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U.S. quietly OKs fetal stem cell work - Bush allows funding despite federal limits on embryo use
Chicago Tribune ^
| July 7, 2002
| By Jeremy Manier
Posted on 07/07/2002 11:24:26 AM PDT by Keyes For President
Edited on 09/03/2002 4:50:44 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
The Bush administration has approved the first federally funded project using stem cells obtained from fetuses aborted up to eight weeks after conception, expanding the scientific promise of stem cell research and complicating the ethics debate that surrounds it.
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TOPICS: Breaking News; Culture/Society; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bush; embryo; fetus; stemcell
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To: marajade
Half the time you don't make any sense at all. When you do make any sort of sense, it's nonsense.
To: JMJ333
" ... so it is okay that a human being is created and then killed and researched on so that you can benefit."
Where is that being done with public funding?
To: marajade
Many on this forum will argue that the existance of ANY soul has yet to have been proven.
A human being has no less worth because some nazi eugenicist created it for research and money-making purposes. The point I am trying to get you to see is called "reductionism." In other words, humanity is being reduced to less than nothing with these procedures.
posted on
07/07/2002 2:40:06 PM PDT
To: Dane
This makes no sense whatsoever. If Bush had no control over how the money is spent in stem-cell research, then why give a prime time speech and appoint Leon Kass into an advisory role in bio-ethics? Either the law forbids Bush to stop any funding in which case I do not understand the relevance of Bush's speech last year when he approved stem-cell-lite, or Bush changed his position. BTW, I am not a one issue person, but cannot stand liars. Bush promised during the campaign that he would not support embryonic stem-cell research. He changed his position twice for the worse. He is a bleeping liar.
posted on
07/07/2002 2:41:51 PM PDT
To: nsmart
![]( that you?
posted on
07/07/2002 2:43:21 PM PDT
To: JMJ333
That is inappropriate... And it shows your true colors...
To: Satadru
BTW, I am not a one issue person, but cannot stand liars. I guess you can't stand yourself then. Nothing I can do about that, that is an issue you will have to take up with yourself.
posted on
07/07/2002 2:44:29 PM PDT
To: Dane
And exactly HOW MANY bills did they send up? I don't recall hearing of ONE bill that actually made it out of Congress to go and suffer a veto. Even if a bill would have received a veto, it would have put Billy Jeff on notice that he was pursuing a perilous course. But your pubbies were too busy lewinski-ing him themselves, passing budgets that outspent even Billy Jeff's requests. Running from the Contract with America that GOT THEM THE MAJORITY IN THE FIRST PLACE. Nope, I am not hiding from the truth. You are...
Jumping Jimmy would not have DARED to jump if the pubbies had held true to what got them elected in the first place. It was the thought of a return to smaller gooberment and less intrusive gooberment that got the pubbies elected, then they cut and ran from that mandate. Had they held true, Jeffors would have HAD to stay in the party to keep his seat, if for no other reason. But there being no essential differences between them, his jump could happen; I mean if he's gonna have the game, he may as well have the name. Sorry to rain on your parade, Dane, but Bush and your pubbies have screwed the country no different than the Rats...
posted on
07/07/2002 2:44:30 PM PDT
To: marajade
It shows exactly what we are becoming. Nazis. Did you see his reply? He said he supported these procedures for his own benefit. If that isn't dr. mengele...what is?
posted on
07/07/2002 2:46:37 PM PDT
To: Satadru
One more time: There is "embryonic" stem cell research. There is "fetal" stem cell research. Each has to be dealt with seperately by law. Fetal stem cell research began before GW became president. That's the funding that he can't block. The creation of further embyronic stem cell lines is what he has blocked. You don't know your facts.
To: nsmart
Do you have any other problems that can be fixed using aborted baby parts?
posted on
07/07/2002 2:47:37 PM PDT
To: JMJ333
That is your judgment... it isn't mine...
To: Dane
The following refers to the legislation you are discussing.......
In the 1990s the political tide began to change in favor of fetal tissue research.
- In 1990, Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA) introduced the Research Freedom Act, a bill designed to end the ban on federal funding for fetal tissue transplantation research and to prohibit the executive branch from imposing policy on the NIH. 21 Although the Act passed both houses of Congress, President Bush vetoed it, and the House failed to override the veto by a vote of 271-156. 22
- In 1992, a second medical advisory panel, convened by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), met to assess the status of fetal research, including fetal tissue transplantation. At a subsequent conference, the panel stressed the need for federal funding to explore promising new areas of fetal research. 23
- Responding to the long-standing recommendations of the scientific community, President Clinton issued an executive order in January 1993, immediately upon taking office, lifting the ban on federal funding for research involving transplantation of fetal tissue from induced abortions. In lifting the ban, President Clinton explained that it had significantly hampered the development of possible treatments for individuals afflicted with serious diseases and disorders. In conjunction with the executive order, the administration also directed the NIH to develop guidelines for fetal tissue transplantation research. 24
- Later that year, Congress passed the NIH Revitalization Act, which permits HHS to conduct or support research on therapeutic fetal tissue transplantation and nullified the ban on federal funding of fetal tissue research and prohibits future bans by the Executive Branch. 25
posted on
07/07/2002 2:48:56 PM PDT
To: dcwusmc; Dane
oops. there is ONE difference... You and your ilk are cheering them on this time. We Constitutionalists believe that screwing the country is WRONG, no matter WHO does it or for what "noble" cause or reason.
posted on
07/07/2002 2:49:19 PM PDT
To: marajade
Lets think about this MJ. He condones creating a human being--killing them--researching on them--and them discarding them like trash---so that he can hear better.
I'm heart sick over that. That hurts bad.
posted on
07/07/2002 2:49:56 PM PDT
To: Dane
What did I lie about? Go take your medicine before you reply. I asked you a plain question and you turned it into your personal jihad to protect the lies of President Bush.
posted on
07/07/2002 2:50:06 PM PDT
To: JMJ333
I guess we disagree... I believe that life is created by God in the womb... All other life, if that is how you qualify it, doesn't exist...
To: dcwusmc
Jumping Jimmy would not have DARED to jump if the pubbies had held true to what got them elected in the first place. Uh maybe jumping jim decided to jump because Bush was going to uphold a conservative agenda and that is why he jumped and gave dashole the reins of power in the Senate to stop it.
Oh not never, never in the Libertarian/malcontent/third party world could that ever be a possibility.
posted on
07/07/2002 2:51:28 PM PDT
Comment #119 Removed by Moderator
To: Satadru
Did you read Deport's post?
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