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1 posted on 07/03/2002 7:18:33 AM PDT by orrick
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To: orrick

Works when it is caught in time.

Makes sense, it wont spread any where after that.

2 posted on 07/03/2002 7:19:43 AM PDT by RaceBannon
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To: orrick
When did they ever "treat" the first type of AIDS???
4 posted on 07/03/2002 7:21:38 AM PDT by antivenom
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To: orrick
The reasearchers blame the attitude of average Americans for the current situation, stating that people have stopped taking the disease seriously and have ceased to practice safe sex.

Why are they blaming the average American -- why not put the blame where it belongs -- in the gay community and especially the folks that consider themselves bi-sexual who have managed to transmit AIDs into the heterosexual community! This person from flyover country resents being tossed in with the SF and LA folks!

8 posted on 07/03/2002 7:24:42 AM PDT by PhiKapMom
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To: orrick
"Reasearchers have warned of the appearance of new strains of HIV, which due to patients abusing treatment programmes, have developed into super viruses which do not react to tradtional retroviral treatment."

Once again, the Sodomites have demonstrated the wisdom of the Biblical injunctions against pervereted and unnatural sexual acts.

11 posted on 07/03/2002 7:29:06 AM PDT by ZULU
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To: orrick
Its a lie its rampant among heterosexuals. By heteros the researchers principally mean drug addicts and prostitutes and johns who don't practice safe sex. Now let's cut to the chase and reveal what every one knows about AIDS but which isn't politically correct to say in public: that homosexuality is an unhealthy lifestyle and hazardous to human health. As in the appearance of the new super AIDS virus in American gay communities. Now there's a fact the heterophobes of GLAAD and GLSEN and all the glowing portrayal of gay characters on TV show are loath to tell the heterosexual world. As a result its entirely possible one will have to choose between one's health and one's sexuality preferences. All in all the bottom line now is its news the gay lobby just does not want to hear. BEING GAY IS DEADLY TO ONE'S LIFE.
14 posted on 07/03/2002 7:31:10 AM PDT by goldstategop
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To: orrick
Is this for real? Why do we have to find out about a new strain of AIDS in California from PRAVDA?
16 posted on 07/03/2002 7:31:45 AM PDT by Ahban
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To: orrick
Pravda's "Truth" is always suspect. AIDS has never been curable, only treatable. The facts are that it is avoidable, but not 100% avoidable. Those that risk acquiring the virus understand that they are at risk but choose to engage in risky behavior anyway. My response? Bon Voyage down the River Hades. The exceptions are, of course, victims who acquire the virus through transfusions and children born of an AIDS plagued parent. For them, it is a lottery win in reverse.
17 posted on 07/03/2002 7:33:30 AM PDT by Movemout
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To: orrick
This is a terrible source folks. Pravda had turned into almost the Weekly World News of Russia. I doubt this story is true since they are the first source. If anybody thinks a half broke inaccurate Russian paper is the first people to get this story from the United States, I have a square in Moscow to sell to you.
20 posted on 07/03/2002 7:35:34 AM PDT by dogbyte12
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To: orrick
Romans 1:18-27
For God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became nonsense, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles. Therefore God delivered them over in the cravings of their hearts to sexual impurity, so that their bodies were degraded among themselves. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. This is why God delivered them over to degrading passions. For even their females exchanged natural sexual intercourse for what is unnatural The males in the same way also left natural sexual intercourse with females and were inflamed in their lust for one another. Males committed shameless acts with males and RECEIVED IN THEIR OWN PERSONS THE APPROPIATE PENALTY FOR THEIR PERVERSION.
23 posted on 07/03/2002 7:38:52 AM PDT by Emilio
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To: orrick
Did you see the report on FOX a few days ago where the AIDS fund raisers had turned into sex orgies? O'Reilly's two guests on that segment got into a spat off screen and they had to call security to break them up. O'Reilly called them the two gay guys and had this amazed look on his face. Hilarious! parsy.
24 posted on 07/03/2002 7:39:30 AM PDT by parsifal
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To: orrick
God created AIDS as an effective treatment of homosexualiy and other undesirable activities.
25 posted on 07/03/2002 7:39:33 AM PDT by Khepera
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To: orrick
While I'm not going to express satisfaction over this - I watched a close friend of my ex-wife die of untreated AIDS in the early 80's, and I wouldn't wish it on Osama Bin Laden - it's hard not to see this as a result of hubris.

First the gay community blamed the disease on Ronald Reagan, homophobia, everything but their own behavior. Then they politicized the health funding system to direct a large fraction of US research resources to the disease, all the time whining we weren't doing enough. Then, finally, when the research community came up with several new families of anti-virals, got them tested and approved in record time, and the rest of us, largely uncomplainingly, paid through our insurance for these drugs to be doled out to AIDS patients, they took them as a license to go back to the massively promiscuous, unsafe sexual practices that were the real cause of the epidemic in the first place.

As with any drug, resistant strains are going to emerge, but what better way to ensure they emerge quickly than by intermittent treatment combined with behavior designed to spread the pathogen?

Since this time around it's unlikely anyone is going to catch the plague without real effort on his or her part - the blood supply is now safe - I'm afraid the predominant reaction to this second 'plague' will be that it should run its course.

27 posted on 07/03/2002 7:40:25 AM PDT by Right Wing Professor
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To: orrick
My god, we must do everything in our power to save the precious fairies!!! Maybe, later.

It just seems ti me that this is one of those problems that will solve itself and go away. What is the big deal? Is there any science that might facilitate the mutation?

31 posted on 07/03/2002 7:42:38 AM PDT by Tacis
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To: orrick
Reasearchers have warned of the appearance of new strains of HIV, which due to patients abusing treatment programmes, have developed into super viruses which do not react to tradtional retroviral treatment.

Untreatable? Nonsense! Just fork over several more mega-billions of taxpayer monies to devise new and improved AIDS cocktails so that the gay-lifestylers can get back to their devil-may-care sexual practices.

The best thing of all is, because homosexual behaviors--like all perverse sexual behaviors--by liberterian definition harm no one but the persons who engage in them, this won't cost the rest of us a penny!

I know . . . I know. There seems to be a logical disconnect between the assertion that we need only to fork over mega-billions more in taxapayer monies to devise new treatments, and the assertion that this won't cost us a penny, but libertarians assure me this is true.

When it comes to perverse sexual practices, there is such thing as a free lunch.

At least in libertarian la la land, there is.

36 posted on 07/03/2002 7:50:36 AM PDT by Kevin Curry
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To: orrick
Yep, that's something to be proud of.
38 posted on 07/03/2002 7:51:13 AM PDT by Paul Atreides
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To: orrick
There is an absolute bullet proof slam dunk remedy for AIDs that is guaranteed to be effective and eliminate the problem--that is; no sex before marriage; sex thereafter only with the wife, only with one wife; all God's plan for this relationship.

Now this is not intended as a judgment on any individual--in the modern world, it is an increasingly difficult remedy to implement. The chances of finding an existing Christian husband or wife are slim; kids will be kids and even in Christian communities, they are sexually active.

But as a judgment on our society and on modern America, we need to return to a committed social environment in which the Judeo Christian ethic dictates the minimum level of acceptable moral sexual relationships--if we don't, God will judge us for our transgressions.

42 posted on 07/03/2002 7:56:15 AM PDT by David
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To: orrick
Virus becomes resistant to treatment---not only unsurprising, but inevitable.

Curious that we can't create a vaccine!!

53 posted on 07/03/2002 8:12:54 AM PDT by Mamzelle
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To: orrick
You could see this coming like an eighteen wheeler. The real reason the rate of new infections dropped was because once over 50% of the "at risk" population was infected, statistically, it became impossible for the new infection rate to continue going up. Additionally, the treatments allowed infected people to continue fairly normal lives. This, unfortunately, meant continuing to have random sexual intercourse with strangers.

One issue that's usually overlooked is that once someone has AIDS, THEY don't have anything to lose, and are therefore the most likely to continue in unsafe practices. Saw one movie made by homosexual men as part of a gay/lesbian film festival (no I'm not and it's a long story as to how I ended up seeing it), and there were several interviews with AIDS patients stating that they generally didn't tell their partners they had AIDS because it would ruin the mood. I think approximately 50% of AIDS infected homosexual men, according to some studies, have stated that they would lie about having AIDS in order to have sex with someone. Haven't seen any stats on straight men, but I know a LOT of women who have gotten herpes & other STD's from guys who didn't tell them a thing.

61 posted on 07/03/2002 8:53:26 AM PDT by Richard Kimball
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To: orrick
SOURCE = "Pravda" ?!?!
75 posted on 07/03/2002 9:24:46 AM PDT by ChadGore
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To: orrick
I guess it's time to drum up some new grant money.
80 posted on 07/03/2002 9:43:40 AM PDT by Stentor
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