First you find my question.
Second you find the resource.
Third you copy the data.
Fourth you format the data
Fifth you post the data
This you do in five to seven minutes. I don't think there are more than a few people on this forum that are even tuned into the heritage rivers initiative, so the idea that you've just kept that issue in the back of your mind is rather humorous.
Why would I be upset? You didn't point out that my anti-Liberal Bush posts were incorrect. You merely provided some information I requested via a question. Duh! Then you inserted a slam as if even ten out of 100,000 of Americans even knew of the Heritage River's initiative, let alone the 1 out of ten million that might have known that a portion of it was abolished. LOL, you sure are impressed with your paultry defense of this lame brain.
"Searched the web for Heritage River Initiative. Results 1 - 10 of about 129,000. Search took 0.22 seconds."
Try again smart guy....