The Mexican people are like the Palestinians, he said.
I wonder who he identifies with-- Arafat or homicidal bomber? I vote Arafat.
Ive been waiting for someone to come forward and make this claim! HAHAHA! What a war there will be if someone tries to hand over Texas to mexico! Texans take no bull from government types, and they sure are not going to hand over their land! This would be like Nelson' Mandella and his evil empire killing ranchers and farmers so that the land goes back to black africans.
Illegal aliens and their ilk are like a cultural cancer.
1) Mexico will ultimately reabsorb the Southwest. Demographics is destiny. When the majority of the population in these states is Hispanic, the border will collapse (even more than it has already) and the remaining white population will flee (the way they fled the cities back in the 70s)
2) Frankly, they can have the border states if they want...but I would demand a few conditions:
a) They have to keep all of the Hollywood liberals. Ted Danson, Steven Speilberg, etc...they all must stay and live in the new Aztlan. They are a pain in the butt anyway, and are always trashing the Western let them live in the utopia of their dreams.
b) Mexico accepts that the new border will be militarized by the US (land mines, etc) and that no new illegal avalanche will be allowed to cross the new border once the southwest reverts to Mexican levels of socioeconomic development. Fool me once....etc.
If a Palestinian eats a bean taco...will he explode?
What a self-evidently STUPID statement.
The Serbs were just the latest to wake up one fine morning and find that they were a minority in their own land (Kosovo). Soon the English will be a minority in England. The Israelis will soon find that the Israeli born arab population will outnumber the jews.
Blacks and whites in this country will soon find that they will both be relegated to minorities in a generation.
What will we say when these new colonias in our midst made up of Mexican cholos and Muslims from rab lands demand self-determination? Their reproductive rate is 5 to 6 per couple and they are not integrating into our society or becoming Westernized.
Yes there will be the usual band of idiots that will say that immigration is good for us. That we are an immigrant nation etc. and that all these people will eventually become Americans as our ancestors did.
There is one difference, the jet plane. The modern immigrant is a cheap ticket from back home. The modern immigrant is not (western judeo-christian). This includes the Mexican indians who are animist and marginally catholic as they have been for centuries. The modern immigrant is here to take advanteage of our idiocy and establish "colonias".
In the words of a famous Irish poet. "Things fall apart. The center cannot hold."