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High anxieties : What the WHO doesn't want you to know about cannabis
New Scientist ^
Posted on 07/02/2002 8:56:30 AM PDT by WindMinstrel
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To: LandofLincoln
That would be the best excuse call ever!
"Um, dude, I'm not gonna come in today, 'cause, like, my roommate from college was in town last night, and, um, we kinda got to reminiscing, and, um . . . where was I? . . . oh, yeah, it's kind of a bummer, 'cause I spilled bongwater all over my carpet, and I gotta . . . shut up, y'all, I'm on the phone . . . anyway, uh, I'm like sick or something."
To: Wolfie; Hap
How does one get on your ping list? I'd love to be on it - and five bucks says Hap does too.
Comment #163 Removed by Moderator
To: Destructor
Who exactly supports legalizing drugs, and the whole counter-culture, anti-American crap line anyway? Conservatives? Wrong.
Man, am I glad you're here. I've been calling myself a conservative for so long, and I'm embarrassed as all hell to find out I was wrong.
So tell me: if I'm for Ron Paul, school vouchers, the NRA, legalization, capitalism, and Ann Coulter, and against abortion, Amnesty International, Susan Sarandon, government interference, and Hillary, am I a leftist?
I sure hope not. I hate to think I've been voting the wrong ticket for the last 15 years.
Comment #165 Removed by Moderator
To: sciencediet
Oxygen deprivation was indeed the terminal affect of smoking so much pot, something a voluntary smoker couldn't possibly attain because a human would eventually forget to smoke the thing.
True story: when I was in high school, a buddy of mine decided to try to OD on pot. He gave up after a few hours, when he realized that he didn't have that kind of time. (And we didn't have jobs, so we had all kinds of time.)
To: jodorowsky
Yowza! Where do I get me one a them jumpsuits?
to overdose, you would have to consume 40,000 times as much marijuana as you needed to get stoned. In other words it is not possible to get a toxic dose of marijuana. 40,000 times a usual dose must be 1200-1300 pounds of the stuff and only the government burns that much all at once.
To: Dakmar; jodorowsky
Shut up the both a ya, or I'll sic the Master Control Program on you.
To: oceanperch
Welcome home!
To: one_particular_harbour
Most of the drug-warrior types are quite socialist in their thinking. They talk a good line on many issues, but when the fat is in the fire they really seem to think the government should be the final authority on morality.
posted on
07/02/2002 4:57:26 PM PDT
To: Xenalyte
You can't do that, I'll just morph into another class or execute the biggest interrupt known to mankind. :-)
posted on
07/02/2002 5:01:46 PM PDT
To: Xenalyte
Back in the 60s, A friend of mine quit college, was between jobs, and decided to see how much pot she could smoke in one day. She called to tell me she rolled seven joints and sat down to watch a movie. I split a gut laughing when she said that by the end of the day she had six and a half joints left but her apartment was really clean. Said she never did see the end of the movie, though.
To: sciencediet
In other words it is not possible to get a toxic dose of marijuana. 40,000 times a usual dose must be 1200-1300 pounds of the stuff So it must be much less than toxic dose of sugar or salt. BTW, I read that in China people commit suicide by eating a lot of kitchen salt. In Easter Europe people happen to try it by drinking too much vodka.
posted on
07/02/2002 5:10:14 PM PDT
A. Pole
To: A. Pole
Salt and seawater are very toxic and it doesn't take much to kill a person. Even fresh water can kill as evidenced by the Florida woman who went on Stillman's water diet years ago. Her problem is she ate nothing, just drank water, which resulted in a severe electrolite imbalance. I don't recall how long it took, but it killed her.
To: sciencediet; summer; one_particular_harbour
If this salt and seawater you describe is so toxic, why aren't there HHS, DEA, or Coast Guard protecting folks from runnin out there in the ocean just to have a shot at gnawing on turtles and sea-rocks?
posted on
07/02/2002 5:33:07 PM PDT
To: Dakmar
You could gnaw on turtles and sea rocks, just don't drink the ocean. Unless they're protected turtles and endangered sea rocks. They are protected but in this case, we are not. Dakmar, how about coming up with a seawater diet that we can sell to the Democrats?
To: Xenalyte
I was taught that a stone was a razr but where I was adopted to the stone did not work on my Europeon/Irish skin.
But the hair is vanishing as I grow in to my Forties.
I still have a great pair of legs and strong shoulders.
Coast Guard Fly Over Still. LOL
To: Dakmar
execute the biggest interrupt known to mankind. :-)We call that "The Big Orange Switch". ;)
To: sciencediet
Well, I suppose we could talk about all the oppressed people forced to drink sea water, but then we'd have to scout some up. It would be easier and cheaper to just hire some folks to look downtrodden for an afternoon, I suppose. Would we still have to rent real turtles?
posted on
07/02/2002 6:25:26 PM PDT
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