I was thinking back to the 1996 election; I was NOT for Dole, but once the party chose him, I supported him fully. I did NOT carp and whine and try to tear him down. I did not say I wasn't going to vote for him; I worked for the GOOD of this country -- and, in all honesty, to GET BILL CLINTON out of there -- so we could retake and reshape this country.
I believe we need to focus on the elections now and STOP being distracted by all the "noise" going on on this web site; I believe distraction IS their goal; and I believe the people among us who are not for George W. Bush will and probably ARE organizing a "stay at home" protest, thinking they will somehow teach us and the country "a lesson." And I believe that they would be happy to see Bush lose just to prove themselves "right," however twisted we may think that would be.
Now, we have two choices. We can sit here and spin our wheels or we can go out and fight like hell to reclaim the Senate to make this country a much better place to live for ourselves and those who follow us, or we can sit here and argue among ourselves.
I choose Door Number 1. I believe George W. Bush is doing everything he can humanly do for this country in the situation he has found himself in. I intend to fully support him in 2004, and I intend to work and vote for Republican candidates this fall, so that we can reclaim the Senate and GET CONSERVATIVE JUDGES PUT ON THE BENCHES, among other things.
As for being a BushBot, as I told several people today, I wear that label, which they seem to believe is a smear, proudly. If it means I support Bush as president of the United States, even though I don't agree with every single word he says, then they can call me whatever they want.
Remember when liberals called us "Clinton haters?" Remember how proudly we wore that label? To me, it's the same thing. I, for one, am not going to waste my time trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced that Bush is our only hope. I do, however, reserve the right to TRY to correct obvious innocent errors in statements made and TRY to slap down the REALLY BIG LIES.....LOL.
Just my thoughts. I'll probably be flamed, but I know a lot of us are upset about some of the things I've discussed here. I'd be interested in hearing any CONSTRUCTIVE advice/information any of you have. (But I won't respond to taunts on this thread.)