Terah ["station"]>>> Haran ["mountaineer"]>>> Lot ["covering"]
Seismologists are keeping a very close watch on Mount Hood today after at least two moderate earthquakes rattled the area.
It was the strongest quake in the area in recent decades, he said, and had been followed by hundreds of small aftershocks.
Looks like a Lot of earthquakes are registering at the monitoring stations at Mount Hood.
Main Entry: 1hood
Pronunciation: 'hud
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hOd; akin to Old High German huot head covering, huota guard
Date: before 12th century
1 a (1) : a flexible covering for the head and neck (2) : a protective covering for the head and face b : a covering for a hawk's head and eyes c : a covering for a horse's head; also : BLINDER
2 a : an ornamental scarf worn over an academic gown that indicates by its color the wearer's college or university b : a color marking or crest on the head of an animal or an expansion of the head that suggests a hood
3 a : something resembling a hood in form or use b : a cover for parts of mechanisms; specifically : the movable metal covering over the engine of an automobile c chiefly British : a top cover over the passenger section of a vehicle usually designed to be folded back d : an enclosure or canopy provided with a draft for carrying off disagreeable or noxious fumes, sprays, smokes, or dusts e : a covering for an opening (as a companion hatch) on a boat
- hood transitive verb
- hood·like /-"lIk/ adjective
also : BLINDER
Days of Lot bump.