Finally, someone comes out with a reasonably believable figgure as to how many illegals are here.
285,000,000 U.S. Population
35,300,000 Illegal Mexicans
249,700,000 How many of this remaining figgure are illegals from other countries? Fifteen million? Twenty million? How many are legal immigrants from third world nations? Ten to Twenty million, counting all forms of legal immigration including that ever gaping loop hole "Political Asylum"?
In the last decade, the 11.2 million immigrants who arrived, plus the 6.4 million children born to immigrants living here, equaled almost 70% of the nations population growth. Thats just flat-out too much, too fast.
Hmm. Let's see...
Uncontrolled population growth is bad....unless it's the result of uncontrolled immigration.
Crime is bad....unless it's the result of aliens breaking immigration (and often other) laws.
Wage depression is bad...unless it happens because immigrants are "doing the jobs Americans won't do"...for the depressed wages.
Expansion of overtaxed state educational and welfare facilities is bad...unless necessary to accommodate an uncontrolled inflow of immigrants, both legal and illegal....I mean, "undocumented."
Leaving our borders undefended against hostile infiltration and incursion is bad...unless otherwise all those immigrants would have to enter the US legally, if at all.
OK, I think I got it now. I hope we all get it soon, before it gets us.
...into Mexico.
Nearly every day we hear of a new potential terrorist threat. Our borders are wide open leaving the opportunity for any type of questionable characters to enter our country. If that's not enough, President Bush wants to give amnesty to the ones that are here illegally.
Not to worry though, in the interest of protecting us from ourselves the nanny-state government will be working hard to 'crack down' on us. Why? To make sure we are wearing our seatbelts. I suppose it will be easier to identify our bodies if we're still strapped in our cars once the bombs go off. Where are our priorities?
Still haven't seen it published........
You got that right. It's like sueing a bank because they don't provide get-away cars for the crooks.
Like you stated, if they enter this Country legally and study to become U.S. citizens and work for a living I have no problem. Its the illegal ones that get me mad as hell. They come over here and become nothing more than parasites that cost Americans billions and billions.
I say not only put up a fence but a triple fence with mines in the first set and dogs in the second.