Now we are more worried about security, the Middle East, Europe and a whole host of things which we barely acknowledged previously.
But Rush is largely singing the same tune as he started with in 1988.
To my ears his riff is sounding old, tired and boring and Rush is beginning to get on my nerves.
When I've been listening Rush has never mentioned the political and social mess in Europe, which is having and will continue to have consequences for us here in the U.S.
Nor has he mentioned the problem of Muslim infiltration of the U.S.
Or the rising anti-Americanism and anti-Sematism on American campuses.
Or the growing signs of an alliance between Islamists, anarchists and other extremisdt groups worldwide.
Rush is like a prehistoric insect frozen in amber, forever trapped and ossified by his immediate environment..
He needs to broaden his horizons, but he seems increasingly oblivious to anything beyond domestic partisan politics, the culture war, golf, cigars and the lovely and gracious Marta.
I'm very much afraid that Rush's time has come and gone.
Isn't this the kind of rhetoric liberals use to describe conservatives? I thought conservatives were SUPPOSED to stick to their ideology, SUPPOSED to try and preserve the conservative principles that helped get us where we are... but now you want Rush to become a flip-floppy, unprincipled waffler who becomes more and more PRO-BIG-DADDY-GOVERNMENT? Why, that'd make him just like all the other sheeple in America, slowly accepting increased taxation and reduced freedom, accepting Republican budgets that break the bank and ramp up Big Government spending in key liberal areas -- Health, Education, and Welfare.
So you're upset at Rush because he's being TOO GOOD of a conservative? Maybe YOU need to re-evaluate what a 'conservative' is, instead of just accepting the creeping involvement of government into EVERY facet of your life.
BTW, I think Rush is a big fat windbag most of the time, but I respect the fact that he hasn't completely given in to the complete liberalization of our culture and leaders (and I'm a Libertarian, for goodness sake). I'd think more Conservatives would applaud such efforts, but evidently not.
Rush has a handle on bedrock principles. That's why he is still #1 in the business--and his ability to entertain helps, yes.
I do not always agree with him, and sometimes I have written lengthy nastygrams to him.
However, his time is noon-three Central--and he OWNS it.
You don't.