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It is nonetheless puzzling why so many of the French have been willing to pay the equivalent of $17 for [this book].

....The book has proved to be a windfall for Mr. Meyssan's publisher. More accustomed to publishing marginal books on subjects like the "false" American moon landing in 1969 and the latest "truth" about U.F.O.'s, Éditions Carnot can now boast of its first best seller

The one and only reason I am posting this article is because it proved to me, for the first time, there is something seriously wrong with some French people.

I never felt that way before. I always thought criticism of the French was overstated and exaggerated, especially because I have spent time in France and enjoyed it.

However, with news that the French have made this author's book a best seller -- despite the fact its publisher previously published a book about the USA's "false" moon landing in 1969, and despite the denouncement of the book by editorial writers on the left in France, who warn of totalitarinism when a real event [the attack on the US by foreign terrorists] is regarded as 'fictional' -- as in this book, then: I am forced to conclude there is something more bizarre going on with some French people than I ever previously imagined.

1 posted on 06/22/2002 5:43:41 AM PDT by summer
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To: summer
First, it's only 200,000 copies sold out of a population of about 60 million, of which about 6 million are Muslims. Second, even if someone bought the book, it doesn't mean they bought the ideas. Third, there are people who buy books out of curiousity, I have a copy of Mein Kampf and a copy of Das Kapital. I'm neither a nazi or a commie. So, I wouldn't condemn the entire country for this.
2 posted on 06/22/2002 5:55:41 AM PDT by Kermit
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To: summer
I have proof that this man is advancing his theory on orders of right-wingers in American government to appear so loony that no one thinks this could actually be true, when in fact it was the Rothchild family that ordered the Mossad to fake 19 Arabs out of their ranks and send them into the planes which they parachuted out of in the last seconds because one of them was Elvis and another was Jim Morrison and we don't want them to die yet because their music is the only way we can speak to the aliens who control the Council for Foreign Relations which was set up to stop the Masons from ruling the world.

I have proof.

3 posted on 06/22/2002 5:56:47 AM PDT by Lazamataz
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To: summer
The one and only reason I am posting this article is because it proved to me, for the first time, there is something seriously wrong with some French people.

Oh, the French aren't the only ones who believe this crap. A whole lot of young Democrats believe it as well. Just troll around on DemUnderground and look for one of their threads about "LIHOP" - (Bush) Let It Happen On Purpose. I want to reiterate, not all of them believe it- but still a lot of 'em do and this goes some way towards explaining the number of hits this French looney gets on his website from the USA.

I'm kind of torn on this. On the one hand, I see it is a brilliant way to just let the lefties self destruct- surely if they believe this kind of crap they would also believe the moon is made of cheese. It could be used as a demonstrable fact that they aren't fit to rule (nor perhaps even to drive a car). In this vein, I think we should get Cynthia McKinney to visit this theory and have her state her official belief in it- obviously discrediting her. The media, at long last, would have to address these lunatic fringe leftists as the psychos that they are and a whole segment of the lefties would get discredited and demonized in the press the way the Christian Right has been. The GOP could appeal to the American public as the "Voice of Reason" in a world gone mad and I figure there are enough rational people left out there who would respond to that.

Imagine being able to refer to that in a Presidential debate- "While my Democratic opponent here has been out chasing UFOs and watching the X-Files, my National Security team has been putting together a realistic and comprehensive plan to deal with this very real threat to our security..."

BUT on the other hand, nowadays I don't have enough faith in the average young person out there not to see why this is an obvious fiction- ie I think a lot of young Americans have been set up to believe this thing, just like they believe Clinton is a saint. I wouldn't want those people voting. Could you imagine Bush not getting reelected because of a bunch of certifiable fruitcakes that believed this theory voted against him?

9 posted on 06/22/2002 6:09:50 AM PDT by Prodigal Son
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To: summer
Testing . . . . . . . . . . OOPS!

11 posted on 06/22/2002 6:16:02 AM PDT by KS Flyover
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To: summer
Bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys!
12 posted on 06/22/2002 6:16:45 AM PDT by Double Tap
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To: summer
I've been waiting for this sort of thing.. Next we'll hear that gwb flew a jet into the first trade tower and cheney flew into the second trade tower. Yes.. of course its obsurd. but I'm sure at least one person out there would buy a copy.
15 posted on 06/22/2002 6:20:22 AM PDT by aSkeptic
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To: summer
Do you know why the French lost in the World Cup?

When the half time gun went off, they surrendered.

33 posted on 06/22/2002 7:54:19 AM PDT by Drango
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To: summer
This French author's entire premise is absurd. It'd be like saying a large portion of the French government in the '40s was in cahoots with the Nazis and...

As you were.

34 posted on 06/22/2002 8:03:12 AM PDT by nravoter
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To: summer
Sacré bleu! Je déteste les Français!
35 posted on 06/22/2002 8:07:35 AM PDT by LibKill
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To: summer
This excerpt is insightful:

Guillaume Dasquié and Jean Guisnel, the authors of "The Horrifying Lie," favor a different explanation for the book's success. They write of France's "profound social and political sickness," which leads people to embrace the idea "that they are victims of plots, that the truth is hidden from them, that they should not believe official versions, but rather that they should demystify all expressions of power, whatever they might be."

36 posted on 06/22/2002 8:18:02 AM PDT by peteram
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To: summer
When "The Black Book of Communism" came out in France and spelled out in excruciating detail the murder of tens of millions of people by socialists, the New York Times hardly gave it notice.
42 posted on 06/22/2002 9:07:58 AM PDT by LarryLied
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To: summer
The French, as is their custom, are retreating and surrendering in the face of an invasion. Their country is overrun with moslems, I am sure the book sells very well to them who want to hide their evil under a blanket of conspiracy.

44 posted on 06/22/2002 10:13:53 AM PDT by rageaholic
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To: summer
". . . which leads people to embrace the idea "that they are victims of plots, that the truth is hidden from them, that they should not believe official versions, . . ."

Hey, it's been a long time since I believed anything the New York Times told me. I think a lot of FReepers agree.

47 posted on 06/22/2002 11:42:39 AM PDT by JohnathanRGalt
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To: summer
"Yet in the past three months, Mr. Meyssan's book has sold more than 200,000 copies in France, It is nonetheless puzzling why so many of the French have been willing to pay the equivalent of $17 for "The Horrifying Fraud." Is it a symptom of latent anti-Americanism? Is it a reflection of the French public's famous distrust of its own government and mainstream newspapers? Or has the French love of logic been tickled by the apparent Cartesian neatness of a conspiracy theory?"

Uhh, I'd venture a guess that France probably has at least 200,000 Arabs living on Government welfare and spending French taxpayers money to buy a book that fits into their grand scheme of things.

This thing will shoot straight to the top of the Middle East Times Best seller list right next to Mein Kampf.


James S. Robbins on Thierry Meyssan

O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.
— Voltaire, 1767

Well, it did not take long for the ridiculous to find its way into print. In what is billed as the "first independent inquiry" into the events of Sept. 11, French left-wing activist Thierry Meyssan comes to the shocking conclusion that the Pentagon was not hit by American Airlines Flight 77. His book, L'Effroyable Imposture (The Frightening Fraud) is apparently a hot seller in his native land, the first 20,000 copies having been whisked off the shelves with more to follow. Meyssan, who had published his views as early as October 8 on his website, the Voltaire Network, (the philosophe must be spinning in his grave having his name appropriated by this imbecile), proves, at least to his own satisfaction, that the damage to the Pentagon could not have been caused by a Boeing 757, but was in fact the result of a carefully planned truck bombing or missile strike which was then made to look like a plane crash.
Meyssan offers as evidence a careful analysis of images of the crash site. (See "Hunt the Boeing," a site based on Meyssan's assertions and run by his son, and the point-by-point refutation here.) He also notes discrepancies in the eyewitness descriptions. (See here for a compendium of eyewitness accounts that, in fact, all pretty much agree.) Note that I haven't read the book — I'm waiting for the movie — but presumably Meyssan answers salient questions such as, if Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon, where is it? Where are Barbara Olson and the other passengers who left loved ones behind? If the eyewitnesses can't agree on what they saw, what was it they are disagreeing about and why are there so many of them?

No matter. Meyssan's purpose is to uncover a much deeper plot of the United States against the world. He reveals other interesting facts, like bin Laden was an agent of the U.S. who was used by President Bush to destroy secret CIA offices in the World Trade Towers. Seems like a lot of effort — when Stansfield Turner wanted to do it he just fired a bunch of guys. And if the WTC planes were part of the plan, and presumably also United Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania, why go to the trouble of fabricating a strike on the Pentagon instead of just using another aircraft like the missing Flight 77? At some point Occam's Razor has to come into play. But to the tortured mind of Meyssan, whose other causes include hard anti-Catholicism and "rejection of a return to a moral order" it probably makes a lot of sense.

Today is Yom Hashoah, the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust, and Meyssan's theory fits neatly with those of the Holocaust deniers. In both cases, the premises of their originators are indefensible, which forces them into a position where they have to throw the facts overboard to sustain their arguments. But notions like this are kept alive by people who have a predisposition to believe them, those who have pre-existing grudges and will engage in whatever reality-denying behavior justifies their baseline prejudices. For example, it is already widely believed in the Middle East that Sept. 11 was not perpetrated by bin Laden but by the Mossad, the CIA, or some other group, in order to give the United States a pretext to intervene in the region. Meyssan's theory is a qualitative step beyond the idea that al Qaeda was not behind the attacks — he denies that the attack on the Pentagon even happened, at least not "the way the government says it did." This story is certain to find fertile soil in some of the more radical quarters, especially among those that both deny the Holocaust happened and wish it had been more effective. For example Ibrahim Abu-al-Naja, the first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, who complained about how the world was going to make the Palestinians "pay the price for what happened to [the Jews], if indeed anything had happened to them." Or the recent editorial on WAFA, the Palestinian Authority news service, that admitted that a few Jews went to the gas chambers, but "about whose number there is some ambiguity." (WAFA had no trouble counting the 12 million Native Americans allegedly exterminated in the 17th-19th centuries.) If Meyssan has any sense at all, he will rush out an Arabic edition pronto.

The answer to Meyssan and any other such revisionist is the truth, particularly the primary sources, the body of knowledge compiled by those who experienced the events in question. In the case of the Holocaust, the affirmative evidence is overwhelming, particularly the living record, the dwindling numbers of survivors and witnesses who have assumed the responsibility to chronicle their stories, to relay them personally to generations born long after the events. Likewise with the Sept. 11 attacks, it is incumbent to remember, and through memory to prevent similar events from happening again. The images of the WTC attacks speak for themselves. Where video is lacking, as in the case of Flight 77 (which is more proof of the plot, says Meyssan) it is up to the eyewitnesses to tell their stories.

So here's mine. I was in my Washington office doing research when one of the secretaries told me that an aircraft had hit the World Trade Center. We brought the news up on the projection screen in our darkened conference room and watched the coverage, seeing endless six-foot high replays of the impacts and explosions. It was unsettling, even disorienting, but my colleagues and I were appraising it professionally, trading theories on who was to blame and how the terrorists coordinated the attacks. We did not come to any firm conclusions.

I went back to my office around 9:20. A short time later a friend of mine called, an Air Force officer, and we spoke awhile about the strikes in New York. I was standing, looking out my large office window, which faces west and from six stories up has a commanding view of the Potomac and the Virginia heights. (When I hired on my boss said we had the best view in town. True, most days.) The Pentagon is about a mile and half distant in the center of the tableau. I was looking directly at it when the aircraft struck. The sight of the 757 diving in at an unrecoverable angle is frozen in my memory, but at the time, I did not immediately comprehend what I was witnessing. There was a silvery flash, an explosion, and a dark, mushroom shaped cloud rose over the building. I froze, gaping for a second until the sound of the detonation, a sharp pop at that distance, shook me out of it. I shouted something both extremely profane and sacrilegious and told my friend, "They hit the Pentagon. We're under attack. Gotta go." I hung up the phone and turned back to the window to see the dark cloud spreading. I yelled down the hall, "Look out the window!" I heard gasps outside, and a researcher dashed into my office and stared. I grabbed my bags and said I was getting out of the building and invited others to do the same. I took the elevator down and walked to the edge of the greensward, in easy view of the Pentagon across the river. I set down my bags and stood in the dew soaked grass, seeing the brilliant blue sky filling with rolling clouds of smoke. The blackness stretched south the length of the horizon. The adrenaline of the initial shock had worn off a bit, and I was able to take in the enormity of the event. Even more than witnessing the plane crash, I remember those long helpless minutes standing in the grass.

So, of course, I take it personally when a half-wit like Meyssan comes along saying it did not happen. And he is so evidently at war with reality that one is tempted not to waste time with him. His ideas are obviously foolish, easily disproved, an affront to any reasoning person. It would be easy to ignore him. But that would be a mistake. This is another front in what President Bush called "the war to save civilization itself." The history of the 20th century should show that no idea is so absurd that it cannot take destructive hold and play havoc with societies, even to the point of sanctioning mass murder. Allowing the extremists to go unchallenged only encourages them. People like Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot and other millennial criminals were just like Meyssan at one point in their careers. If they had been opposed more vigorously sooner, perhaps they never would have attained power. When such ideas are allowed to stand, they take root among the impressionable or those predisposed to think the worst. And especially now that communications technology has made it possible to give global reach to the bizarre and archive it forever, it is essential for men and women of reason resolutely to counter the delusions of the fringe element.

I was there. I saw it. That is my entire rebuttal.

49 posted on 06/22/2002 12:04:29 PM PDT by VaBthang4
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To: summer
I think we have finally discovered the true identity of Michael Rivero.
50 posted on 06/22/2002 2:05:25 PM PDT by Gritty
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To: summer
The one and only reason I am posting this article is because it proved to me, for the first time, there is something seriously wrong with some French people. "I never felt that way before. I always thought criticism of the French was overstated and exaggerated, especially because I have spent time in France and enjoyed it."

"I am forced to conclude there is something more bizarre going on with some French people than I ever previously imagined."

I think you've hit upon something profound. A large contingent of French FreeRepublic posters could go far to explain some of the "bizare" threads we've seen here.

52 posted on 06/22/2002 5:01:08 PM PDT by DugwayDuke
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To: summer
His "truth" is that no Muslims took part in the attacks "because the Koran forbids suicide."

So this guy thinks that no Muslim has ever engaged in a suicide, let alone a suicide bombing. How stupid is he?
54 posted on 06/22/2002 6:24:42 PM PDT by Michael2001
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To: summer
58 posted on 06/24/2002 2:27:54 PM PDT by Aurelius
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