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Mexico Wants Arizona Back (Now on Hannity & Colmbs
FoxNews ^
| 6/21/02
Posted on 06/21/2002 6:47:57 PM PDT by Mom_Grandmother
Mexico, at least one person anyhow, wants several of our states back, they belong to Mexico. On Hannity & Colmbs Now!!!
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: arizona; donutwatch; landgrab; mexico; southwest
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To: Mom_Grandmother
Is there are spanish word for "intifada"?
posted on
06/21/2002 6:49:34 PM PDT
To: Mom_Grandmother
They can have it and McCain.
To: Nachum
If it's Spanish, it's "caca".
To: All
He wants Texas, Cal., Arizona
To: Mom_Grandmother
Heck, McCain virtually wants to give it back.
Hannity & Colmbs should have had him on too and the whole deal could have been worked out on air.
posted on
06/21/2002 6:52:18 PM PDT
To: Mom_Grandmother
The area in the future will be so populated by Mexicans, that is how he thinks it will be given to them. The Mexican people are like the Palestinians, he said.
To: Mom_Grandmother
Hey, all you have to do is ask......this is probably the same guy on OReilly last week.
posted on
06/21/2002 6:53:12 PM PDT
The Raven
To: Mom_Grandmother
Well, then I guess that they will have to give back all of Central and South America back to Spain and Portugal.
To: Aggie Mama
>>Well, then I guess that they will have to give back all of Central and South America back to Spain and Portugal. the incas
To: mrsmith
I think Rep. Kolbe feels the same.
posted on
06/21/2002 6:54:35 PM PDT
To: All
Didn't last long but he did go public what others have been whispering for years, they do want the Southwest and they intend on fighting for it. What is our next move people, close all the Taco Bells?
To: Aggie Mama
I guess that they will have to give back all of Central and South America back to Spain and Portugal.Think they still want them?
posted on
06/21/2002 6:55:08 PM PDT
To: Mom_Grandmother
The Mexican people are like the Palestinians, he said.I wonder who he identifies with-- Arafat or homicidal bomber? I vote Arafat.
posted on
06/21/2002 6:56:09 PM PDT
To: Aggie Mama
"Well, then I guess that they will have to give back all of Central and South America back to Spain and Portugal." I think we should hand over "Cincinnati", what do you think?
To: Mom_Grandmother
Take California and Massachusetts and you've got a deal.
posted on
06/21/2002 6:56:49 PM PDT
To: Huck
What about Vermont?
posted on
06/21/2002 6:58:04 PM PDT
To: Mom_Grandmother
I heard the Sean Hannity radio show today, and its just as good and a requirement like Rush's show. Sean said that 54% of all mexicans polled in mexico believe that much of the USA belongs to them, and that they have a right to enter it freely.
Wheres Coffee Cup Annon and the group of thugs at the UN? Why aren't they running down there demanding that evil whites turn over the Southwest to mexico?
Oh boy, this is really getting out of hand.
To: Huck
"Take California and Massachusetts and you've got a deal." That means they'd have the Crips, Bloods and the Kennedy's, it's a deal, sold.
To: Mom_Grandmother
To: Mom_Grandmother The area in the future will be so populated by Mexicans, that is how he thinks it will be given to them. The Mexican people are like the Palestinians, he said. 7 posted on 6/21/02 8:52 PM Central by Mom_Grandmother
Ive been waiting for someone to come forward and make this claim! HAHAHA! What a war there will be if someone tries to hand over Texas to mexico! Texans take no bull from government types, and they sure are not going to hand over their land! This would be like Nelson' Mandella and his evil empire killing ranchers and farmers so that the land goes back to black africans.
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