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Marine Inspector / INS Web Site ^ | 07/08/2002 | Marine Inspector

Posted on 07/08/2002 2:20:51 AM PDT by Marine Inspector

I'm am posting this information in the hopes of educating the masses on Free Republic, so they can spread the word and educate those people that do not visit here.

Since 9/11 the INS has taken a beating in the press and the public eye. Some of this is deserved and some is not. For the past several weeks I have been pinged to many threads were I have seen many posters stating that the entire INS in incompetent, or we are all idiots, or some other such statement. For the most part I stay away from these threads, because I get tired of arguing with people who have not a clue as to what is happening inside the INS.

I have been on the job for just under 5 years now. I have seen the INS before 9/11 and after 9/11. At my level and even into middle management, it is a whole new agency. For the most part, we can now see light at the end of the tunnel.

Prior to 9/11, I was ready to pack my bags and hit the road. I had joined the INS to make a difference, but after 2 years on the Arizona/Mexico border and another 18 months in Phoenix, I saw no enthusiasm or motivation in my fellow workers. This was largely due to increasing PC policy the was being shoved down our throats.

After 9/11, it seemed like everyone came alive. 9/11 was a very tragic event, and I don’t want to disrespect anyone, but many of us saw this as the wake up call that was needed in Washington. We were ready to take the lead and make a difference.

It has been almost 10 months since that tragic day, and hope is fading. By now, I would have though we would have stopped issuing visa’s to the terrorist countries, but so far we have issued over 55,000. I though we would have gotten tough with Canada and Mexico and cleaned up our border problem, but we still have 7,500 illegals day crossing the borders every day. I thought many things were going to change for the good. I thought wrong.

The Patriot Act was signed, but did very little to stem the flow of legal or illegal immigration. It took Congress 9 months to agree on a Border Security bill. That bill is weak also, and so far it is not even funded.

What is Washington waiting for? Another attack? We just had one in LAX, but since it was but one man, it could not have been a terrorist act. Where in the FBI handbook, does it say that a terrorist attack must involve two or more people.

Enough of my ranting. While the troops on the ground are still hard at work, how long will it take Washington to start working with us and not against us. As I posted to another fellow this evening: The INS is in the game, but the coach (GWB) and his staff (Congress) are working for the other team.

Month Southwest Border Sectors The Remaining Sectors Total Apprehensions
Oct 2001 37,804 1,366 39,170
Nov 2001 32,506 1,408 33,914
Dec 2001 31,501 1,188 32,689
Jan 2002 79,724 1,470 81,194
Feb 2002 95,724 1,486 97,210
Mar 2002 126,992 1,791 128,783
Apr 2002 121,920 2,249 124,169
May 2002 97,424 1,918 99,342
Jun 2002 0 0 0
Jul 2002 0 0 0
Aug 2002 0 0 0
Sep 2002 0 0 0
FY 2002 Totals 623,595 12,876 636,471

Southwest Border Sectors: San Diego, CA; El Centro, CA; Yuma, AZ; Tucson, AZ; El Paso, TX; Marfa, TX; Del Rio, TX; Larado, TX; McAllen, TX.
The remaining Sectors: Blaine, WA; Buffalo, NY; Detroit, MI; Grand Forks, ND; Havre, MT; Houlton, ME; Livermore, CA; Miami, FL; New Orleans, LA; Ramey, PR; Spokane, WA; Swanton, VT.

As you can see from the above chart, 97.9% of all US Border Patrol apprehensions take place along the US/Mexico border area.

In the first 8 months of FY 2002 (October 2001 - May 2002) the U.S. Border Patrol made 636,471 apprehensions.

The Border Patrol estimates that they apprehend approximately 25% of the illegal aliens crossing into the United States. That means 3 illegal aliens get through for every 1 apprehended.

Independent Immigration experts estimate that the Border Patrol apprehends only 10% of the illegal aliens crossing into the United States. That means 9 illegal aliens get through for every 1 apprehension.

For this presentation, I will use the Border Patrol estimate of 25%.

If the Border Patrol has apprehended 636,471 illegal aliens in the past 8 months, the number of illegal aliens that made it into the United States undetected would be approximately 1,909,413.

This is an average of over 7,500 illegal aliens entering the United States, from Mexico, undetected daily.

Here are some numbers to help put this into perspective:

US and Allied troops that invaded Normandy in 1944 = 250,000+
US troops that invaded Okinawa in 1945 = 550,000+
Illegal aliens that have invaded the United States since October 1st 2001 = 1,870,932+

Month Total Inspections Air Inspections Land Inspections Sea Inspections Total Inadmissable Aliens
Oct 2001 30,651,449 4,476,887 25,080,387 797,989 74,036
Nov 2001 32,004,543 4,456,884 26,298,785 898,190 45,872
Dec 2001 35,338,305 4,922,147 29,012,386 1,016,579 58,403
Jan 2002 35,949,334 5,591,992 28,890,979 982,977 66,960
Feb 2002 33,194,190 4,908,372 26,973,762 918,736 53,238
Mar 2002 38,883,829 6,291,545 31,044,623 1,077,774 61,194
Apr 2002 37,137,781 5,848,248 29,877,954 971,865 59,699
May 2002 38,727,465 5,850,698 31,460,769 1,002,103 58,479
Jun 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Jul 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Aug 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 2002 0 0 0 0 0
FY 2002 Totals 281,886,896 42,346,773 228,639,645 7,666,183 447,881

Inadmissible persons include aliens referred to secondary inspection who withdraw, are refused entry, are paroled in, or are referred to an Immigration Judge for a removal hearing. Also included are expedited cases where an alien can withdraw, or receives an expedited removal order, or is referred for a credible fear interview.

Approximately 60% of the total inspections are aliens entering the country for business or pleasure.

Currently there are approximately 5,000 Immigration inspectors. Those 5,000 Inspectors detected and prevented 477,881 inadmissible aliens from entering the United States, while processing 281,886,896 persons.

Month Criminal Alien Cases Employer Cases Fraud Cases Smuggling Cases Total Cases
Oct 2001 3,439 40 108 8 3,595
Nov 2001 3,892 74 56 16 4,038
Dec 2001 3,425 61 117 23 3,626
Jan 2002 3,425 63 144 30 4,825
Feb 2002 4,101 127 55 37 4,320
Mar 2002 3,494 137 72 27 3,730
Apr 2002 3,899 124 62 35 4,120
May 2002 4,008 86 39 30 4,163
Jun 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Jul 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Aug 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 2002 0 0 0 0 0
FY 2002 Totals 30,846 712 653 2060 32,417

The above case are considered successfully completed. That means a case that has resulted in an adverse action such as a prosecution, deportation, removal, denial, civil action, or cessation of targeted activity based on the outcome of the investigation.

Case Types: Criminal alien cases include large-scale organizations engaged in ongoing criminal activity and individual aliens convicted of a crime such as drug trafficking or terrorism. Employer cases include investigations that target employers who knowingly hire or who continue to employ illegal aliens. Fraud cases include marriage fraud, immigration benefit fraud, Employer Sanctions document fraud, and entitlement fraud. Smuggling cases involve those which target persons or entities who bring, transport, harbor, or smuggle illegal aliens into or within the United States.

The New York district office was unable to report fully its statistics for Criminal, Employer, Fraud, and Smuggling cases during the months of August through January due to the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Month Total Removals Deportable Inadmissible Criminal Removals Non-Criminal Removals
Oct 2001 9,677 3,318 6,359 5,305 4,372
Nov 2001 8,760 3,015 5,745 4,791 3,969
Dec 2001 8,201 2,810 5,391 4,398 3,803
Jan 2002 10,716 3,393 7,323 5,126 5,590
Feb 2002 9,793 2,783 7,010 4,422 5,371
Mar 2002 11,662 3,292 8,330 5,267 6,355
Apr 2002 11,004 3,183 7,821 4,972 6,032
May 2002 11,989 3,472 8,426 5,475 6,423
Jun 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Jul 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Aug 2002 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 2002 0 0 0 0 0
FY 2002 Totals 81,762 25,266 56,405 39,756 41,915

TOPICS: Announcements; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Free Republic; Government; Miscellaneous; Politics/Elections; US: Arizona; US: California; US: Nevada; US: New Mexico; US: Texas; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: immigration
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I'll do my best to answer every post.
1 posted on 07/08/2002 2:20:51 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: Tancredo Fan; Sabertooth; sarcasm; sonofliberty2; PsyOp; holyscroller; B4Ranch; agitator; ...
2 posted on 07/08/2002 2:21:21 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: Marine Inspector
The Bush administration and Congress have no intention of doing anything about illegal immigration; it's time to lay the blame where it rightfully belongs.
3 posted on 07/08/2002 2:27:14 AM PDT by sarcasm
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To: Marine Inspector
Nice work there. Thanks for the information.
4 posted on 07/08/2002 3:02:50 AM PDT by snopercod
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To: Marine Inspector
Foreign visitors fear sudden arrests by INS' 'absconder' detail

Please give me your opinion of this article.

5 posted on 07/08/2002 4:03:09 AM PDT by B4Ranch
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To: Marine Inspector
It was easy as pie to place blame on clintoon for 9/11, at least in my mind, therefore, it was easy for the current administration to do so as well. If we have another 9/11 level event, the blame will fall squarely on the current administration, and us. I don't know where the cheerleaders will run to then. It would seem to me that common sense can't penetrate the beltway around D.C., but that's been obvious for a few decades. What's the excuse for the individual State's that won't act to secure their own border's? It should be clear to all who'll care to notice, the fed's are not going to act, so the border State's must act. All of the screaming for military patrols on the border's, should now be directed to the Govenor Mansion's across the land, call for them to pull their NG Troops from the lame airport security detail's, and police our border's. I can see no logical reason for this to continue. The NG is intended to be at the State's beck and call, for the security of the State, therefore the security of the nation. Screw the Pol's at the national level, withhold whatever tax monies that get sent to D.C., and use it in the border State's to defend this nation, or we shall surely perish as a nation. Send them a reciept. Marine Inspector, few would blame the individual that is tasked to work under the rules laid down by the behemoth that is the fedgov, perhaps a massive walkout is in order for you people. The fedgov is rotten to the core, and we the people expect some miracle, in that we expect them to police themselve's. It ain't gonna happen. I accuse us, the people for allowing this to continue, and we the people, will be just as guilty as the fedgov, if it happens again, and it will happen again. We've done nothing to prevent it. Blackbird.
6 posted on 07/08/2002 4:09:37 AM PDT by BlackbirdSST
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To: Marine Inspector
Some of the folks who are critical of INS should make themselves aware of just how difficult it can be to track down someone who has "over stayed" a visa.
7 posted on 07/08/2002 6:06:03 AM PDT by genefromjersey
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To: Marine Inspector
First of all, thank you for this highly informative post. Here's my question:

For the most part, we can now see light at the end of the tunnel.

It has been almost 10 months since that tragic day, and hope is fading. ... I thought many things were going to change for the good. I thought wrong.

How do you reconcile your two comments here? First you say you can see light at the end of the tunnel and then later you say hope is fading. Thank you!

8 posted on 07/08/2002 7:14:55 AM PDT by Auntie Mame
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Comment #9 Removed by Moderator

To: sarcasm
As much as I do not want to believe it, it is so true.
10 posted on 07/08/2002 9:37:50 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: snopercod
Your welcome.
11 posted on 07/08/2002 9:38:10 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: B4Ranch
The INS claims Saroukhan ignored a notice of deportation sent to his Jacksonville business in 1999.

But Saroukhan says he never received the notice because INS sent it to the wrong address.

The law states an alien has 30 days to notify the INS of his new address if he moves. It appears that Saroukhan moved and failed to notify the INS. So if the INS sent the notice to the wrong address the fault is still with Saroukhan.

Unfortunately the EOIR is very liberal and he will probably get to stay.

12 posted on 07/08/2002 9:49:37 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: BlackbirdSST
13 posted on 07/08/2002 9:52:56 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: genefromjersey
Some of the folks who are critical of INS should make themselves aware of just how difficult it can be to track down someone who has "over stayed" a visa.

It's damn near impossible with the current entry/exit control system. Most of it is luck, or like in my office, a good relationship with the airlines. We've approached the outboard airlines and have them fill out an I-94 for every alien leaving the country that does not turn one in. Since we started this system about 9 months ago, we have apprehended dozens of overstayers. We have even had some apprehended in other ports. Unfortunately, the airlines are not required to do it, and it would not work at the land borders.

14 posted on 07/08/2002 9:58:16 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: Auntie Mame
How do you reconcile your two comments here? First you say you can see light at the end of the tunnel and then later you say hope is fading. Thank you!

After 9/11 we saw a light at the end of the tunnel, and now it's fading or the lights an oncoming train.

15 posted on 07/08/2002 10:08:36 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: Drill Alaska

You got that right. 35% of the southwest border apprehensions are in Arizona.

16 posted on 07/08/2002 10:10:26 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: Marine Inspector
Is there any way for you to keep tabs on this case and keep me posted so I can send it to Rep. Jim Gibbons?
17 posted on 07/08/2002 10:55:19 AM PDT by B4Ranch
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To: B4Ranch
I'll see what I can do.
18 posted on 07/08/2002 11:38:33 AM PDT by Marine Inspector
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To: Marine Inspector
19 posted on 07/08/2002 2:52:28 PM PDT by B4Ranch
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To: Marine Inspector
Appreciate the "Ammo" Marine Inspector! Thanks.
20 posted on 07/10/2002 9:08:15 PM PDT by brat
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