scum on the face of the Earth and despicable swine", but at least I'm not some pie-in-the-sky libertarian who doesn't live in the real world---

211 posted on 07/09/2002 10:34:40 PM PDT by stands2reason
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